replace[ri(:)ˈpleis]v.取代,代替,替换,接替,接任,更换,补充 ‖replace government with the party以党代政 replace old cadres with new ones新老交替 replace one self本人移动换位 replace the old by the new新老交替 replace the old with the new更新换代 replace the weight放下杠铃 replace veteran cadres with young ones新老交替 replaced copy补缺本 replaced ecosystem替代生态系统 replaced ecosystem替代生态系统 replaced page补缺页 replaceable adj. 可代替的 replaceable parameter可替换型参数 replacement n.归回,代替(物),替任人员,接替人员,补缺人员 replacement axiom替代公理 replacement cost accounting重置成本会计 replacement cost重置成本 replacement cost risk重置成本风险 replacement cycle更新周期 replacement demand替换要求 replacement fertility 代替生育力 replacement for a goalkeeper守门员的替补队员 replacement formula替换公式 replacement fund重置基金 replacement index代替指数 replacement insurance重置保险 replacement level代替水平,更替水平 replacement of assets资产更换 replacement of generation世代代替 replacement of personnel人员代替 replacement of profit delivery by taxes利改税 replacement of property财产重置 replacement price重置价格 replacement rate代替率 replacement resources代用资源 replacement theorem替换定理 replacement training center补充兵训练中心 replacement value更新价值,重置价值 replacer n.替补队员 |