释义 |
resolven. 1. firmness of mind,steadfastness of purpose意志坚强,坚定。 △1H.VI.5.5.75: “If with a lady of so highresolve,/ As is fair Margaret,he be linked in love.”他要是跟像美丽的玛格利特这样意志坚强的小姐结为爱侣。 △Rom.4.1.122:“Be strong and prosperous / In thisresolve.”在这次决断中,你一定要坚强,要成功。 2. resolution决心。 △Shr.1.1.27: “Glad that youthus continue your resolve”,很高兴您这样坚决立志。 3. decision决定。 △3H.VI.3.3. 129:“Now,sister,letus hear your tirm resolve.”现在,贤妹,让我听一下你自己的决定吧。
resolvevt. 1.free from doubt or perplexity,settle消除(疑惑),解决。 △3H.VI. 4.1.134: “But ere I go,Hastings andMontague,/ Resolve my doubt.”但是,在我走之前,海司丁斯和蒙太玖,请帮我消除一个疑问。 2. free from uncertainty,satisfy the curiosity of,give… a final answer使…摆脱捉摸不定,满足…对…的好奇心,给…一个最后回答。 △R.III. 4.2.116 ( 117): “May itplease you to resolve me in my suit?”可不可以请你对我的请求给一个最后回答? 3. answer 回答。 △Shr.4.2.7: “First resolve methat.”请先回答我这个问题。 △L.L.L. 2.1.110: “Sud-denly resolve me”. 立刻回答我。 △3H.VI.3.2.19:“May it please your highness to resolve me now,” i.e.give me an answer.请陛下现在就给我一个答复。 4. satisfy,inform,tell满足,向…报告,告诉。 △Lr.2.4.25:“Resolve me with all modest haste”,你要快一点从容告诉我。 △R.III.4.2.26: “I will resolve you hereinpresently.”我立刻就此事向你报告。 5. explain说明。 △R.III. 4.5.20: “My letter will re-solve him of my mind.”我的信会向他说明我的心意。 6. dissolve,melt,disintegrate 分解,使溶解,使瓦解。 △Ham. 1.2. 130: “Thaw,and resolve itself into a dew!”消融、分解而成为一片露水! ~ vb. refl. make up one’s mind,determine下决心,决定。 △Mac.3.1. 138 (137): “Resolve yourselves a- part,” i.e. Retire and make up your minds by your-selves. 你们自己去决定吧。 resolve thee: be determined,be resolute,take the de-cision下决心,要坚决,作决定。 △3H.VI.1.1.49: “Re-solve thee,Richard; claim the English crown.”下决心吧,理查;要求英国的王冠。 ~ vi. 1. be assured确信。 resolve on: be assured of,be convinced of,make upthe mind to确信…,相信…,接受… △1H.VI.1.2.91:“Resolve on this: thou shalt be fortunate / If thoureceive me for thy warlike mate.”请相信这 一点吧;你只要把我接受为你的战友,你一定会交好运的。 2. determine,make up the mind决定,下决心。 △H.V.3.3.1:“How yet resolves the governor of the town?”城里的总督现在怎样决定的? △1H.VI.2.1.27: “Let usresolve to scale their flinty bulwarks.”让我们下决心去攀登他们的那座石头堡垒吧。 △R.III.4.2.69: “Darest thouresolve to kill a friend of mine?”你敢下决心去杀死我的一个朋友吗? resolve for: decide on setting out for决定出发去… △2H.IV.2.3.67:“I will resolve for Scotland;”我决定到苏格兰去。 resolve[ riˈzɔlv]n.决心 v.决心,决定,解决,分解 ◇ abandon one’s first resolve放弃初衷/a man of resolve刚毅的人 renew resolves for the future恢复对未来的决定 resolve against sth.决定不做某事 with a full resolve执意要… ‖resolving power分辨力 resolute[ˈrezəlju:t]adj.坚决的,果断的 resolutely adj.坚决地,果断地 resolution[ˌrezəˈlju:ʃən]n.决议,决议案,决定,决心,分辨率,清晰度 ◇by resolution根据决议 chromatic resolution彩色分辨率 draft resolution决议草案 high resolution高分辨率 joint resolution共同决议案 resolution capacity分辨能力 resolution error分辨误差 Resolution on the National Day of the People’s Republic of China 《关于中华人民共和国国庆日的决议》/resolution procedure决议程序 resolution sensitivity分辨灵敏度 resolution to borrow借贷决议 Resolutioners n. 决议派 resolvability n.可分析性,可解决性 resolvable adj.可分析的,可解决的 |