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单词 regular


‖ regular academic offerings常规课程
regular affiliated federations正式会员联合会
regular army正规军
regular array规则排列
regular audit定期检查
regular bank account普通银行存款户
regular batting正式击球练习
regular breathing均匀呼吸
regular budget正常预算
regular bus班车
regular chain直营连锁
regular channels of trade正常贸易渠道
regular check定时检查,定期检查
regular collection定期收款
regular college course本科
regular college course高等学校本科
regular courier正规信使
regular curriculum必修课程
regular dividend正常股息
regular earnings固定收益
regular education正规教育
regular exercise正规训练
regular expenditure经常性支出
regular expenses经常费用
regular film actor基本演员
regular force (troops)正规部队
regular formation基本队形
regular grammar正规文法
regular higher education普通高等教育
regular income固定收入,固定收益
regular inspection定期检查
regular intervals定期
regular language正规语言
regular lot交易所的成交单位
regular marriage合法婚姻
regular meeting例会
regular member正式成员
regular of dividend股利发放规律
regular passenger or cargo ship班轮
regular pitcher正式投手
regular player正式选手
regular point 普通箭头
regular price正常价格
regular principle规则原理
regular procedure正规手续
regular professional training科班
regular salary固定薪金
regular school正规学校
regular script (in Chinese calligraphy)楷书,楷体
regular service一般服务
regular set正则集
regular shift定期轮值
regular sitting例会
regular snatch from knee height膝上拉
regular stance正确的两腿姿势
regular stock(股票交易中的)现货
regular structure正规编制
regular target规定靶
regular troops正规部队
regular warfare正规战争
regular way(交易所的)普通交易
regular way sales规范销售
regular way settlement规范结算
regular worker正式工
regularity n.匀称,整齐,规律(性)/ regularity audit合规性审计
regularization n. 规则化
regularization of bank auditing work银行审计工作经常化
regularize v.使有规则,使有秩序,调整,使系统化
regularly adv.匀称地,整齐地,有规律地
regularly recurrent commitment须定期履行的责任
regularly scheduled issues定期国库券
regulate capital约束资本
regulate operation of the macro economy调控宏观经济运行
regulate the market维持市场,整顿市场
regulated activity受规管活动
regulated agreement定限协议
regulated company受控公司
regulated function受规管职能
regulated interest rates规定利率,管制利率
regulated investment agreement受规管投资协议
regulated market受管制的市场
regulated person受规管人士
regulated prices规定价格
regulated short selling受监管之股份卖空活动
regulated swimming正规游泳
regulated tenancy定限租赁
regulating action调节作用
regulating apparatus调节器
regulating command调节指令
regulating range调节范围
regulating station军运控制站
regulation n.管理,规则,法令,条例,规程,调节,控制
◇by regulation根据规则
regulation ball比赛用球,正规球
regulation curve普通曲线球
regulation equipment合格的器材设备
regulation factor调整因素
regulation for safety安全章程
regulation game正式比赛
regulation means调整方法
regulation of armaments军备管制
regulation of ballot规管投票
regulation of currency货币管理,通货调节
regulation of servitude使用权规定
regulation of stock price股票价格规定
regulation of the apparatus器械调整
regulation on the supervision and management of the state-owned enterprises国有企业监督管理条例
regulation platform标准举重台
regulation through the market市场调节
regulation uniform制服
get around regulations通融
Regulations Concerning Academic Degrees in the People's Republic of China 《中华人民共和国学位条例》/ regulations for comforting and compensating the bereaved families抚恤条例
regulations for lawyers律师条例
regulations of audit审计条例
regulations of products quality产品质量法
Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning Consular Privileges and Immunities《中华人民共和国领事特权与豁免条例》/Regulations of the People's Republic of China Concerning Diplomatic Privileges and Immunities 《中华人民共和国外交特权与豁免条例》/regulations on管制
regulations on financing资金供应条例
regulations regarding active service of enlisted man士兵服役条例
tentative regulations试行条例
trial regulations试行条例
regulative adj. 调整的,调节的
regulative mechanism调节机制
regulative norm规定性规范
regulative principle调节原理
regulative rules行为准则
regulative structure in muscle contraction肌肉收缩的调节结构
regulative theory of cognition认识的调节理论
regulative use of reason理性的调节作用
regulator n.调整者,校准者(器)/volume regulator音量调节器
regulatory adj.调整的
regulatory agency管理机构,协调机构
regulatory and monitoring arrangements监管安排
regulatory arbitrage监管仲裁
regulatory authority监管当局
regulatory body监管机构,监管组织
regulatory framework规章制度
regulatory mechanism调节机制
regulatory regime监管制度
regulatory site调节部位
regulatory targets调控目标
regulatory tax调节税





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