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单词 encounter
encounter/ ɪn′kaʊntǝ(r)/ v [-ing /rɪ ŋ/]; n

v (1) 遇到,遭遇(受)(危险、困难等) (meet or experience dangerdifficultyetc) [T+n](fml):~danger/every kind of difficulty/the enemy (aircrafts,troops)/hardships/stubborn resistance 遇到(遭遇)危险/各种困难/敌人(的飞机,部队)/苦难/顽强的抵抗; Napoleon~ed Wellington in the Battle of Waterloo. 在滑铁卢战役中,拿破仑与威灵顿遭遇。They~ed one another in the boxing ring. 他们在拳击台上遭遇。The plane~ed a storm over the Rockies. 飞机在洛基山上空遭遇风暴。What if we~a bear? 我们要是遇到熊怎么办? 〖同〗 confront,experience,endure,suffer; 〖反〗 escape,avoid;

(2) 偶然相遇,碰见,邂逅 (meet or come upon especially unexpectedly) [IT+n]:~an old friend on the street/the manager in the hall/many new words in a book/a policeman round the corner 在大街上偶遇老朋友/在大厅里碰见经理/在书中遇到很多生词/在拐角处遇到警察; the first time we~我们初次相遇; The first person she~ed was Mr White. 她所遇到的第一个人是怀特先生。〖同〗 meet; 〖反〗 miss;

n 相遇,遭遇(战),冲突 (meetingoften one that is not expected) [C]:have a brief~with the enemy 与敌人短兵相接; a bloody/a desperate~惨烈的/孤注一掷的遭遇战; a mysterious~with a stranger 与一个陌生人神秘的相遇; an~action/of wits 遭遇战/斗智; The~between the armies was fierce. 军队之间的交火非常激烈。Many men were lost in the~. 在遭遇战中有许多人被打死。I feel that I know him quite well,even after a brief~. 虽然与他只是匆匆地见过一面,但我觉得我对他非常了解。 I liked her on our first~. 头一次见面我就喜欢上了她。Their first~was brief. 他们第一次相遇的时间很短。A fortunate~brought the two brothers together after a long separation. 一次幸运的相遇使这对分散多年的兄弟重新团聚了。It was the~with Baker that delayed him. 他是因为遇到了贝克才耽搁的。〖同〗battle,combat,conflict,fight; 〖反〗 retreat,withdrawal





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