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respectn. 1. attention,deliberation注意,深思熟虑。 △Mer.1.1.74:“You have too much respect upon the world。”i.e.You take life too seriously. 你对于人生也太认真了。 2. regard,concern关心,关切。 △Mid.5.1.91:“noblerespect”,i.e. generous consideration. 宽厚的关心。 3. consideration考虑。 △Wiv.2.1.44:“if it were notfor one trifling respect,I could come to such hono-ur!”如果不是为了一点琐细的顾虑,我就可以得到很大的富贵! △L.L.L.5.2.790 (782): “But more devout than thisin our respects / Have we not been.”可是我们并没有给以更认真的考虑。 △Ado.2.3.187(169):“daffed all oth- er respects,”把所有其他的考虑放在一边。 △As.3.2.14:“but in respect that it is a shepherd's life,it is naught.”不过考虑到这是一种牧羊人的生活,那就毫不足取了。 △Tw.2.3.100 (91): “Is there no respect of place,persons,nor time in you?”难道你们全不想想这是什么地方,什么人住在这里,或者现在是什么时刻了吗? △Ham.3.1.68 (67): “there's the respect / That makes calamity ofso long life.”i.e. That makes calamity so long-lived.这一点顾虑才使灾难能有这样长久的寿命。 △Ham.3.2.195 (183): “respects of thrift.” i.e. considerations of ad-vantage. 为了利益的考虑。 △Lr.1.1.251 (248): “Sincethat respects of fortune are his love,/ I shall not behis wife.”既然他的爱情就是对财产的考虑,我决不做他的妻子。 △Lr.1.2.71(64): “but in respect of that,I wouldfain think it were not.”可是考虑到这一点,我但愿这不是他的笔迹。 △Oth.4.2.192(189):“sudden respect and ac-quaintance,”立即的考虑和见面。(按: acquaintance又作acquittance = discharge of a debt清偿债务。) △1H.IV.2.3.1: “But,for mine own part,my lord,I could bewell contented to be there,in respect of the love I bear your house.”不过,就我个人而论,考虑到我对于你的家族所怀有的情谊,我本来是非常乐意前往的。 △2H.IV.1.1.184:“Choked the respect of likely peril feared,”排除了对于担心中的可能危险的考虑。 4. reference,comparison,relation参照,比较,关系。 △Oth.2.3.322 (315):“I may say so in this respect,”i.e.in this point,with regard to this.关于这件事我可以这样说。 5. point,particular 点,项目。 △Lr.4.6.87 (86):“Nature’s above art in that respect.”在这一方面,本性是超越于人力的。 6. reference to other things,reference to surroundingconditions(与其他事物或与周围环境的)关联,陪衬。 △Mer.5. 1.99:“Nothing is good,I see,without respect;”没有衬托,什么东西也显不出好来。 7. motive,reason,argument动机,理由,论据。 △Rom.2.3.90:“In one respect”,i.e. in consideration of onething,for one reason.为了一种考虑,为了一个理由。 △H.V.5.1.74 (70): “Will you mock at an ancienttradition,begun upon an honourable respect,…?”你竟然嘲笑由于光荣的理由而起源的一种古老传统吗? △R.III.3.7.174 (175): “But the respects thereof are nice andtrivial,”但是你提出的那些理由未免过分细微和琐屑了。 8. deferential regard,esteem,reverence,affection敬意,尊重,尊敬,钟爱。 △2H.IV.2. 2. 111 (101): “Deliv-ered with good respect.” i. e. ceremoniously,in prop-er form (ironical for the opposite).这信送得很有礼貌啊。 △H.VIII.2.3.95: “A thousand pounds a year forpure respect?”一年一千镑,只是为了表示对你的尊重? △H.VIII. 5. 3.119 (5.2.154): “out of dear respect,”i.e. intense regard for the Church. 出于对教会的热烈关怀。 △Lr.1.1.258 (255): “My love should kindle toinflamed respect.”我的爱却燃烧成热烈的尊敬。 9. rank,standing,position身份,等级,地位。 △Oth.1.3.284 (282): “with such things else of quality andrespect / As doth import you.”以及与你的职务地位有关的其他东西。 10. reputation,respectability,respected position名誉,体面,受尊敬的身份。 △ Wiv.3.1. 58: “So wide of hisown respect.”如此不顾他自己的体面。 Phrases: in my respect: in my regard,as far as I am concerned在我看来,对我来说。 △Mid.2. 1. 224: “For you in myrespect are all the world.”因为你在我的眼里就是整个世界。in respect: by comparison比较起来。 △3H.VI.5.5.56: “He (i.e. Caesar) was a man; this (i.e. Prince Edward),in respect,a child;”凯撒是个成年人;这个,比较起来,只是一个小孩子。 in respect of: ❶ in comparison with 与…比起来。 △ Ado.3.4.18: “in respect of yours”,与你的比起来。 △L.L.L.5. 2. 636: “Hector was but a Troyan in re-spect of this.”赫克托和这个人比起来,不过是个匹夫。 ❷withregard to,as to关于,至于。 △As.3.2.13: “Truly,shepherd,in respect of itself,it is a good life;”说实话,牧人,单就其本身来说,倒是一种很好的生活。 upon respect: upon consideration,deliberately经过考虑之后,故意地。 △Lr.2.4.23:“ ’tis worse thanmurder / To do upon respect such violent outrage.”故意做出这样的狂暴行为,简直比杀人还坏。
respectvt. 1.care for关心。 △H.VIII.3.2. 291 (290):“As you re-spect the common good,”你关心大家共同的利益。 2. pay heed to,take notice of留意,注意。 △R.III.1.3.296 (295):“Nothing that I respect,my gracious lord.”都是些不值得我注意的话,好大人。 3. consider考虑。 △Gent.5.4.53:“In love / Who re-spects friend?”在爱情中谁还顾得了朋友? 4. regard (as),consider (as)把…看做,把…视为。 △Mid.1.1.160:“And she respects me as her only son.”她看待我就像她亲生的独子一样。 5. value,prize,take special notice of看重,珍视,特别注意。 △Gent.1.2.131:“If you respect them,best totake them up.”如果你重视它,最好把它们捡起来。 △Gent.3.1. 89: “Win her with gifts,if she respect notwords.”如果她不重视言词,就用礼物来打动她。 △Gent.4.4.200(194): “What should it be that he respects inher,”他在她身上所能看到的东西。 △Gent.5.4.20:“Though you respect not aught your servant doth”,虽然你的仆人(我)所做的什么事你一点儿也看不上眼。 △L.L.L.5.2.438 (437): “That more than all the world I didrespect her.”我尊敬她甚于整个的世界。 △R.III. 1.4.157(152): “Spoke like a tall man that respects thy reputa-tion!”说得倒像个看重名誉的勇士! respect[risˈpekt]n. 注意,考虑,尊重,崇敬,敬意,关系,有关 v.尊敬,尊重,尊敬 ◇be no respecter of persons对任何人一样看待 hold in respect尊敬 in respect that因为…,考虑到…/pay one’s last respects to sb.向死者告别 respect oneself自尊,有自尊心 treat sth. with respect重视 without respect of (to)一视同仁,不偏不袒 with respect to=in respect of关于 ‖ mutual respect互相尊重 respect educated people尊重人才 Respect-for-the-Aged Day敬老节 respect knowledge尊重知识 respect teachers and attach great importance to education尊师重教 respect for the teachers and the value of education尊师重教 respect trained personnel尊重人才 respect trained intellectual尊重人才 respecting officers and caring for armymen尊干爱兵 respectability n.可尊敬之人(物),品行端正,人格高尚 respectable adj. respectable bill of exchange上等汇票 respecter n.尊敬的人 respecter of persons趋炎附势者 respectful adj.恭敬的,尊重的 respectful and submissive恭顺 respectfully adv.恭敬地 respective[risˈpektiv]adj.各自的,各个的 respectively adv. 各自,分别地 |