释义 |
rackn. 1 1. an instrument of torture stretching victim’s joints拉肢刑架。 △Lr.5.3.315 (314): “O,let him pass,hehates him/ That would upon the rack of this toughworld / Stretch him out longer.”(Stretch him out lon-ger:❶prolong his lifetime; ❷extend his body fur-ther by the rack.)啊,让他去了吧,谁要是强拉他在这刑架一般冷酷无情的人间再多待一些时间,一定会遭他痛恨。 △Mer.3.2.24: “Let me choose,/ For as I am,I live uponthe rack.”让我选吧;照我现在这样,简直是上了拷问台。 2. engine of torture,instrument of torture拷问架,刑具。 △1H.IV.2.4.266 (237): “or all the racks in theworld,”或者全世界所有的刑具。 △1H.VI.2.5.3: “Evenlike a man new haled from the rack,/So fare mylimbs with long imprisonment;”由于长期监禁,我这四肢疼得就像一个刚从拷问架拖下来的人一样。 3. engine of torture,i.e. extreme pain拷问架,(指)极大痛苦。 △Oth.3.3.336 (335):“thou hast set me on therack.”你拉我上了拷问架。(又译:你把我害得好苦。)
rackn. 2 cloud-mass,drifting clouds云团,浮云。 △Ham.2.2.514 (484):“the rack stand still.”乌云静止不动。
rackvt. 1. torture by stretching the limbs对…施以拉肢酷刑。 △2H.VI.3.1.376: “Say he be taken,racked,andtortured,/ I know no pain they can inflict upon him /Will make him say I moved him to those arms.”假如他被抓住了,即使受到拉肢刑和拷打,我知道不管他们对他施加什么酷刑也不会使他招出是我唆使他起兵作乱的。 2. torment,put to pain折磨,使受痛苦。 △Tw.5.1.229(219): “How have the hours racked and tortured me,/ Since I have lost thee!” 自从我不见了你之后,我过的是多么痛苦难熬的日子啊! 3. harass by extortion,impoverish by extortion,re-duce to poverty by extortionate levies 以勒索骚扰,以勒索使贫困,以苛捐杂税使得贫困。 △2H. vi. 1. 3. 131 (128):“The commons hast thou racked;”你用强征勒索把平民百姓弄得精穷。 4. extend to its extreme,exaggerate,distort极力扩大,夸大,歪曲。 △Ado.4.1.221 (219): “but being lackedand lost,/ Why then we rack the value;”但是一旦缺少它、失掉它,好了,我们就会竭力夸大它的价值。 rack[ræk]n.搁板,行李架,发射架,炸弹架,台v.使飞机突然转弯 ◇ be on the rack十分焦虑不安 ‖ rack controls炸弹架控制装置 rack jobbers供应超级市场的批发商 rack rail齿轨 rack rent高额租金,高额地租 rack-renter收取高额租金者 rack switch炸弹开关 |