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reasonn. 1. reasoning faculty,intelligence,sanity智力,神志清醒。 △Lr.4.1.31:“He has some reason,else he could notbeg.”他总还有点智力,不然他就不能讨饭。 2. common sense常识,判断力。 △Lr.2.4. 237 (234):“For those that mingle reason with your passion /Must be content to think you old,”i.e. view your pas- sionate outbursts in the light of reason. 因为凡是对你这番暴怒能冷静判断的人只能认为你是老了。 3. reasonableness合理性。 △L.L.L.1.2.113(107):“Adangerous rhyme... against the reason of white andred.”这是一首反对红白脸色(合理性)的一首很厉害的歌。 in reason: naturally自然地。 △2H.IV.2.2.54 (48):“and keeping such vile company as thou art hath inreason taken from me all ostentation of sorrow.”跟像你这样的下流人成为伴侣,使我自然要收起一切悲哀的表示。 of reason: reasonable合理的。 △H.V.5.2.357 (329):“We have consented to all terms of reason.”i.e. allreasonable conditions. 一切合理的条件我们全都答应了。 4.that which is reasonable正常事物。 △Mer. 3. 5. 44(40):“It is much that the Moor should be more thanreason;”i.e. she is larger than that which is reasona-ble (with child). 黑人的肚子大了,那可不得了。 5. conformity to the dictates of reason,anything con-formable to the principle of reason 合理,合理的事。 △3H.VI.4.7. 32:“but being entered,/ I doubt not,I,but we shall soon persuade / Both him and all hisbrothers unto reason.”但是一旦进了城,我毫不怀疑我们很快就能说服他和他的同僚们接受合理安排的。 6. rational explanation 合理说明。 △As.5.4.146(139):“That reason wonder may diminish /How thuswe met,and these things finish.”好让理性把惊讶来减小;我们如何相遇,事情如何终了。 7. reasonable statements,sensible ideas道理。 △ Mer.1.1.115: “His reasons are as two grains of wheat hidin two bushels of chaff;”他的道理就像藏在两斗糖里的两粒麦子。 8. argument论点 。 △H.V.2.2.82: “For your ownreasons turn into your bosoms,”因为你们的论点反过头来扑向你们自己的心窝。 9. discourse,speech,talk议论,谈话。 △L.L.L.5.1.2:“Your reasons at dinner have been sharp and senten-tious.”您在宴席上的这一番议论真是犀利而简练。 10. cause,ground,motive原因,理由,动机。 △Wiv.2.2.16 (15): “Reason,you rogue,reason;”i.e. there isgood reason for it,etc.那是有道理的,你这坏蛋,那是有道理的。 △Lr.1.4.363 (338): “And thereto add suchreasons of your own”,此外再加上你自己的理由。 △2H.IV.4.1.191 (189):“Yea,every idle,nice,andwanton reason,”嗯,每一条荒谬、微小而无足轻重的理由。 △R.III.3.5.17 (18): “Lord Mayor,the reason wehave sent一”市长,我们请你来的原因—— reason of: cause for …的理由。 △H.V.4.1.114 (108):“Therefore,when he sees reason of fears,as we do,his fears,out of doubt,be of the same relish as ours are;”所以,当他像我们一样发现有什么该害怕的理由,他的恐惧,毫无疑问,也跟我们心里的滋味一样。 reason,too: there is good reason for it 大有理由。 △3H.VI.2.2.93:“And reason,too.”那也是大有理由。11.fairness,justice公平,公正。 in reason: in fairness,in justice公平地说,公正地说。 △H.V.4.1.116(110):“yet in reason,no man shouldpossess him with any appearance of fear,”然而,公平地说,谁也不该使他露出恐惧的样子。 12. legal case (with a quibble upon“raisin”) 法律案件(同音双关:葡萄干)。 △Ado. 5.1.215 (206): “If justicecannot tame you,she shall ne’er weigh more reasonsin her balance.” (Alluding to the goddess of Justice,who weighed the guilt or innocence of those broughtbefore her.)如果法律治不了你,那么她的天平也就永远别再称量什么案子(葡萄干)了。(按:根据古神话,司法女神将每个人放在天平上,以称量其是否有罪。) 13. ❶reasonableness,reasonable speech or behaviour合理性,合理的言行。 ❷with a pun on“raisin”,i.e.grapes.(音近双关)葡萄干。 △As.2.7.100:“An you willnot be answer’d with reason,I must die.”你要是不愿听到合理的回答(双关:你要是吃不到葡萄干),我准得死。
reasonvt. 1.argue about,debate,mention争论,辩论,提起。 △Lr.2.4.267 (264):“O,reason not the need!”i.e. do not argue about need.啊,不要争论什么需要! △Lr.5.1.28: “Why is this reasoned?”为什么争论这个? 2. talk,discuss,discourse讲,讨论,谈论。 △Gent.2.1.151 (141):“What are you reasoning with yourself?”你自言自语,在说些什么? 3. explain解释。 △Lr.1.2. 116 (104): “Though thewisdom of nature can reason it thus and thus,”虽然科学对这个可以如此这般地解释。 4. examine,question细查,询问。 △1H.IV.2.3.108(103):“I must not have you henceforth question me /Whither I go,nor reason whereabout.”从今以后我不要你问我到什么地方去,或是问我为了什么理由。 △R.III.1.4.93:“I will not reason what is meant hereby,/ BecauseI will be guiltless from the meaning.”我不想查问其中的用意,因为我不想牵涉到这种用意里去。 ~ vi. 1. carry on discussion,discourse进行讨论,谈论。 △H.V.3.7.38(35):“’Tis a subject for a sovereign to reasonon,”它是值得君王谈论的话题。 △R.III.4.4.536 (535):“While we reason here,/A royal battle might be wonand lost.”我们正在这里谈论的时候,一场争夺王位之战可能胜败已定了。 2. talk,converse,argue谈话,交谈,争辩。 △Com.3.2.53:“What,are you mad,that you do reason so?”怎么,你这样说话,可是疯了? △Mer.2.8.27: “I reasoned witha Frenchman yesterday,” 我昨天和一个法国人谈天。 △H.V.1.1.38:“Hear him but reason in divinity”,只消听他谈一谈神学。 △R.III.1.4.167 (160):“No,we’llreason with him.”不,我们还要跟他谈谈。 Phrases: cannot reason almost: can hardly speak简直不能说话。 △R.III.2.3.39:“You cannot reason almost with aman / That looks not heavily and full of dread.”i.e.you can hardly speak with a man who does not looksad and fearful.你无论跟谁谈话,简直每个人都是神色悲哀、心怀恐惧的。 reason of: talk about,discuss谈论,讨论。 △As.1.2.56 (52): “who perceiveth our natural wits too dull toreason of such goddesses,”她看到我们天生的智慧太迟钝了,不配议论这样的神仙。 △Rom.3.1.57 (52):“Or rea-son coldly of your grievances,”或者冷静地谈谈有什么不平之事。 reason[ˈri:zn]n.原因,理由,前提,理智,理性v.推论,推理,说服 ◇ beyond reason没有道理 by reason of由于 give reasons说明理由 listen to reason听从道理 out of reason不可理喻 reason sth. out说理 reason with说服 stand to reason按照常理 with reason合乎情理 ‖ analogical reasoning类比推理 approximate reasoning近似推理 backward chained reasoning反向推理 backward reasoning逆向推理 causal reasoning 因果推理 common-sense reasoning常识性推理 deduction reasoning演绎推理 fuzzy reasoning模糊推理 general reasoning一般推理 induction reasoning归纳推理 logical reasoning逻辑推理 reason and authority理性和权威 reason in common sense常识理性 reason of state执政者的理由 reasoned amendment合理修正案 reasoned argument理由明晰的论证 reasoning n.推理,推论,论证adj.推理的 reasoning by analogy类比推理 reasoning from particulars to generals归纳推理 reasoning power推理力 reasoning test推理测验 reasonable adj.有理性的,讲理的,合乎道理的 reasonable cognition理性认识 reasonable compatibility合理可比性 reasonable contemplation合理期待 reasonable doubt合理的怀疑 reasonable financial provision合理的经济供养 reasonable flow合理流动 reasonable force合理的暴力 reasonable man明理的人 reasonable price合理价格,平价销售 reasonable profit合理利润 reasonable readjustment合理调整 reasonable stage理性阶段 reasonable standard of life中等生活水平 reasonable value合理值 reasonableness n.合情合理,合理性 reasonably adv.合理地,适当地 reasonedly adv.详尽论述地,理由充分地 reasonalization of operation操作合理化 reasonless adj.不合理的,无推理能力的 |