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单词 purge


n. cleansing or purification(by blood-letting)(通过放血)净化,清洗。
△Mac. 5. 2. 28: “And with him pour we,in our country's purge,/Each drop of us.”我们和他同为祖国的清洗而流尽每一滴血。


1. purify by purgative,cure by letting blood用泻药清洗,用放血治愈。
△Mac.5.3.52: “And purge it to asound and pristine health.”把它治愈,恢复原来那样的健康。
2. purify. cleanse 使纯净,清洗。
△2H.IV.4.5.122(123):“Now,neighbour confines,purge you of yourscum.”现在,邻近的国家,把你们的社会渣滓都清洗出来吧。
3. discharge,expel,exude排泄,排出,使渗出。
△Ham.2.2.203(198): “their eyes purging thick amber andplum-tree gum.”他们的眼睛里排泄出浓浓的琥珀膏和桃树的胶汁。
4. cleanse. expel. remove. get rid of清洗,驱除,消除,除掉。
△H.V.4.2.29:“To purge this field of such a hil-ding foe;”把这些不堪一击的敌人从战场上清除掉。
△2H.VI.3.3.23: “And from his bosom purge this black de-spair!”并且把这种阴暗的绝望从他的胸中清除吧!
△3H.VI.5.6.88:“And then,to purge his fear,I'll be thydeath.”然后,为了消除他的忧虑,我再置你于死地。
5. clear from accusation or suspicion. clear of guilt使摆脱指控或嫌疑,澄清…无罪。
△1H.IV.3.2.20: “As wellas I am doubtless I can purge / Myself of many I am charged withal;”同时我也确信我能够洗刷掉我自己身上被人指控的许多罪名。
△H.VIII.5.1.102 (101):“where I know / You cannot with such freedom purge your-self,”我知道届时你是不可能轻轻松松地就给你自己辩白清楚的。
~ vb. refl. purify. clear,clear from accusation or sus-picion. clear from crime净化,澄清,使(自己)摆脱指控或嫌疑,证明(自己)无罪。
△2H.VI.3.1.134: “But mightiercrimes are laid unto your charge,/ Whereof you can-not easily purge yourself.”但是你被指控的还有更大的罪行,你要摆脱可不能那么容易。
△Rom.5.3.226:“And hereI stand both to impeach and purge / Myself con-demned and myself excused.”我站在这里,既要控诉也要澄清自己,因为我一方面要谴责自己有罪同时又宽恕自己。
~ vi. ❶take laxatives,lose weight by means of purga-tive drugs吃泻药,借助吃泻药减轻体重。
❷purge one'ssins. i.e.repent. confess清洗个人罪孽,(指)悔改,忏悔。
△1H.IV.5.4.167 (163): “If I do grow great,I'llgrow less,for I'll purge and leave sack,and livecleanly as a nobleman should do.”要是我一旦成了大人物(双关:大块头),我就要变得瘦小下来,因为到那时我得悔改(双关:吃泻药减肥)、戒酒,像一位贵族那样干干净净地过日子。


n. & v清党,整肃





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