renew[riˈnju:]v.更新,再生,续期,续借,重申,补充,复兴 ◇renew one’s knowledge更新知识 ‖renew a contract展期合同 renew a credit信用证展期 renew a treaty or contract续约 renew bilateral relations恢复双边关系 renew business relations恢复业务往来 renew one’s term of office连任 renew the lease延展租赁期 renewed bill更新票据 renewed offer重复报盘,重新发盘 renewing of bill重定票据,转票 renewable adj. 可续期的,可再生的,可更新的,可恢复的 renewable credit循环信用证 renewable energy可再生能源 renewable letter of credit可续信用证renewable natural resource可再生自然资源 renewable resources再生资源,可更新资源 renewal n.更新,续订 renewal and reconstruction fund更新改造基金 renewal and transformation更新改造 renewal bond更换公债,债券展期 renewal commission续保手续费 renewal cost更新成本,更换费用 renewal expense rehabilitation更新费用 renewal fund更新基金 renewal process更新过程 renewal note转期票据 renewal notice到期通知书 renewal of a contract续订合约,续约 renewal of an agreement续订合约,续约 renewal of bill票据展期 renewal of bills and notes票据更新 renewal of contract续约 renewal of insurance续保 renewal of lease重新出租 renewal of loan贷款展期 renewal of membership成员资格延续 renewal of reinsurance contract续转分保合同 renewal of term of office连任 renewal of writ令状展期 renewal premium续保保险费 renewal process更新过程 renewal rate延期利率 renewal value更新价值 |