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单词 read


1. utter,pronounce发出,宣布。
read lectures: utter warnings发表议论,发出警告。
△As.3.2.369 (346):“I have heard him read many lecturesagainst it,” i.e.utter strong warnings against love. 我听他发出许多劝戒反对恋爱。
2. learn学习。
△H.VIII.5.5. 37 (5.4.36):“and thoseabout her / From her shall read the perfect ways ofhonour,”在她左右的人们将会从她那里学到获致完美荣誉的途
3. study读,研究。
△Shr.4.2.6:“what you read”,你学的功课。
4. learn,perceive,discover,understand得知,察觉,发现,了解。
△Rom.1.1.242 (236):“Where I may readwho passed that passing fair?”使我知道世上还有人比那位绝色美人更美。
△ 1H.IV.4.1.49:“It were not good,fortherein should we read / The very bottom and thesoul of hope,”那不好,因为那样一来我们就看穿了希望的基础和本质。
△H.V. 2. 4. 138: “that (i.e. that fact) youshall read / In your losses,if he stay in France,”这件事,只要他在法兰西驻扎下来,你们一定会从你们所遭受的损失当中弄明白的。
△ H.VIII.1.1.125: “I read in’s (= his)looks / Matter against me,”我从他的神态上看出他对我的敌意。
5. judge,estimate,consider判断,估计,考虑。
△Tw.3.4. 293 (264):“to read him by his form,”从他的外表来看。
△H.VIII.1.1.104: ”that you read / TheCardinal’s malice and his potency / Together;”你要把红衣主教对你的敌意跟他的权力放在一起考虑。
~ vi. lessons读课文。
read to: read lessons to,i.e. give instruction to,actas tutor for,teach,instruct向…读课文,(指)对…进行教
△1H.IV.3.1.44 (43):“Whereis he living,clipt in with the sea /That chides thebanks of England,Scotland,Wales,/ Which(= who)calls me pupil or hath read to me?”在这冲击着英格兰、苏格兰、威尔士海岸的大海怒涛环抱之内,可有哪一个人能说我是他的学生、曾经给我进行过什么教导?
2. i.e.claim “benefit of clergy” and escape hangingand other penalties by reciting in Latin the“neck-verse”(the beginning of Psalm 51) 阅读,(特指)以拉丁语朗诵《救命诗》(《圣经·诗篇》第51篇),要求“牧师赦免权”,逃避绞刑及其他刑罚。
△2H.VI.4.7.48 (43): “Moreover,thou hast put them in prison,and because they couldnot read,thou hast hanged them,”而且,你把他们关进牢房,只因他们不会念书,你就把他们绞死。


◇ adopted on first reading一读通过
be well read博览群书
read a dream圆梦
read a riddle猜谜
read back重复
read between the lines体会言外之意
read into解释
read out of逐出
read the defense观察防守阵式
read the game比赛中通观全局
read the play观察场上情况
read up熟读,研读
‖read aloud诵读,朗读
read and appraise评阅
read and explain宣讲
read and revise校阅
read carefully and thoroughly精读
read excerpts选读
read extensively博览
read off宣读
read-only file只读文件
read only memory read-only-memory (ROM)只读存储器
read out宣读
readout command signal读出指令信号
readout error读出误差
readout system读出系统
read over批阅
read quietly默读
read silently默诵
read the tape审查行市
read thorough通读
read with respect拜读
reading n.读书,读数,读本
first reading一读
intensive reading精读
proof reading校对
reading accelerator阅读加速器
reading access time读出时间
reading age阅读年龄
reading anticipation阅读预期
reading book读本
reading books activities读书活动
reading case书夹
reading certainty读数可靠性
reading circle读书会
reading club读者俱乐部
reading compre- hension阅读理解
reading comprehension test阅读理解测验
reading device读数装置
reading difficulty阅读困难
reading disorder阅读障碍
reading education阅读教学
reading encoder读数译码器
reading error读数误差
reading instruction阅读指导
reading lesson阅读课
reading line读数线
reading list阅读书目,参考书目
reading matter读物
reading notice文字广告
reading material读物
reading party读书会
reading perception阅读感知
reading primer初级课本
reading program阅读计划
reading public读者
reading quotient阅读商
reading readiness阅读(心理)准备
reading readiness inventory 阅读准备测验卷
reading recorder阅读记录器
reading report书面报告
reading room阅览室
reading scheme阅读计划
reading skills阅读技能
reading span阅读广度
reading speed test阅读速度测验
reading test阅读测验
reading week阅读周
visible reading视觉读数
Readings of Scientific English科技英语阅读
selected readings 选 读
readable adj.易读的
readableness n.值得一读
reader n.读者,读本,读卡机,高级讲师,炮兵读数报告员
literature for the general reader科普读物
paper reader card纸制机读卡
plastic reader card塑料机读卡
reader sorter自动分类机
reader’s card,admission card 借书证
reader’s identification card阅览证
reader’s interest读者兴趣
Reader’s Review(美国)《读者文摘》 (月刊)/ readily marketable products适销对路的产品
readout n.读出器,读出
read-through n.通读





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