ratio[ˈreiʃiəu]n.比,比率,复本位制中金银的法定比价 ‖ conversion ratio转换率 ratio analysis比率分析 ratio between gold and silver金银比价 ratio between men and women男女比例 ratio bull spread比率多头套利 ratio chart比率图 ratio error比率误差 ratio estimate比推定量 ratio export限额出口 ratio of age年龄比例 ratio of aggregates总和比 ratio of allotment认购份额 ratio of assets value to sales资产价值对销货额的比率 ratio of attraction吸引比 ratio of average平均比 ratio of average gross profit平均毛利率 ratio of average gross profit平均毛利率 ratio of bad debt to credit sales呆账与赊销比率 ratio of capital stock to net worth股本与净值比率 ratio of capital to fixed liability资本对固定负债比率 ratio of capital turnover资本周转率 ratio of cash reserve to deposits存款准备率 ratio of cash to current liabilities现金与流动负债之比 ratio of cost of sales销售成本比率 ratio of current assets to current liabilities流动资产对流动负债比率 ratio of current assets to fixed assets流动资产与固定资产比率 ratio of current assets to total assets流动资产对资产总额比率 ratio of current assets to total liabilities流动资产对负债总额比率 ratio of debt to net worth负债率 ratio of depreciation折旧率 ratio of enlargement放大率 ratio of equity (ROE)股本利润率ratio of exchange交易比例 ratio of expenses to sales销售费用率 ratio of fixed assets to capital固定资产对资本的比率 ratio of fixed assets to capital liability固定资产对资本负债的比率 ratio of fixed assets to fixed liability固定资产对长期资本的比率 ratio of fixed assets to long-term capital固定资产对长期资本的比率 ratio of fixed assets to total assets固定资产对资产总额比率 ratio of ground cover覆盖率 ratio of intelligence quotient比率智商 ratio of interest and expense on deposit to deposit存款利息及费用与存款比率 ratio of loans to deposits存放款比率 ratio of investment to output投入产出比 ratio of net income to net worth净收益对净值比率 ratio of net income to outstanding stock净收益对实发股本比率 ratio of net income to total assets净收益对资产总额比率 ratio of net profit to capital净利润对资本比率 ratio of net worth to liability净值对负债比率 ratio of net worth to total capital净值对资本总额比率 ratio of net worth to total debt净值对负债总额比率 ratio of non-operating profit to net sales营业外利润对销售总额比率 ratio of points won and lost得失分的比率 ratio of profit to stockholder’s equity利润对股东权益比率 ratio of profit to stockholder’s sales利润对股东销售额比率 ratio of receivable to inventory应收款项对存货比率 ratio of repulsion排斥比 ratio of reserves to liability储备与负债之比 ratio of sales (ROS)销售利润率 ratio of successful examinees考试及格率 ratio of surplus to net worth盈余对净值比率 ratio of trade account payable to purchases应付账款对购货比率 rati o of utilization 利用率 ratio of value-added增值表 ratio promotion按比例升级 ratio scale比例量表 ratio variable比变量 ratio writer 比率立权人 ratios for financial analysis财务分析比率 |