释义 |
rulen. 1. principle,law,canon原则,规律,准则。 △H.V.1.2.187: “for so work the honey-bees,/ Creatures that bya rule in nature teach / The act of order to a peopledkingdom.”蜜蜂就是这样工作的,这种小昆虫靠着自然规律向万民之国教导什么是有秩序的行动。 △H.V.4.1.158(148):“the imputation of his wickedness,by your rule,should be imposed upon his father that sent him;”按照你这种原则,他的罪责就应该加到送他出外的父亲头上。 2. maxim,precept格言,箴言。 △2H.IV.4.2.86: “Somuch the worse,if your own rule be true.”要是你自己的箴言不假,那就更糟。 3. good order. discipline,established mode of pro-ceeding程序,纪律,手续。 △Mer.4.1.177: “Of astrange nature is the suit you follow,/ Yet in suchrule that the Venetian law / Cannot impugn you as you do proceed.”你打的这场官司,是很奇怪的;但是又完全符合手续,威尼斯的法律不能驳斥你提出的诉讼。 4. self-control自我克制。 △Mac.5.2.15: “He cannotbuckle his distempered cause / Within the belt ofrule.”他无法用自我克制的腰带来约束他那患病浮肿的身体。 (按:意思说麦克白野心膨胀、狂暴恣肆,毫无自我克制,就像一个因患病而浑身浮肿的人,无法用腰带束住肚子一样。) 5. conduct,behaviour,course of proceeding行为,举动,行动方式。 △Tw.2.3.133 (123):“this uncivil rule.”这种放荡行为。 6. sway,authority 权势,权威。 △3H.VI.5.2.27:“Why,what is pomp,rule,reign,but earth anddust?”嘿,什么是繁华、权势、威风,到头来还不是尘土? 7. government. dominion治理的权力,统治。 △1H.IV.4.3.39:“out of limit and true rule”,越出了臣子的本分和合法的统治。 8.❶principle规则。 ❷conduct指导。 military rules: ❶military principles军事规则。 ❷con-duct of war指挥作战。 △2H.IV.2.3.30:“In military rules,”在军事规则方面。(又译:在指挥作战方面。)
rulevt. 1. domineer专横地统治。 rule the roast: preside over the head of the table,oc-cupy the head of the table,have the undisputed sway,take the lead,domineer主持餐桌,占着首席,拥有无可争辩的权威,领先,作威作福。 △2H.VI.1.1.110(109): “Suf-folk. the new-made duke that rules the roast. / Hathgiven the duchy of Anjou,and Maine,/ Unto thepoor King Reignier,”萨福克,那位新被封的作威作福的公爵,已经把安茹的公爵领地和缅因都奉送给穷国王瑞尼埃了。 2. govern,control,bridle,restrain 管理,控制,约束,遏制。 △2H.VI.5.1.93: “No,thou art not king,/ Notfit to govern and rule multitudes,/ Which dar’st not,no,nor canst not rule a traitor.”不,你不是国王,也不适 于管理和统治万民,因为你连一个奸贼都不敢管,也管不住。 △R.III.2.3.29: “And were they (i.e.if they were)to be ruled,and not to rule,/ This sickly land mightsolace as before.”假如他们都能受到控制,而不是为所欲为,我们这个病弱的国家才可能像从前那样安享太平。 △H.VIII.5.4.83 (5.3.77): “An army cannot rule ’em.”就是把军队开来也治不了他们。 △ Oth.3.3.124: “That passioncannot rule.” i.e.That cannot be controlled by emo- tion. 情感所不能控制。 3. direct,guide,prevail on,persuade,follow the ad-vice or instruction of 指示,指导,劝说,说服,听从…的劝告或指教。 be ruled (by): be guided (by),be persuaded (by),follow (another’s) advice or instruction 接受…的指导, 被…所劝服,听从…的劝告或指教。 △Ado.2.1.54 (50): “Itrust you will be ruled by your father.”我相信你会听从你父亲的话。 △Rom.1.1.231 (225):“Be ruled by me.” i. e. follow my advice. 你听我的话。 △Rom.3.3.13:“Ithink she will be ruled / In all respects by me;” i. e.she will follow my advice. 我想她在各方面都会完全听我的话。 △Rom.4.2.23 (22): “Henceforward I am everruled by you.”从今以后我永远听您的话。 △Ham.4.7.59:“Will you be ruled by me?”你愿意听我的指挥吗? △Lr.2.4.150 (148):“You should be ruled and led / By some discretion”,你该听听一个慎重的人的劝告,让他指引指引你。 △2H.IV.4.3.72 (66):“Had they been ruledby me,/ You should have won them dearer than youhave.”要是他们听了我的劝,你们战胜他们就得付出更大的代价。 △1H.VI.1.4.5:“Be thou ruled by me.”你要听我的话。 △1H.VI.3.3.7:“We’ll pull his plumes and takeaway his train,/ If Dauphin and the rest will be butruled.”只要太子和其他人都接受我的指导,我们就能拔掉他的羽毛、剪去他的尾巴。 △3H.VI.3.2.30: “You shall havefour if you’ll be ruled by him.”如果你听从他的话,你一定会有四个孩子的。 ~ vi. 1. exercise supreme authority,have command 统治,指挥。 △R.III.2.3.29:“And were they to be ruled,andnot to rule,/ This sickly land might solace as be-fore.”假如他们都能受到控制,而不是为所欲为,我们这个病弱的国家才可能像从前那样安享太平。 2. prevail 占上风。 △H.V.2.3.52 (49): “Let sensesrule;” i.e. keep your wits about you; be alert. 凡事谨慎为上。 △1H.VI.4.1.111: “Good Lord,what mad-ness rules in brainsick men,”主啊,糊涂人的脑子里只有疯狂。 3. prevail,decide 占上风,决定。 △3H.VI.4.7.61: “A-way with scrupulous wit! Now arms must rule.”不要再犹豫不决了! 现在武力要战胜一切。 rule[ru:l]n.法规,规则,规定,规律,定律,准则,标准,常规,惯例,统治,章程,控制 v.规定,统治,管辖,裁定 ◇as a rule通常 break the rules违反条令 by rule习惯地 by rule and line准确的 divide and rule分而治之 go to rack and rule严重损坏 out of rule不按常规 rule by force霸道 rule off在…下面画线 rule off the ice使离场受罚 rule on a challenge对异议进行裁决 under the rule of在…的统治下 work to rule照章工作 ‖ customary rule惯例 design rule设计规则 parol evidence rule 口头证据规则 rule against否决 rule against bias反对偏见原则 rule against double portions防止得双份规则 rule against inalienability反不能让与规则 rule against perpetual trusts反永久信托规则 rule against perpetuities反永久持有权规则 rule against remoteness of vesting反极少可能性的授予规则 rule book比赛规则手册 rule by consensus以大多数意见为依归 rule example规则例式 rule feature规则特征 rule for distribution分配原则 rule for tautological equivalence重言等值式规则 rule-governed way受规则支配的方式 rule learning规则学习 rule of acception接受规则 rule of adjunction附加规则 rule of alphabetic change of bound individual variables约束个体变项易字规则 rule of alternation elimination析取消去规则 rule of alternation introduction析取引入规则 rule of alternation left析取左段规则 rule of alternation right析取右段规则 rule of argument论证的规则 rule of auditing secrecy maintaining审计事项保密规定 rule of bank audit银行审计守则 rule of biconditional elimination双条件式消去规则 rule of biconditional introduction双条件式引入规则 rule of biconditional left双条件式左段规则 rule of biconditional right双条件式右段规则 rule of categorical syllogism直言三段论规则 rule of choice选择规则 rule of collective responsibility集体负责规则 rule of combination组合规则 rule of conditional elimination条件式消去规则 rule of conditional introduction条件式引入规则 rule of conditional left条件式左段规则 rule of conditional proof条件式证明规则 rule of conditional right条件式右段规则 rule of conditionalization条件化规则 rule of conduct行为规则 rule of confidentiality 保密规则 rule of conjunction elimination合取式消去规则 rule of conjunction introduction合取式引入规则 rule of conjunction left合取式左段规则 rule of conjunction right合取式右段规则 rule of consistency同一律 rule of contradiction矛盾律 rule of conversion换位规则 rule of correspondence对应规则,符合规则 rule of definition定义规则 rule of derivation导出规则 rule of designation指称规则 rule of detachment分离规则 rule of development展开规则 rule of differentiation微分法则 rule of direct action直接动作律 rule of disjunction elimination析取消去规则 rule of disjunction introduction析取引入规则 rule of distribution of practice练习分配律 rule of double negation elimination双重否定式消去规则 rule of double negation introduction双重否定式引入规则 rule of elimination消元规则 rule of equity衡平法规则,公平原则 rule of existential generalization存在概括规则,存在推广律 rule of existential instantiation存在例示规则,存在例示律 rule of existential left存在左段规则 rule of existential quantifier elimination存在量化词消去规则 rule of existential quantifier introduction存在量化词引入规则 rule of existential right存在右段规则 rule of existential specification存在限定规则,存在限定律 rule of false position假位律 rule of generalization推广规则 rule of great generality普遍性司法规则 rule of identity elimination等词消去规则 rule of identity introduction等词引入规则 rule of identity substitutivity等同可带换规则,同代律 rule of identity同一律 rule of implication蕴涵规律 rule of imposing duty设定义务的规则 rule of inference推理规则 rule of internal audit内部审计工作规定 rule of interpretation解释规则 rule of introduction of premiss前提引进规则 rule of law法治 rule of logical syntax逻辑句法规则 rule of nature自然法则 rule of necessitation必然化规则 rule of necessity elimination必然式消去规则 rule of necessity introduction必然式引入规则 rule of negation elimination否定式消去规则 rule of negation introduction否定式引入规则 rule of negation left否定左段规则 rule of negation right否定右段规则 rule of particular constraint特殊制约规则 rule of possibility elimination可能消去规则 rule of possibility introduction可能引入规则 rule of proportion比例法 rule of ranges变程规则 rule of refutation反驳规则 rule of repetition反复律 rule of replacement置换规则 rule of self-identity自身等同规则 rule of simplification简化规则 rule of simultaneous substitution联立代换规则 rule of strict reiteration严格重叠规则 rule of substitution for free individual variables谓词变项代入规则 rule of substitution for propositional variables命题变项代入规则 rule of substitution代入规则 rule of superposition重叠规律 rule of supply and demand供求法则 rule of tabulating制表规则 rule of the game博弈规则 rule of thumb data经验数据 rule of thumb经验法则 rule of transformation变形规则 rule of truth function真值函数规则 rule of uniform substitution统一代换规则 rule of universal generalization全称概括规则 rule of universal instantiation普遍例示规则 rule of universal left全称左段规则 rule of universal quantifier elimination全称量词消去规则 rule of universal quantifier introduction全称量词引入规则 rule of universal right全称式右段规则 rule of universal specification全称限定规则,普遍特殊化规则 rule of use of tautologies重言式使用规则 rule price时价,市价 rule schemata规则格式 rule the country in accordance with law依法治国 rule the roost称雄 universal rule普遍规律 rules and regulations规章制度,交易规则 rules for filing catalog cards目录组织规则 rules for handling cases办案制度 rules for writing书写规则 Rules Governing the Listing of Securities 《证券上市规则》/Rules Governing the Listing of Securities on the Growth Enterprise Market《创业板证券上市规则》/rules in ethics伦理学规则 rules management管理规则 rules of administration管理规则 rules of a religion教规 rules of assessment评税规则 rules of bookkeeping簿记规则 rules of conduct行动守则,运动员守则 rules of court法院规则 Rules of Debate (Provisional Legislative Council)辩论规则(临时立法会)/ rules of debit and credit借贷规则 rules of evidence证据规则 rules of game竞赛规则 rules of golf高尔夫规则 rules of management管理规则 rules of morals道德规范 Rules of Order会议规程 rules of procedure议事规则 rules of syllogism三段论规则 Rules of the Exchange 《交易所规则》 /Rules of the Game Commission比赛规则委员会 rules of thinking思维规律 rules of truth真值规则 ruling and balancing account画线结平账户 ruling class统治阶级 ruling clique统治集团 ruler n.统治者 |