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单词 put


1. set,assign委派,指定。
△2H.VI.3.1. 43:“And,hadI first been put to speak my mind,/ I think I shouldhave told your Grace’s tale.”如果我被指定第一个说出我的意见,我想我应该说的也就是王后殿下刚才说的那番话。
2. urge,incite驱策,激励。
△H.VIII.1.1.58:“There’sin him stuff that puts him to these ends;”他的确有办这种事情的素质(又译:能力)。
△Oth.2.3.62 (59): “Now'mongst this flock of drunkards / Am I to put ourCassio in some action / That may offend the isle.”现在就在这一群醉鬼中间,我设法挑动凯西奥做一件开罪全岛的事情。
3. impart,communicate,tell通知,传达,告诉。
△Oth.3.3.393 (392): “I do repent me that I put it to you.”我真后悔,不该告诉你。
4. leave,confide留给,托付。
△2H.VI.4.2.154 (142):“The elder of them,being put to nurse,/ Was by abeggar-woman stolen away,”大的那一个,托给奶妈喂养,被一个乞丐女人偷走了。
5. thrust刺,戳。
△Oth.5.1.2:“Wear thy good rapierbare,and put it home.”把你的宝剑拔出鞘来,对准目标要害刺去。
6. divide 分。
△H.V.1.2.180: “For government,though high,and low,and lower,/ Put into parts,”因为政府尽管(像音乐一样)可以分为高、低、更低几个部分。
7. go by water,sail (船)开行,启航。
△Mer. 2.6.15:“The scarfed bark puts from her native bay,”那挂满了彩旗的船儿从港湾出发。
Phrases & Expressions:
put apart: remove,oust 除掉,驱逐。
△ 2H.VI.3.1.382: “For Humphrey being dead,as he shall be,/ AndHenry put apart,the next for me.”因为到那时候亨弗雷一定死去了;亨利再被赶走,就该我继承王位了。
put a strange face on: not to recognize,not to admit认不出,不承认。
△Ado.2.3.49 (46): “It is the witness still of excellency / To put a strange face on his ownperfection.”不知道自己的优异之点正是卓越的证明。
put away: dismiss,get rid of 消除,摆脱。
△Lr. 1.4.243 (220):“and put away / These dispositions”,收起你那些脾气。
put back: turn away,repulse,reject驱逐,排斥,拒绝。
△3H.VI.5.5.80: “Petitioners for blood thou ne’er put’st back.”请求你杀人流血的人,你是从来不会拒绝的。
put by: desist from,leave off,give up停止,放弃。
△Oth.2.3.174 (172):“For Christian shame,put bythis barbarous brawl.”为了基督徒的羞耻,快停止这种野蛮的争吵。
put down: ❶snub,take down,put to silence斥责,压下…的气焰,使哑口无言。
△1H.IV.2.4.285 (254):“Marknow how a plain tale shall put you down.”现在听一听,一个简单的故事(又译:几句老实话)就可以使你哑口无言。
△L.L.L.4.1.145 (141): “how the ladies and I haveput him down!”小姐们和我一阵子说得他哑口无言!
❷make a fool of,make to look foolish愚弄,弄得显示傻相。
△Tw.1.3.88 (81): “When did I see thee so putdown?”几时我见你这样给人愚弄过?
❸make drunk,makein capable with drink使醉倒,使得烂醉如泥。
△Tw. 1.3.89 (82):“unless you see canary put me down.”除非你看见酒把我醉倒。
❹beat,get the better of打败,胜过。
△Tw.1.5.89 (84): “I saw him put down the otherday with an ordinary fool that has no more brain thana stone.”i.e. beaten in a battle of wit by...有一天我看见他被一个呆如木石的下等小丑给说倒了。
△R.III.5.3. 256 (255):“If you dosweat to put a tyrant down,/ You sleep in peace,thetyrant being slain;”如果你们辛苦努力把一个暴君推翻,暴君一旦被杀,你们就可以在和平中安睡。
△Ado.2.1.294(283):“You have put him down,lady,”你已经把他打倒了,小姐。
❻overthrow. make away with,destroy打倒,杀掉,消灭。
△2H.VI.4.2.38 (35): “For our enemiesshall fall before us,inspired with the spirit of puttingdown kings and princes;”因为本人受到神灵启示要打倒帝王贵族,我的敌人们就一定在我面前倒下。
❼depose from of-fice废黜。
△3H.VI.1.1.197:“and whilst I live / Tohonour me as thy king and sovereign. / And neitherby treason nor hostility / To seek to put me downand reign thyself.”要在我有生之年尊我为王奉我为君,不得以叛逆或战乱将我废黜而自立为王。
put finger in the eye: weep (after the manner of chil-dren)(像小孩子一样)用手捂着眼睛哭。
△Shr.1.1.78:“Apretty peat! it is best / Put finger in the eye,”小宝贝儿! 你最好用手捂着眼睛哭吧。
put forth: ❶burst forth,shoot out,sprout长出,使抽条。
△H.V.5.2.44: “Put forth disordered twigs;”抽出了凌乱不堪的枝条。
△3H.VI.2.6.47:“Who,not con-tented that he lopped the branch / In hewing Rutlandwhen his leaves put forth.”他杀死了卢特兰,像砍断一枝正在长出绿叶的枝条,还心犹未足。
❷send out送出
△Gent.13.7:“Put forth their sons to seek preferment out.”把他们的儿子送到外边去寻个上进之路。
❸(a) invest,stake, venture投入…,以…打赌,用…冒险。(b) set out 出发。
△2H.IV.1.1.186: “Come,we will all put forth.” i.e. we will stake all.来,让我们把一切都投进去。(又译:来,我们要全体出发。)
put from: take from. divert from,distract from吸引…离开,转移对…的注意,分散对…的注意。
△Oth.3.4.87:“This is a trick to put me from my suit.”这是一个花招,想把我的请求推开。
△H.VIII.2.2.56 (55): “Let's in;/ And with some other business put the King / From these sad thoughts”,让我们进去,谈一些别的事情,使国王能暂时摆脱这些苦恼的思想。
put in: ❶enter the harbour进港。
△Oth.2.1.25:“The ship is here put in,”那船已经在这里进港了。
❷ graft upon嫁接在…之上。
△H.V.3.5.7:“Our scions. put in wild and savage stock,”我们的枝条,插到蛮荒野生的树干上。
put off: ❶thrust aside. discard,reject,cast off把…推到一边,丢弃,抛弃,抛开。
△H.V.5.2.251 (234):“Putoff your maiden blushes.” 丢开你那少女的娇羞吧。
△R.III.3.7.182(183):“These both put off.”这两个人都被抛弃了。
△H.VIII.2.4.19 (21): “That thus youshould proceed to put me off,”使你竟然提出把我抛弃。
△H.VIII.1.2.32:“have put off / The spinsters,carders,fullers,weav-ers.”解雇了纺纱工,梳毛工,漂布工,织布工。
❸set aside,e-vade推脱,避开。
△L.L.L.4.1.113(110):“Finely putoff!”推脱得好啊!
❹leave off停止,搁起。
△Rom.1.577 (73):“and put off these frowns,”收起这满面的怒容。
❺dismiss from one's mind or thought. (从心里)排除,抛掉。
△Wiv.2.1.241 (234):“I cannot put off my opinion so easily.”我可不能这样轻易地放弃我的看法。
put on: ❶force on强加。
△As.1.2.100 (93):“Which he will put on us,as pigeons feed their young.”他会(把他的新闻)硬塞给我们听,就像鸽子哺雏一样。
△Oth.2.1.145:“one thatin the authority of her merit,did justly put on thevouch of very malice itself?”一个只凭她美德的高贵就迫使心怀恶意的人也不能不表示赞许的女人。
△Lr.1.4.230 (208): “That you protect this courseand put it on / By your allowance;”你不仅庇护而且用你的赞许鼓励他们的这种行径。
△Ham.4.7131:“We'll put on those (= those who) shall praiseyour excellence,”我指使几个人称赞你武艺出众。
❺incite... (to),instigate煽动,激励。
△Lr.2.1.101 (99):“'Tis they (= they who) have put him on the old man's death,”定是他们煽动他谋害这位老人家。
△Oth.2.3.360 (351): “When devils will the blackest sins put on.”当魔鬼要怂恿人去干穷凶极恶的罪行。
△Mac.4.3.237(238): “and the powers above / Put on their instru-ments.”天上的神灵都鼓动起讨伐的武器。
❻instigate,bring about挑起,引起。
△Ham.5.2. 397 (383): “Ofdeaths put on by cunning and forced cause,” (Refer-ring to the deaths of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern,killed by a trick of Hamlet.)迫不得已、将计就计造成的死亡。
❼take on,assume承担,担任。
△Mac.5.4.15(14):“Let our just censures / Attend the true,and put weon / Industrious soldiership.”i.e.let us be industrious soldiers now. 等我们看到真情实况后再下准确的判断吧,我们现在则要严守军人的职责。
△As.5.4.188(181):“The Duke hath put on a religious life,”i.e. adopted a hermit's life,become a monk. 公爵(指Frederick )已经采取了修道的生活方式。(又译:去过隐居修行的生活)。
△Ham.1.5.171: “As I perchance hereafter shall think meet / To put an antic disposition on—”以后我也许要认为应该装出一副怪诞的样子。
△Ham.3.1.2: “why he puts on this confusion”.他为什么表现出这种心慌意乱的样子。
△Lr.1.3.13 (12):“Put on what weary negligence you please,/ You and your fellows;”你,还有你手下的人,尽管装出一副懒洋洋、爱理不理的样子。(方平译)
△R.III.4.4.286 (285):“There is no other way,/ Unless thou couldst put on some other shape / And not be Richard that hath done allthis.”没有别的办法,除非你能变成另外一种形体,不是做出这一切事情的那个理查。
❿put to the test,set to perform anoffice受到检验,安排履行职务。
△Ham.5.2.411(397):“had he been put on.” i.e. if he had been crownedking. 如果他有机会一试。(又译:他如果有机会临朝当政。)(11)be told to,be communicated to告诉给,转告给。
△Ham1.3.94:“as so 'tis put on me,”人家这样告诉我。(12) as-cribe to,attribute to把…归于,把…归咎于。
△Ham.2.1.19: “and there put on him / What forgeries youplease;”可以把你随意捏造的过错归咎于他。(13)lay on as ablow; challenge袭击,挑战。
△L.L.L.4.1.116 (113):“Finely put on!”挖苦得妙啊!
put out: ❶bring out,display,put in exercise拿出,显示,施展出。
△Rom.4.5.124 (121): “Pray you put up your dagger,and put out your wit.”请你收起你的刀,拿出你的口才来。
❷make one forget his lines使…忘了词儿,使…说不出话。
△L.L.L.5.2.102:“Presence majesticalwould put him out;”当着贵人的面会吓得他说不出话。
△Lr.4.2.71: “going to put out / Theother eye of Gloucester.”当他正要弄瞎葛罗斯特的第二只眼睛的时候。
put strange speech upon: speak strangely to向…说一些奇怪的话。
△Tw.5.1.71 (67): “But in conclusion putstrange speech upon me.”但是最后却对我说了一番奇怪的话。
put to: put to the trade or occupation of,enlist as使干…的行业,征募当(兵)。
△2H.IV.3.2.179 (165): “Icannot put him to a private soldier that is the leaderof so many thousands (i.e.of lice).”我不能把一个身上长了成千上万虱子的人征去当兵。
put to it: ❶put to the proof or test使接受证明,使接受考验。
△ Oth.3.3.472 (471 ): “And will upon the in-stant put thee to ’t.”而且此刻就叫你去接受考验。
❷forceone to do one’s utmost迫使…尽其全力。
△Oth.2.1.118: “O gentle lady,do not put me to’t,”啊,好夫人,别让我尽力做这件事。
put up: ❶put away,put into a thing’s ordinary place收藏,收起。
△Tw.3.4.347 (312):“ Put up yoursword.”收起你的剑。
△Tw.3.4.358 (321):“Pray,sir,put your sword up,if you please.”先生,收起剑来吧,若是你愿意。
△Rom.1.1.71 (65):“Put up your swords.”i.e. put away your swords; do not fight. 收起你们的剑。
△Rom. 1. 1. 74 (68):“Put up thy sword,”收起你的剑。
❷hide,put out of sight把…藏起来。
△Lr.1.2.28:“Why so earnestly seek you to put up that letter?”你为什么急急忙忙要把那封信藏起来?
△ L.L.L.4.1.110(107):“Here,sweet,put up this”,好人儿,你把这信收起来。
❸ pack up包好,收起。
△ Rom.4.5. 96 (98):“Faith,we may put up our pipes and be gone.”真的,我们可以收起我们的笛子走了。
△2H.IV.2.4.220 (206):“Alas,alas,put up your na-ked weapons,put up your naked weapons.”哎呀,哎呀,把你们的刀剑都入鞘吧,把你们的刀剑都入鞘吧。
△H.V.2.1.45 (43): “Good Corporal Nym,show thy valour,andput up your sword.”好尼姆伍长,显显勇气就行了,请把剑收起来吧。
△H.V.2.1. 110 (104):“Prithee put up.”请你把剑收起来吧。
❺put up with,endure,tolerate忍受,忍耐,容忍。
△Oth.4.2.180 (179):“nor am I yet persua-ded to put up in peace what already I have foolishlysuffered.”我已经像傻瓜一样吃了不少苦头,现在我再也不能安安静静忍受了。
△H.V.5.2.37:“put up her lovely visage?”抬起她那可爱的面庞。
△2H.VI.2.1.44: “Had not your man (i.e.falconer) put up the fowl so suddenly,/ We had had more sport.”假如你手下的人没有把那只鸟突然惊起来,我们就还会多玩一阵子。
❽bring forward,present提出,呈递。
△1H.VI.3.1.0.s.d.:“Gloucester offers to put up abill;”葛罗斯特正要呈递一份起诉书。
put upon: ❶make (oneself) out to be装作。
△Lr.2.2. 127(120):“And put upon him such a deal of man/That worthied him,”装出好汉的神气,显得是了不起的人物。
△Mac.1.7.70:“what not put upon/His spungy officers,”有什么不好推到他那两个烂醉的侍卫身上?


v. 放,摆,安置,出发,航行,击,贴水交易,征税,定价 n.掷,投击,期货买卖(套头),贴水
◇ be hard put to it陷入困境
put across说明
put a false complexion on歪曲,曲解
put a final touch to对作品作最后的润色
put aside保留
put a sum to sb.’s credit将金额计入某人的贷方
put at计算
put a tax on import征收进口商品税
put a tragedy on the stage上演悲剧
put away将钱存入,收好
put by储存
put down写下,记下,削减开支,降价
put English on the ball使球旋转
put forward提出
put heads together集思广益
put in安装,提名选举
put in tune校准…音调
put it on the line实话实说
put it to sb.向某人暗示
put off延期
put off the event比赛获胜
put on穿上,演出,举行,出局
put on air装腔作势
put on the defensive迫使采取守势
put on the globes拳击
put out熄灭,关掉
put sth. before sth.else把某事摆在首位
put sb. on a pedestal把某人当偶像崇拜
put the ball high放高球
put the ball out of play使成死球,使球进入比赛状态
put the last hand to对作品做最后的润色
put through完成
put through deal顺利完成交易
put to book登记入
put together装配
put up张贴,举起,住宿,提高价格
put up a bad show演得不好
put up a circus 临时搭棚表演
put up a good show表现得很好
put up cash提供现金
put up with容忍,忍受
‖ put a screw on a tennis ball(网球)削球
put a stop to all malpractices纠正不正之风
put a stop to extravagance and waste wining and dining of official guests,touring the country at public expenses刹住大吃大喝、公费旅游、铺张浪费的奢侈之风
put and call有价证券投机交易
put bond卖权债券
put bond option债券兑现选择权
put-call parity看涨看跌期权平价
put in投放
put in circulation使纸币流通
put in order整理
put in pledge抵押
put into force施行
put money above all else一切向钱看
put off暂缓
put on air摆架子
put on allocation实行配销
put on an act装模作样
put on makeup化妆
put on record立案
put on the assets side列入资产方put on the right path纳入正轨
put on weight体重增加
put one’s best foot forward飞速跑
put one’s card on the table摊牌
put one’s signature or seal on an official document签押
put option认沽期权,卖方期权,卖方选择权
put people and their prosperity at the forefront以人为本
put political pressure on施加政治压力…/ put quality before quantity宁缺毋滥
put relations in order理顺关系
put sb. in an important position重用
put sb. in a position which he is fit for量才使用
put sth. in place到位
put sth. on the right course纳入正轨
put sth. too strongly走火
put the cart before the horse本末倒置
put to use动用
put up for sale in a secondhand shop寄卖
put up for the night留宿,投宿
put up the sword停战
put upside down颠倒
put up张贴
put warrant认沽权证
put writer认沽期权沽出者
putting area铅球投掷区
putting circle铅球投掷圈
putting fist under elbow肘底看捶
putting green轻击区,推杆
putting the shot推铅球
putting the weight推铅球
putting up one’s shingle and serving the people挂牌服务
putter n.轻击棒,轻击者,推杆,推棒





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