释义 |
resolutionn. 1,determination决心。 △3H.VI.2.2.170: “And inthis resolution I defy thee;” 我以这种决心向你挑战。 △R.III. 3.7.217 (218): “And in this resolution herewe leave you.”我们下了这种决心,就此告辞了。 2. freedom from doubt,certainty,positive knowledge消除怀疑,确实无疑,确切知道。 △Lr.1.2.110 (99): “Iwould unstate myself to be in a due resolution.”i.e. 1would give up my rank and fortune in order to be cer-tain about this matter. 哪怕放弃我的地位财产,我也要把这件事弄个水落石出。 3. resoluteness,courage,resolute courage (of thieves)(盗贼的)不屈不挠,勇敢,不屈的勇气。 △1H.IV.1.2.67(60):“and resolution thus fubbed”,不屈的好汉还这样被挫折了锐气。 |