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单词 English
English/′ɪ ŋɡlɪ ⨜/ n & adj

n (1) 英语(language spoken by many people in the UKUSA and the Commonwealth) [U]:old/modern/current/American/spoken/written/standard/pidgin/the King's (the Queen's)~古代/现代/当代/美国/口头/笔头/标准/洋泾浜(不纯的)/(英国上流社会的)纯正英语;the Middle Ages~ 中世纪英语;He speaks excellent/correct~. 他说一口漂亮/准确的英语。What do you call this in~? 在英语中这个叫什么? What's the~for...? …… 英语怎么说? His~is very good/bad/poor. 他的英语很棒/糟糕/差劲。That book is written in~. 这本书是用英语写的。

(2) 英吉利人,英格兰人 (people of England) [the E~,接 pl 动词]:The~belong to the white race/have a wonderful sense of humor. 英格兰人属于白种人/极有幽默感。

adj (1) 英格兰的,英国的,英国人的 (of England or its people): five E~people 五个英国人; He is E~,not Scottish. 他是英格兰人,不是苏格兰人。E~history 英国史;the E~Prime Minister/Channel 英国首相/英吉利海峡;

(2) 英语的 (of the main language of BritainNorth Americathe British Commonwealth and some other countries) [作Attrib]:E~books/dictionary/language/literature 英语书籍/词典/语言/文学; an E~translation of The Three Musketeers 《三个火枪手》的英译本





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