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单词 request
request 高中必修500 全国卷频次:11 教材出处:译林版必修B3U3
n.&v. requests 4 requests 1 requesting 1 requested 3
请求,请愿,需要 & 请求,要求,邀请


By the end of the first chapter, 【requests】 were coming from the back seat: "Please read a little louder."第一章结束时,后座上传来了请求。"请再大点声读"。(2016年四川卷完形填空)We will send you full program descriptions at your request.她曾要求社区在她死后把它变成一个博物馆。She had requested the community to tum it into a museum upon her death.艾伯特要求海关改变他们对罚款的决定。Albert has requested that the customs office change their decisions on the fine.当要求填写中间名时,他们一般会写父亲的姓氏。When requested to fill in a middle name, they generally write the father’s family name.大学生在经济上依赖父母的事实并不新鲜;The fact that college students are financially dependent on their parents is nothing new; nor are requests for more money to be sent from home.要求从家里寄来更多的钱也不新鲜。Director Ivan Reitman, who made the popular and successful comedies like Twins, Ghostbusters and Legal Eagles, could have gone for easy laughs by making fun of the American government.导演伊万-雷特曼拍摄了《双胞胎》、《捉鬼敢死队》等受欢迎的成功喜剧,他本可以通过取笑美国政府来获得轻松的笑声。




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