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单词 quarrel


1. dispute,contest争论,争夺。
△2H.IV.4.5.167(168):“The quarrel of a true inheritor.”在为一个忠诚儿子的合法继承权利的斗争中。
2. combat格斗,战斗。
△H.V.4.1.181 (169): “so that here men are punished for before-breach of theKing’s laws in now the King’s quarrel.” what isnow the King’s contest.这样一来,那些在从前违犯过国王的法律的人就在这里、在国王的战争中受到了惩罚。
△H.VIII.1.3. 20:“That fill the court with quarrels,talk,and tai-lors.”他们给宫廷带来了许多决斗、闲聊和裁缝。
3. dissension,opposition不和,反对。
△Lr.4.6.38(37): “If I could bear it longer,and not fall / Toquarrel with (= fall into rebellion against) your greatopposeless wills,”如果我能忍受得再长久一些,不立即跟你们那不可抗拒的伟大意志发生冲突。
4. rivalry 竞争,情敌关系。
△ Shr.1. 1. 115 (114):“Though the nature of our quarrel yet never brookedparle,”虽然我们之间的情敌关系不容商量。
5. dissension and combat for a public cause and on alarge scale大规模的争斗。
△2H.IV.1.1.206:“Derivesfrom heaven his quarrel and his cause;”他的斗争的动机乃是来自天意。
6. (abstract for concrete ) quarreller爱找茬儿的人
△H.VIII.2.3.14: “if that quarrel,fortune,dodivorce / It from the bearer,”如果爱找茬儿的命运把它从享有者那里割断。
7. cause of quarrel,ground of variance,occasion ormotive of dispute争吵的原因,不和的理由,争论的诱因。
△Tw.3. 4. 250 (226): “no man hath any quarrel tome.”没人会有什么跟我争吵的理由。
△Lr.2.1.56 (54):“Bold in the quarrel’s right,”理直气壮。
△Lr.3.7. 76:“If you did wear a beard upon your chin,/ I’d shake it on this quarrel.” i.e. in this cause. 如果你的下巴上长有胡子(意即:如果你是个男人),我便要为了这个揪你的胡子(意即:向你挑战)。
△Lr. 5. 3. 57 (56):“And the best quar-rels,in the heat,are cursed /By those that feel theirsharpness.”这场争端的起因虽然正大,但在激战中亲身感到战事残酷的人看来就是可诅咒的了。
△ 2H.IV.4.1. 94 (93):“My brother general,the commonwealth,/ To broth-er born an household cruelty,/ I make my quarrel inparticular.”i.e. The grievances of my fellow subjectsand the state as well as the home cruelty to my ownbrother,make me take the quarrel to myself.我的兄弟民众和全国的冤情,加上杀我兄弟的家仇,使我自己不得不起来抗争。(按:史书误传约克大主教之弟为亨利四世所杀。)
△H.V.4.1.132 (126): “Methinks I could not die any whereso contented as in the King’s company,his cause be-ing just and his quarrel honourable.”据我看来,我能跟国王死在一起,比死在任何地方都更叫我称心如意,因为他的理由是正当的,他作战的根据光明正大。
△2H.VI.3.2.233:“Thrice is he armed that hath his quarrel just;”争执理由正当的人就无异于披上了三重铠甲。
8. grievance怨气,冤情。
△Ado. 2. 1.245 (236): “TheLady Beatrice hath a quarrel to you.”贝特丽丝小姐对你有气。
△3H.VI.3.3.216: “My quarrel and this Eng-lish queen’s are one.”这位英国王后和我的冤情是一致的。9. cause,interest,aim事业,利益,目标。
△3H.VI. 2.2.64: “I’ll draw it as apparent to the crown,/ And inthat quarrel use it to the death.”我要以王位继承人的身份拔出宝剑,并且为了这一事业而使用它,死不足惜。
△3H.VI.3.2.6: “Because in quarrel of the house of York / Theworthy gentleman did lose his life.”因为那位可敬的爵士是为了约克家族的事业才丧失生命的。
△ Mac.1.2.14:“And Fortune,on his damned quarrel smiling,”命运女神也笑逐颜开,鼓舞他该死的作乱。
△Mac.4.3.136:“Nowwe’ll together,and the chance of goodness / Be likeour warranted quarrel!”现在我们一同去,但愿成功的机会恰似我们堂堂正正的事业! (又译:但愿我们堂堂正正的事业能够旗开得胜!)
in quarrel of: in the cause of,on behalf of为了…的事业,代表…
△R.III.1.4.212 (203): “Thou didst receivcthe sacrament to fight / In quarrel of the house ofLancaster.“你曾经接受圣礼,发誓要为兰开斯特王室而战。


vi. wrangle,dispute,be at variance争吵,争论,反对。
△Wiv.1.1.304 (290): “I love the sport (=bear-baiting) well,but I shall as soon quarrel at it asany man in England.”我很喜欢这种游戏(指斗熊),但是我要像任何英国人一样反对它。(按:Slender为清教徒。清教徒反对各种娱乐。)


n.& v.菱形装饰,菱形花砖争吵
◇ in a good quarrel争吵得有理 v.争论
‖ quarrelsome adj.好争论的,争吵





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