释义 |
routn. 1. disorderly crowd, rabble, mob, gang 乌合之众,暴民,帮伙。 △2H.IV.4.1.32:“If that rebellion / Came likeitself,in base and abject routs.”(like itself: in itsproper figure.)要是叛乱由 一伙下贱而卑鄙的乌合之众参加,以它的本来面目出现。 △ 2H.IV.4.2.9:“Cheering a routof rebels with your drum,”用你的鼓声激励一帮乌合的叛徒。 △1H.VI.4.1.173: “Charles,Alencon,and thattraitorous rout.” 查理,阿朗松,以及那一伙叛逆的暴民。 △2H.VI.2.1.169 (166):“The ringleader and head ofall this rout,”这一帮乌合之众的首领和头头。 2. multitude,crowd 人群,一群。 △Com.3.1.101:“thecommon rout”,一般群众。 △Shr.3.2.184(181):“Andafter me I know the rout is coming.”我想大家也就跟着我走了。 3. uproar,brawl,riot 骚乱,争吵,暴乱。 △Oth.2.3.211(209):“Give me to know How this foul rout be- gan;”告诉我,这一场可耻的骚乱是怎样起来的。4. disorderly retreat or flight 溃退,溃逃。 on the rout: in disorderly retreat or flight 处于溃退或溃逃之中。 △2H.VI.5.2.31:“Shame and confusion! Allis on the rout;”可耻的混乱! 全军溃退了。 rout[raut]n.聚众闹事罪,大败,溃败 v.彻底打败…,使…溃退 ◇ put the enemy to rout打败敌人 rout march长途行军 |