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receivevt. 1. get获得。 △2H.VI.2.1.63 (61):“Forsooth,a blindman at Saint Alban's shrine / Within this half hour hath received his sight;”真的,在圣奥尔本祠庙里有一个瞎子,在这半个小时内竟然看得见东西了。 2. take,take into custody拿下,拘留。 △H.VIII.5.3.96(5.2.131): “Receive him,/ And see him safe i' (= in) the Tower.”把他抓起来,然后把他安安全全地关在伦敦塔里。 3. become aware of知道。 △H.V.4.Cho.6:“That(=So that) the fixed sentinels almost receive /The secretwhispers of each other's watch.”以至于双方站岗的哨兵几乎可以听见彼此窃窃私语的口令。 4. accept as true,believe信…以为真,相信。 △Mac.1.7.74: “Will it not be received,” 会不会有人不相信? △Mac.1.7.77:“Who dares receive it other.”谁敢不相信? (又译:谁敢怀疑有他?) △Tw.3.4.215(193):“willaptly receive it,”一定会容易相信的。 5. acknowledge,believe承认,相信。 △Gent.5.4.78:“And once again I do receive thee honest.”我再度承认你是一个清白的人。 receive[riˈsi:v]v.收到,接收,接待,接见 ◇receive back into the fold重新接纳receive quarter得到宽恕 receive the canvas被解雇,被驱逐 ‖ receive a prize领奖 receive a service接发球 receive a visitor会客 receive against payment收付 receive and dispatch收发 receive by pushing用搓还接 receive dividend分红 receive in advance预收 receive miss防守失误 receive orders奉命 receive payment收到付款 receive salaries,subsidies,or other supported from the government吃皇粮 receive sb. 接见 receive slip收据/ receive visitors迎宾 received by接待单位 received cash book现金收入簿 received day book现金日记收入簿 received for shipment收货备运 received idea公认的意见 received in full全数收讫 received note收货报告单,收条 received on account应付金额收讫 received opinion公认的观点 received principle of taxation租税的受益原则 received pronunciation标准发音 received report收货单,收货报告 received standard公认的标准 received thought公认的思想 received version标准译本 receiving account收入账 receiving agent收款代理 receiving bank收款银行 receiving bank fees银行收款项手续费 receiving barracks海军接待站 receiving cashier收款员 receiving country接收国 receiving depot接收仓库 receiving fighter空中受油战斗机 receiving for nation接发球阵式 receiving inspection验收 receiving member接棒运动员 receiving note (order)收货单 receiving officer收货人员 receiving officer补给品受领军官 receiving on four line up四人接发球阵式 receiving order破产接受令 receiving position支撑姿势 receiving quotation收款汇价,接收报价 receiving rate收入汇率 receiving side接球方 receiving slip收入传票 receiving team防守队 receiving teller收款员 receiving vouchers收款凭证 receivable adj.应收的 n.应收项目款项 other receivable其他应收款 receivable account应收账款 receivable financing应收融资 receivable for customers客户应收款/ receivable on demand催收账款 receivable testimony可接受的证据 receivable under contract依约应收款项 receivables from financing应收贷款,应收融资/ receivables others其他应收款 receivables turnover应收账款周转率 receivables under specific fund依约应收款 receiver n.受领人,收款人,收件人,听筒,受话器,接球(棒)运动员,机箱,炮箱,机匣,接收机(器),受油机,收赃人,破产财产管理人,财产接管人 receiver aircraft受油机 receiver for partnership合伙组织的清算人 receiver of rent租金清算人 receiver pilot受油机飞行员 receiver sight照准器 receiver station接收台 receiver transmitter收发两用机 receiver’s cash account清算人现金账 receiver’s certificate清算人借款证书 receiver’s left half court接球员的左半区 receiver’s right half court接球员的右半区 television receiver电视接收机 receivership n. 财务清算 receipt[ˈri:sit]n. 收到,收据 ◇be in receipt of已收到,接受/ other miscellaneous receipts其他杂项收入 receipt and issue counter收发柜台 receipt area(导弹)接收场地 receipt book收款凭单簿 receipt document收入凭单 receipt for a loan借据,借条 receipt in advance预取收益 receipt in duplicate二联单 receipt invoice收讫发票 receipt of licence clause收到许可证条款 receipt of money收到款项 receipt of payment收到付款 receipt of tenders收到报价 receipt premium保险费收据 receipt side收方 receipt signal接收信号 receipt slip收款便条 without receipt deposit无收据存款 receipts and disbursement statement收支明细表 receipts and disbursement收支 receipts and expenditure支出和收入 receipts and expenditures on capital accounts资本收支账户 receipts and payment documents现金收付凭证 receipts and payments account现金收支账,收支账户 receipts and payments report of income进款收支报告 receipts for the subscription price按认股价格购入 receipts from abroad国外收入 receipts from realization of fixed assets固定资产变价收入 receipts ledger收入分类账 receipts of premiums保险金进款额 receipts or payment entry收付记账法 receipts outstanding for installments paid分期付款收据 receipts tax营业税,交易税 receipts-payments bookkeeping收入支付记账簿 |