roomn. 1. space空间。 △H.V.5.2.405 (Epil.3): “In littleroom confining mighty men.” i.e.In the little spaceof the theatre. 在小小的空间中限制着伟大的人物。 △H.VIII.5.4.78(5.3.72): “We shall have / Greatstore of room. no doubt.left for the ladies. / Whenthey pass back from the christening.”等女客们参加洗礼回来,我们一定得给她们留出充裕的空间通过。(按:另解为反话:“这一下,等女客们参加洗礼回来,我们倒真有了让她们通过的空间了!”) 2. place位子。 △1H.IV.4.2.34 (31): “and such haveI. to fill up the rooms of them as have bought outtheir services,”我就拿这些人去填补花钱买脱兵役的那些人的空子。 △Shr.3.2.253 (250): “let Bianca take hersister's room.”让比恩卡补她姐姐的缺位。 3. position位置。 △3H.VI.2.6.54: “Instead whereoflet this supply the room.”让这个头代替它占住那个位置。 △ 3H.VI.3.2.131:“And all the unlooked-for issue oftheir bodies / To take their rooms ere I can place my-self,”以及从他们身体所出的一切预见不到的子孙,在我还未能就位之前就占住了位置。 room[rum]n.房间,空间,空白 ◇in sb.’s room处于某人的地位 no room to swing a cat没有生活,工作等的足够空间 ‖ air-conditioning room空调室 anechoic room消声室 announce room广播室 audiometric room试听室 audition room试听室 blast room广播室 broadcast room广播室 camera control room摄像机控制室 changing room演员更衣室 cloak room衣帽间 consulting room陈列室 cutting room剪辑室,编辑室 damping room隔音室 dark room暗室 developing room显影室 drawing room画室 dubbing room配音室 fitting room更衣室 free field room消声室 lighting and vision room灯光与影像控制室 lighting control room照明控制室 listening room试听室 live room混响室 lock room隔音室 main room主控室 mobile control room转播车 monitoring room监听(视)室 network control room电视广播网控制室 painter’s room绘画间 painting room画室 powder room化妆室 production control room导演室,节目制作控制室 programme control room节目控制室 projection room放映室 reading room阅览室 recording room录音室 recreation (al) room休息室,娱乐室 reference room资料室 rest room休息室 retiring room休息室 reverberation room混响室 robbing room化妆室 room and board食宿 room mother联系人 room service客房送餐服务 show room陈列室,展览厅 smoking room吸烟室 video control room摄像机控制室 viewing room审片室 vision control room图像控制室 work room工作室 rooming house寄宿公寓 rooming list定房单 roomer n.roommate n.室友 |