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sackn. 1 1. Spanish white wine (西班牙)白葡萄酒。 △Shr.Ind.2.2:“a cup of sack,”一杯白葡萄酒。 △Wiv.2.1.9(8):“You love sack,and so do I;”你爱喝酒,我也爱喝酒。 △2H.IV.1.2.225 (198):“not in ashes and sackcloth,but in new silk and old sack.”不是身披粗麻布坐在灰堆之中,而是穿绸着缎大喝陈年佳酿。 △ H.V.2.3.29 (27):“They say he cried out of sack.”他们说他骂过白酒。 2. Spanish white wine,sweet wine 西班牙白葡萄酒,甜酒。 △1H.IV.1.2.2:“Thou art so fat-witted with drink-ing of old sack,”你是把陈年甜酒喝得太多了,头脑才这样糊涂。 3. Spanish wine,generally of a dry character 西班牙酒,干酒。 △2H.IV.2.2.148 (135): “My lord,I’ll steepthis letter in sack and make him eat it.”殿下,我要把这封信泡在干酒里,再叫他吃下去。
sackn. 2 plundering or devastation of a town 对一个城市的劫掠或破坏。 △1H.VI.2.2.14: “Upon the which,that everyone may read,/ Shall be engraved the sackof Orleans,”在那墓碑上,为了让人人都可以读到,将要铭刻着奥尔良被洗劫的经过。
sackvt. 1. storm,plunder,pillage 猛攻,掠夺,抢劫。 △1H.VI.3.2.10:“Our sacks shall be a mean to sack the city,”我 们的麻袋正好做了洗劫这个城市的手段。 2. plunder,pillage (with punning on sack = Spanishwine) 抢劫,掠夺。 △1H.IV.5.3.55 (53):“Ay,Hal,’tis hot,’tis hot,There’s that will sack a city.”是的,还很 烫,还很烫。它可以洗劫一个城市。(按:福斯塔夫暗示这只是瓶甜酒。) 3. destroy摧毁。 △1H.VI.5.1.61: “I'll either makethee stoop and bend thy knee,/ Or sack this countrywith a mutiny.”要是我不能使你屈身下跪,我就公开叛乱把这个国家摧毁。 △Rom.3.3.106(107):“Tell me,that Imay sack / The hateful mansion.”告诉我,我好捣毁这可恨的巢穴。 sack[sæk]n.麻袋v.解雇,洗劫 ◇ get the sack被解雇 give sb. the sack解雇某人 hit the sack =hit the hay就寝 hold the sack两手空空,受骗,独担 sack cloth and ashed哀悼 sack out(in)睡觉,睡个够sack time睡觉时间 the sack解雇 ‖ sack dress布袋装 sack suit普通西装 |