释义 |
rightn. 1. justice正义,公正。 △Lr.2.1.56 (54):“Bold in thequarrel’s right,”i.e. Emboldened by the justice of hiscause. 理直气壮。 △Shr.1.2.241 (236): “If you begentlemen,/ Do me this right.”如果你们是彬彬君子,请给我一个面子。 △As.2.7.84:“if it do him right (i.e.if the cap fits),/Then he hath wronged himself;”i.e.if what I say does him justice. it is he who hasdone himself harm (by admitting that the satire istrue). 如果我的话说得对(如果帽子对他合适),那是他自己对不起自己。 △ 2H.IV.5.4.26 (24):“O God,that rightshould thus overcome might.”啊,上帝,正义竟然压倒了强权。(按:女店主把谚语“强权压倒正义”说颠倒了。) △3H.VI.4.1.67:“My lords,before it pleased his Majesty / Toraise my state to title of a queen,/ Do me but right,”诸位爵爷,在陛下将我的地位晋升为王后的封号之前,请对我公正一点。 △3H.VI. 2.2.131:“If that be right which War-wick says is right,/There is no wrong,but everythingis right.”如果沃里克说的正义的事情就是正义,那么世界上就没有非正义,一切事情都是正义的了。 △3H.VI.5.1.78:“Withwhom an upright zeal to right prevails / More thanthe nature of a brother’s love.”在他,对于正义事业的正直热忱战胜了兄弟之爱的天生感情。 △R.III.4.4.141:“if thatright were right,”如果正义得以伸张。 △H.VIII.2.4. 11(13):“Sir,I desire you do me right and justice,”陛下,我求你以正义和公道来对待我。 2. that which is conformable to justice and human law正义合理,合理合法。 △H.V.1.2.96:“May I with rightand conscience make this claim?”我可以合理合法、良心无愧地提出这个要求吗? △ 2H.VI.2.3. 102 (98):“O Peter, thou hast prevailed in right!”啊,彼得,你是理直气壮才能得胜的! 3. truth真理,真相。 △H.V. 2.1.130 (123): “Nym,thou hast spoke the right.”尼姆,你说得不错。 4. that which is due to a person,rightful due正当权利,合法权益。 △As.4.3.177 (175):“but i’ faith,I shouldhave been a woman by right.”但是,实在说,我本该是一个女人。 △Tw.5.1.319 (307):“with the which I doubtnot but to do myself much right,or you muchshame.”凭着它(信)我可以证明我并无理亏之处而你却有失体面。 △1H.VI.2.1.35:“Now,Salisbury,for thee,andfor the right / Of English Henry,”现在,骚兹伯利,为了你,也为了英国亨利王的正当权利。 △ 2H.VI.2.2.30:“Which now they hold by force and not by right;”现在他们是靠武力而不是靠合法权利来保持着王位。 △3H.VI.1.1. 37: “By words or blows here let us win our right.”不管在这里动口动手,我们总要赢得我们的合法权利。 △3H.VI.1.2.11:“Your right depends not on his life ordeath.”你的正当权利并不在乎他的生死。 △3H.VI.5.5.37: “And thou usurp’st my father’s right and mine.”而你篡夺了我父亲和我自己的合法权利。 △H.VIII.4.1.9:“let ’em have their rights,”i.e.give them their due.对他们说句公道话。 5. what is one’s by right,rightful possessions (某人)应得之物,合法财产。 △ 1H.IV.3.1.71 (69): “our right”.i.e. what is ours by right; the territory of England. 我们应得的权益(指:英国领土)。 6. just treatment公正待遇。 △2H.IV.4.3.60 (54):“Therefore let me have right,”所以让我得到应得的报偿。7. just claim,legal claim正当要求,合法权利。 △H.V.1.2.16:“opening titles miscreate,whose right / Suitsnot in native colours with the truth;”提出什么不合法的 名分,而那种要求在实质上与真理并不符合。 △H.VIII.4.2.158 (157): “and urge the King / To do me this lastright.”催促国王答应我这最后的要求。 8. title称号。 △R.III. 1.3.206 (205): “Decked in thyrights,”把你的荣衔夺过来为自己增光。 9. claim to the throne王位继承权。 △3H.VI.4.4.31:“I’ll hence forthwith unto the sanctuary / To save atleast the heir of Edward’s right.”我要马上离开这里到教堂去,至少把爱德华的王位权利继承人保全下来。 △3H.VI.5.6.72: “Had I not reason,think ye,to make hasteAnd seek their ruin that usurped our right?”那么,你们想,难道我就没有理由抓紧时间想办法把那些篡夺我们王位继承权的人统统加以消灭吗? 10.❶truth真理。 ❷just claim正当权利。 △1H.VI.2.4.38:“And say withal,I think he held the right.”同时还要说,我认为他拥有真理(正当权利)。 Phrases: do one right: (drinking challenge) do one justice,i.e.by drinking an equal quantity of wine; swap drink fordrink with one; keep up drinking with one对…公平(指:喝同样多的酒),跟…交替喝酒;跟…继续喝下去。 △2H.IV.5.3.74 (72):“Why,now you have done meright. ”好,你这才算对得起我(又译:喝得痛快)。 do right unto: deal justly with公正对待。 △3H.VI.1.1.166:“Do right unto this princely Duke of York /Or I will fill the house with armed men,”必须公正对待这位具有君主风范的约克公爵,否则我就叫军队把这座大厅完全占领。 in right: for just causes为了正义事业。 △3H.VI. 2.2.61:“Edward Plantagenet,arise a knight,/ And learnthis lesson: draw thy sword in right.”爱德华·普兰塔琪奈特,起来吧,你是骑士了;记住这句教训:要为正义事业拔出你的宝剑。 in the right of: in support of the just claim of为了维护…的正当权利。 △1H.VI. 3.1.149:“Which in the rightof Richard Plantagenet / We do exhibit to your Maj-esty.”为了维护理查·普兰塔琪奈特的正当权利,恭请陛下审处。right for right: justice answering to the claims of jus-tice,just punishment for an offence against justice,measure for measure对于正义要求的正义回报,对于违反正义的罪过的正当惩罚,一报还一报。 △R.III.4.4.15:“Hoverabout her; say that right for right / Hath dimmedyour infant morn to aged night.”翱翔在她身边,并且告诉她:因果报应已经掩蔽住她的孩子们的青春光辉,使它堕入了老迈者的永久黑暗。 speak for right: ask for justice请求主持正义。 △ 3H. VI.3.1.19:“No humble suitors press to speak for right;”没有谦卑的申诉人拥向前来求你主持正义。
righta. 1. just公正的,正义的。 △Lr. 3.2.85 (87):“When everycase in law is right,”那时候官司都公正判断。 △2H.VI.2.3.55: “Here let them end it,and God defend the right!”让他们在这里解决争端吧,愿上帝保佑正义的一方! △H.VIII.3.2.387 (386):“I am glad your Grace hasmade that right use of it.”i.e. has drawn that goodlesson from the burden. 我很高兴,大人能把这种负担利用得 如此恰当。 2. true,real,genuine真实的,真正的,名副其实的。 △L.L.L.4.3.351 (348):“They sparkle still the right Promethean fire,”它们(女人的眼睛)永远闪耀着真正的神火。 △Shr. 4. 4. 12: “Imagine 'twere the right Vincen-tio.”要想着这就是真的文森修老爷。 △AS.3.2.128 (120):“and that's the right virtue of the medlar.”这正是枇杷的道地的特点。 △As.4.1.113 (109):“I would not havemy right Rosalind of this mind,”我不愿我的真正的罗萨琳也是这样想法。 △R.III.3.7.101 (102):“And pardonus the interruption / Of thy devotion and right Chris-tian zeal.”请原谅我们打断了你的礼拜和你那真正基督徒的热忱。 △H.VIII.5.3.103 (5.2.138): “ ’Tis the rightring. by heaven!”老天在上,这是那个真戒指! 3. exact,regular. truly deserving the name确切的,正规的,当之无愧的。 △L.L.L.5.2.521:“A right descriptionof our sport.”这把我们的游戏形容得确切极了。 △As.3.2.291 (273):“But I answer you right painted cloth.”我不过是按照油漆布挂幔上的话正正经经回答你的。 △As.3.2.104 (98): “It is the right butter-women's rank to mar-ket.”i.e. The rhymes,which are all the same,followeach other as monotonously as a line of countrywom-en carrying their butter and jog-trotting to market. 这简直像是整整齐齐排成一行到市场去卖牛油的婆娘们! (按:这句 话嘲笑上面那首情诗用韵单调,一韵到底。) 4. correct,proper正确的,正当的。 right fencing grace: proper behaviour in fencing,proper fencing style斗剑中的正当行为,正当的斗剑派头。 △2H.IV.2.1.209 (192): “This is the right fencinggrace,my lord,tap for tap,and so part fair.”这就是正当的斗剑派头,大人,针锋相对,一来一往,然后和和气气分手。 5. straight直,端正的。 △L.L.L.5.2.566 (565):“Yournose says,no,you are not; for it stands too right.”你的鼻子说不,你不是;因为它生得太直。(按:史载亚历山大的头向左边倾斜。) 6. true,down right真诚的,率直的。 △Mid.3.2.302: “Iam a right maid for my cowardice.”我是 一个胆小怕事的老实姑娘。Phrase: right sense: ❶right mind清醒神志。 ❷correct mean-ing正确意思。 △Ado.5.2.57 (55):“Thou hast frightedthe word out of his right sense,so forcible is thy wit.”你的嘴太厉害了,把字的意思(双关:神志)都给吓跑了。
rightad. 1. very,highly,most非常,很,极。 △Ado.1.1.85 (84):“the right noble Claudio.”非常高贵的克劳狄欧。 △Ado.3.3.176(166): “the right Master Constable.” (Mis-taken analogy with such titles of honour as “RightReverend” and “Right Honourable”.)警官老爷。(按:此处的right,本用于对于主教、贵族的尊称之中,在此系错误的套用。) △Mer.2.5.16:“I am right loath to go;”我是很不愿意去。 △As.2.7.200 (197): “Good old man. /Thou art right welcome as thy master is.”好老人家,你和你的主人一样,是非常受欢迎的。 △Tw.5.1.274 (264):“right noble is his blood.”他的血统是很高贵的。 △Rom1.1.123(117): “Right glad I am he was not at thisfray.”我很高兴他没有参加这场打斗。 △3H.VI.2.5.99:“The one his purple blood right well resembles.”他那殷红的血非常像红玫瑰。 △R.III.1.2.246 (244): “rightroyal,”非常高贵。 2.justly,lawfully正当地,合法地。 △2H.IV.4.5.220(221): “You won it,wore it,kept it,gave it me; /Then plain and right must my possession be;”这王冠是你所赢得、戴起、保持下来、传给我;那么它当然分明合法地应归我所有。 3. rightly,correctly 正确地。 △Ham.2.2.415(387):“You say right,sir,o' Monday morning; 'twas thenindeed.”(Hamlet ignores Polonius by pretending tobe in earnest conversation.)你说得不错,先生,在星期一早 上;正是如此。(按:哈姆雷特这句话是故意说给波乐纽斯听,假装表示正与别人谈话,没有注意他来。) 4. exactly,truly准确地,真实地。 △3H.VI.1.4.160:“And if thou tell'st the heavy story right,/ Upon mysoul,the hearers will shed tears;”只要你如实地把这段悲痛的故事讲出来,凭我的灵魂起誓,听的人一定都会落泪的。 5. exactly,just恰恰,正。 △Mid.4.2.32 (31):“I willtell you every thing,right as it fell out.”我会原原本本,把什么都讲给你们听。 △Ham.4.7.70:“It falls right.”这倒正好。
rightvt. 1. do justice to,redress为…讨个公道,纠正。 △L.L.L.5.2. 732 (724):“I will right myself like a soldier.”我要像军人似的纠正这个侮辱。 2. do justice to,vindicate,avenge为…讨个公道,维护,为…报仇。 △3H.VI.1.4.176:“And here's to right our right[rait]adj.正确的,正当的,健全的,垂直的,右的n.权利,法权,正义,公正,正确,右边,右侧,直角,右派,右倾,右翼 ◇all right好,行了 as right as rain身体很好 be in the right正确 blur the line between right and wrong “和稀泥”by right of由于 defend the right维护正义 get sth. right弄清楚 give up right of放弃…的权利 in one’s own right凭自己的资格 in right of sb.凭借某人的权利 in the right有理 on the right在右边 put right矫正 regain (restore) one’s national rights恢复民族权利 right and left到处 right away马上 right a wrong纠正错误,平反 right enough果然 right in the head神志正常 right off立即 stand on one’s right坚持自己的权利 right to be heard发表意见的权利 right to begin在法庭上首先陈述权 the rights and wrongs是非曲直 waive the right放弃权利 ‖ bill of right权利法案 broadcasting rights广播权利 confound right and wrong颠倒是非 confound right and wrong颠倒是非,颠倒黑白 educational right教育权利 national rights民族权利 performance right上演权 personal right人权 publishing rights版权 reserve the right保留权利 right-about turn向后转 right ack右后卫 right action正当行为 right and wrong是非 right angle直角 right ascension赤经 right back倒手,右(后)卫 right back pass倒手传球 right choice正确选择 right circle顺时针全旋 right court右场区 right court player双打的右场区球员 right defenseman右后卫 right defence右后卫 Right deviation右倾 Right deviationist thinking (thought)“右”倾思想 right drive向右侧重击球 Right elements右翼分子 right end右边锋 right face向右转 right field右半场 right fielder右外场手 right flank右侧,右翼 right for every inch of land寸土必争 Right forces右派势力 right fore右前肢 right forward右(前)锋 right fullback右后卫,右翼 right guard右后卫 right half右前卫 right half back右前卫 right half court右半区 right hand bent press右手单臂推举 right hand clean and jerk右手单臂挺举 right hand curl右手弯举 right hand lunge右方截击 right hand player右手执拍的运动员 right hand press右手推举 right hand snatch右手单臂抓举 right hand swing右手直臂摆举 right hand twist右旋膛线 right-handed batter 右手击球手 right-handed batter’s box右手击球员区 right-handed hook shot右手投篮 right handed rotation右旋 right hander右手执拍运动员 right hind右后肢 right hook右勾拳 right in back右后内曲线 right in forward右前内曲线 right inner右锋 right inside backward edge右脚向后内刃 right inside forward右内锋 right inside右脚内刃 right inside forward edge右脚前进内刃 right inverse右逆元 right issue有购股权的证券发行 right jab右刺拳 right leg hole右狗腿洞 right margin右边距 right midfield player右中场队员 Right mistakes“右”倾错误 right of a buyer买方权利 right of abandonment受领被弃财物的权利 right of abode居住权 right of accumulation未分配收益权 right of action债权 right of action诉讼权利,起诉权 right of adjudication终审权 right of alternation变更权 right of appeal索赔权 right of association结社权利 right of asylum避难权 right of audience出庭发言权 right of authorship著作权 right of beneficiaries受益人权利 right of cancellation注销权 right of claim求偿权 right of coinage造币权 right of common共用权 right of competency管辖权 right of contracted management,lease holding right承包经营权 right of credit债权 right of demanding compensation索赔权 right of eminent domain(财产)支配权 right of entry重返权 right of fame荣誉权 right of firm name商号权 right of giving final approval终审权 right of indemnity要求赔偿权 right of inland navigation内河航行权 right of interpellation催告权 right of lien留置权 right of likeness肖像权 right of management管理权 right of mortgage with respect to a ship,mortgage of the ship船舶抵押权 right of note issue 通货发行权 right of offset抵消权 right of option选择权 right of ownership所有权 right of passage通行权 right of patent专利权 right of personality人格权 right of petition申诉权 right of possession占有权 right of preemption优先购买权 right of priority优先权 right of priority of creditors债权人优先权 right of privacy隐私权 right of property accession财产继承权 right of public prosecution公诉权 right of recall罢免权 right of recourse追索权 right of recourse追索权 right of redemption赎买权 right of reply答辩权 right of reproduction复制权,版权 right of resale转卖权 right of rescission解约权 right of residence居留权 right of return退货权 right of revocation撤销权 right of self-defense自卫 right of service发球权 right of silence沉默权 right of solidarity相互依存权 right of strike罢工权 right of survivorship生存者取得权 right of the accused被告人权利 right of the consignee承销权 right of translation翻译权 right of veto否决权 right of way主动权,通行权,得球 right of way yacht有航行权的帆船 right offering股权出售 Right opportunism右倾机会主义 right of parents involvement in schools家长参与学校事务权利 right out back右后外曲线 right outfield右外场 right outfielder右外场手 right outside backward edge右脚向后外刃 right outside edge右脚外刃 right outside forward edge右脚前进外刃 right over the property of another他物权 right reason公正的理性 right recursive rule右递归规则 right rudder右舵 right service court右发球区 right shouldering右靠 right side spin右侧旋 right side topspin右侧上旋 right side underspin右侧下旋 right square右场区 right step向右移步 right tackle右内边锋 right to air空气流通权 right to autonomy自治权 right to be heard发表意见的权利 right to be voted被选权 right to complain控告权 right to defense辩护权 right to education受教权 right to exclude all others排他权利 right to freedom自由权 right to labour劳动权 right to land入境权 right to leased property租赁资产使用权 right to life生存权 right to name姓名权 right to run one’s own business自营权 right to serve发球权 right to serve or receive first(接)发球权 right to share assets资产分配权 right to share profit盈余分配权 right to the use of a site场地使用权 right to the use of property财产使用权 right to transfer stock股份转让权 right to vote投票权,选举权 right turn向右转 right uppercut右上钩拳 Right wing右翼 right wing右(前)锋 right-wing forces in Japan 日本右翼势力 Right-wing government右翼政府 right wing half右前卫 right wing tank右翼油箱 Right winger右翼分子 right winger右边锋 rights and wrongs事实真相 rights issue供股,配售新股 rights letter购股权证 Rights of Man人权 rights of man人的权利 rights of reason理性的权利 rights of resistance抵抗权 victims rights刑事司法过程中受害人的基本权利 righteous adj. 正直的,公正的 righteously adv.公正地,正直地 righteousness n. rightful adj.rightful heir合法继承人 rightful notice正式通知 rightfully adv. rightfulness n.公正,合理 right-headed adj.正直的,诚实的 rightish adj.右倾的 rightism n. 右派观点,右派思潮 rightist n.右翼分子,右派 rightist ideas右派观点,右倾思想 right-minded adj.公正的,正直的 Rightmost adj.最右边的,最右面的,极右的 rightness n.正直,公正 right-thinking adj.思想健全的,头脑正常的 rightward adv. 向右地,在右侧 adj. 在右边的,向右的 Right-wing adj.右翼的 n.右翼 rightwinger n.右派人士 |