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单词 roman


1. native of Rome 罗马人。
honourable Roman: i.e. Julius Caesar whose’ “ veni,vidi,vice”(I came,I saw,I conquered) has been fa-mous for brevity. 光荣的罗马人,(指)朱利斯 · 凯撒。
△2H.IV.2.2.135(123):“I will imitate the honoura-ble Roman in brevity.”我要模仿那位光荣的罗马人那样言词简洁。
2. i.e. conqueror,exulant fellow罗马人,(转义)征服者,兴高采烈的人。
△Oth.4.1.119(118):“Do you triumph,Roman?”你胜利了吗,罗马人? (按:奥瑟罗由“胜利”想到古罗马人的凯旋门,故云。)
Roman Brutus : Lucius Junius Brutus,early Romanconsul,509B.C.,who pretended to be stupid in orderto disarm the suspicions of his uncle,the tyrannicalKing Tarquin,and conceal his plans for the liberationof his country 罗马人布鲁塔斯,早期罗马执政官,曾装傻以避免其叔、暴君塔昆王的迫害,并掩蔽其救国计划。
△H.V.2.4.36: “And you shall find his vanities forespent / Werebut the outside of the Roman Brutus,”你就会发现他过


a. Roman disciplines: i.e. traditional tactics罗马兵法,(意指)传统战术。
△H.V.3.2.79 (71):“He has no moredirections in the true disciplines of the wars,lookyou,of the Roman disciplines,than is a puppy-dog.”你要知道,他对于真正的兵法,也就是罗马兵法,并不比一只小狗懂得的更多。
Roman fool: foolish Roman,alluding to Brutus orAntony who killed themselves with their own swords罗马傻子(指自刎而死的布鲁塔斯或安东尼)。
△Mac.5.7.30(5.8.1): “Why should I play the Roman fool,anddie / On mine own sword?”我为什么要学罗马傻子,死在我自己的剑上呢?
Roman hand: The Italian style of handwriting.which was at this period beginning to repiace the oldEnglish or secretary hand. It was the fashion in courtcircles and was popular with ladies罗马式的书法(指当时流行于宫廷并为妇女爱用的意大利式书法)。
△Tw.3.4.31(28): “I think we do know the sweet Roman hand.”我想那一手优美的罗马式笔法我们都会认得出来的。


adj. 罗马的,罗马人的n.罗马人
◇Rome is not build in one day.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。
‖ Roman architecture罗马式建筑
Roman canvas罗马油画布
Roman Catholic天主教会的,天主教徒
Roman Catholicism天主教
Roman Digest 《罗马法律汇编》/ Roman Empire罗马帝国
Roman-Germanic family罗马-日耳曼法系
Roman green罗马绿
Roman law罗马法
Roman-Law system罗马法系
Roman mathematics罗马数学
Roman religion罗马宗教
Roman School罗马绘画风格
Romanesaue n. 罗马式
Romanesque masonry罗马式建筑砌墙
Romanesque ornament罗马式建筑时代装饰





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