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单词 purpose


1.intention,design,bent of mind意图,打算,意向。
△Mer.3.2.228 (227):“My purpose was not to haveseen you here,”我原来并没有打算到这儿来看你。
△Tw.3.4. 282 (255): “It is something of my negligence,noth-ing of my purpose.”那一定是来自我偶然的疏忽,绝非是故意。
△Lr.1.1. 38 (36): “Meantime we shall express our darker purpose,”同时我要宣布我的一桩心事(又译:一个秘密计划)。
△Lr.2.4.2: “As I learned,/ The nightbefore there was no purpose in them / Of this re-move,”据我听说,昨天晚上他们还没有离家外出的意思。(按:李尔此时已到康华尔城堡,而康华尔夫妇不在。)
△Oth.1.1.12: “But he,as loving his own pride and purposes,” 可是他自命不凡,自以为是。
△ 1H.IV.1.3.216: “You startaway,/ And lend no ear unto my purposes.”你把话扯远了,我的意图你一点也不肯听。
△2H.IV.4.5.207 (208):“which to avoid,/ I cut them off,and had a purposenow / To lead out many to the Holy Land,” i.e.Ihave cut off some of them,and intended to lead manyof them to the Holy Land. 为了避免这种事,我才把他们中有些人加以剪除,现在还打算把其中许多人带到圣地作战。
△R.III.3. 4. 15: “But for (i.e. as for) his purpose inthe coronation,/ I have not sounded him,”但是关于他对加冕的打算,我还没有向他细问过。
2. that which a person intends to do,matter in hand打算要做之事,手头的事。
△1H.IV.2.3.8 (6):“The pur-pose you undertake is dangerous,”你打算要做的事是危险的。
3. proposal建议。
△1H.IV.4.3.110: “And in themorning early shall mine uncle / Bring him our pur-poses.”明天一早我的叔父就会把我们的意图传达给他。
4. plan计划。
△Wiv. 4. 6. 3: “Assist me in my pur-pose,”帮助我进行我的计划。
△Ham.5.2.398 (384):“purposes mistook / Fallen on the inventors’ heads.”设计害人,弄巧成拙,反害了设计者自己。
△Lr.2.1.113(111):“Make your own purpose,”i.e.Carry out yourplans (for his capture). 执行你自己的(捉住他的)计划;照你的意思去办好了。
△Oth.1.3.396 (390): “He holds mewell,/ The better shall my purpose work on him.”他对待我很好,我的计谋对他就能更好下手。
△1H.IV.1.1.101: “And for this cause a while we must neglect /Our holy purpose to Jerusalem.”为了这件事情,我们只好把远征耶鲁撒冷的神圣计划暂时搁置下来。
5. purport,meaning大意,意思。
△Lr. 4.5.19:“Mightnot you /Transport her purposes by word?”你不能用口头把她的意思传达一下吗?
6. import,meaning重要性,意义。
△ Ado.5.4.107(105): “to any purpose”,i. e. of any importance. 有任何意义(重要性)。
7. matter in question,subject in view,point问题,题目,要点。
△Tw.1.3.22 (21): “What’s that to the pur-pose?”那又有什么相干?
△Ham.2.2.293 (278): “Why,anything—but to the purpose,”随便说什么,只是要对题。
△Lr.2.4. 184(181):“Good sir,to the purpose.”i.e.get to the point. 大人,说正经话吧。
8. resolution决心。
△Ham.3.2.200(188):“Purpose isbut the slave to memory,/ Of violent birth,but poorvalidity,”决心这东西本是记忆的奴隶,生的时候很猛,实行起来有气无力。
9. decision决定。
△ Lr.5.1.1:“Know of the Duke ifhis last purpose hold,”去探听公爵最后的决定是否还有效。Phrases:
of purpose: on purpose,intentionally,with a design故意地,有意地,有目的地。
△1H.VI.5.4. 21: “You havesuborned this man / Of purpose to obscure my noblebirth.”你们故意拉这个人来作假证,隐瞒我的高贵出身。
△H.VIII.5.2.12 (13): “for certain / This is of pur-pose laid by some that hate me,”这一定是有些恨我的人故意安排好的。
to our purposes: so far as we are concerned对我们来说。
△2H.IV.5.2.4: “He’s walked the way ofnature,/ And,to our purposes,he lives no more.”他已经走完了人生的道路,对我们来说,他不再算是活着了。
to some purpose: with serious intent,in earnest认真地,正经地。
△As.5.2.58 (52): “for now I speak to some purpose”,i.e. what I now say is in real earnest因为我现在是说正经话。


1. intend,design打算,谋划。
△H.V.4.1.167(157):“for they purpose not their death when they purposetheir services.”因为他们在打算使用他们效劳的时候并不想叫他们去死。
△1H.VI. 3. 1.6:“As I with sudden and ex-temporal speech / Purpose to answer what thou canstobject.”因为我打算用迅捷和即席的发言来回答你所能提出的一切指控。
△H.VIII. 2. 1.162: “And merely to revengehim on the Emperor / For not bestowing on him athis asking / The archbishopric of Toledo,this is pur-posed. ”(Emperor: Charles V. Holy Roman Emperorand King of Spain,Queen Katharine's nephew.)这么办,目的只是为了他自己对神圣罗马皇帝进行报复,因为他要求做托列多大主教,没有封给他。
△H.VIII.2.3.60:“the King'sMajesty / Commends his good opinion of you to you,and / Does purpose honour to you no less flowing /Than Marchioness of Pembroke;”国王陛下派我向你表示他对于你的好意,并且特降鸿恩,有意赐予你彭布洛克侯爵夫人的荣誉称号。
△H.VIII.5.3.149 (5.2.184): “What waspurposed / Concerning his imprisonment wasrather. / If there be faith in men,meant for his trial / And fair purgation to the world than malice,”关于要把他监禁起来这件事,当初的打算——如果人们尚有信义可凭的话——其用心乃是为了便于对他的审讯,为了向世人彻底洗刷他的罪嫌,绝非出于恶意。
2. wish,mean希望,意指。
△Mer.4.1.35:“I have pos-sessed of your Grace of what I purpose,”我想说的话都已经禀告过殿下了。
3. intend to employ,plan to use打算使用,计划使用。
△H.V.4.1.157: “for they purpose not their deathwhen they purpose their services.”因为他们在打算使用他们效劳的时候并不想叫他们去死。
~ vi.
1. intend,design打算,计划。
△2H.VI.3.2.281:“Andhad I not been cited so by them,/ Yet did I purpose as they do entreat;”即使他们没有这样提醒我,我也打算照他们要求的那样去做。
△Mid.5.1.93: “Where I havecome,great clerks have purposed / To greet me withpremeditated welcomes;”凡是我所到的地方,那些大学者们都用预先准备好的颂词来欢迎我。
△L.L.L.5.2.344 (343):“and purpose now / To lead you to our court;”现在打算领你到我们宫廷里去。
△Ado.5.4.106 (105): “since Ido purpose to marry,”我既然打算结婚。
△Ham.4.4.11:“How purposed.sir. I pray you?”官长,请问出兵有什么用意?
△Mac.1.5.61(60):“To-morrow,as he pur-poses.” i.e. according to his present intentions. 明天,他打算。
2. intend to do what one has promised打算兑现。
△Lr.1.1.227 (224):“If for(= If it is because) I want that glib and oily art /To speak and purpose not,”如果这是因为我没有那油腔滑调的本领,不善于只说不干。


n. 目的,意图,用意,效果,决心,意志 v.打算,决心
◇ for the purpose of为了
of purpose故意地
of set purpose满意地
on purpose故意地
serve a purpose 起一定作用
to no(good) purpose毫无效果
to the purpose合适的
with the purpose of为了
‖ purpose clause意图条款
purpose money定金
purpose of appraisals评估目的
purpose of bank audit银行审计目的
purpose of remittance汇款目的
purpose of stay居留事由
purpose of travel旅行事由
purpose of visit访问目的
purpose of war战争宗旨
purpose trust特殊目的信托
purposedly adv.故意地,蓄意地
purposeful adj. 有目的的
purposeful behaviour有目的的行为
purposeful learning有目的的学习,定向学习
purposeless adj.无目的的
purposefully adv.有目的地,自觉地
purposive adj. 有目的的,故意的
purposive association有目的群体
purposive behaviorism 目的行为主义
purposive psychology目的心理学
purposive sampling立意抽样
purposive sampling survey立意抽样调查
purposive selection有目的的选择
purposiveness n. 目的性
purposivism n.目的主义,目的论





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