rotate[rəuˈteit]v.(使)旋转,翻转,轮转,转动,循环 ◇ in rotate交替地rotate the aircraft into the climb拉机头上升 ‖ rotate fists两拳轮转 rotate inwardly内旋 rotate outwardly外旋 rotate over扭转过栏 rotate palm up向上翻掌 rotate turn旋 rotated factor matrix旋转因素矩阵 rotated grasp swing扭臂握摆动 rotated grip扭臂握 rotated solution旋转解法 rotating beacon station旋转信标台 rotating bezel转动玻璃框 rotating cone timer转动锥形计时器 rotating field aerial旋转场天线 rotating floor转台 rotating joint旋转关节 rotating loop旋转环形天线 rotating schedule循环式课程表 rotating shift轮流换班 rotating speed转速 rotating video head旋转视频磁头 rotating view旋转视图 rotation diagram旋转图解 rotation error旋转误差 rotation firing轮流引爆 rotation formation轮转阵形 rotation in office轮流任职 rotation method循环法 rotation n.旋转,更替,交替,轮流,循环 rotation of capital资本循环 rotation of capital资金循环,资本循环 Rotation of Crops英国的轮作制 rotation of staff职工轮班制 rotation of the Earth地球自转rotation of the highest income收入最高轮伐期 rotation of the hoop转动环圈 rotation radio beacon旋转无线电信标 rotation system轮转配合打法 rotation teamwork双打轮转战术的配合 rotation to the left向左转 rotation to the right向右转 rotational adj.转动的,轮流的 rotational basis轮流 rotational coordinates转动坐标 rotational fault轮转犯规 rotational movement旋绕动作,转体动作 rotational order轮转顺序 rotational position轮转位置 rotational resistance转动阻力 rotational velocity旋转速度 rotative adj. 回转的,循环的 rotator cuff injury 肩袖损伤 rotator[rəuˈteitə]n.旋转者,转动体 rotatory adj.回转的,轮流的,引起旋转的,循环的 rotatory fund循环基金,流转基金 rotatory power旋光本领 |