释义 |
ratsbanen. poison for rats耗子药。 △2H.IV.1.2.46(41): “I had as lief they would put ratsbane in mymouth as offer to stop it with security.”我倒宁愿他们把耗子药塞到我的嘴里,也不愿让他们拿出“保证”来堵住我的嘴。 △1H.VI. 5.4.27:“I would the milk / Thy mothergave thee,when thou suck’dst her breast,/ Had beena little ratsbane for thy sake!”我恨不得让你在你母亲怀里吃奶时,她喂你的奶是耗子药! △Lr.3.4.54: “that hathlaid knives under his pillow,and halters in his pew,set ratsbane by his porridge,”(“The quickest way forthe Devil to catch a soul was to tempt him to the sinof suicide.”)把刀子放在他的枕头底下,把绞索放在他的坐位下面,把耗子药摆在他的肉汤旁边。(按:魔鬼用这些办法引诱他自杀。) |