释义 |
pryvi. 1.look inquisitively,peep with impertinent curiosity,spy窥看,窥视,窥探。 △Rom.5.3.33:“But if thou,jeal-ous,dost return to pry / In what I farther shall in tendto do,”但是如果你多心,胆敢回来窥探我下一步的行动。 △R.III.3.5.6:“Speak and look back,and pry on ev-ery side,”说一句话就回头看一下,向四方窥视。 2. look out 向外看。 △ H.V.3.1.10: “Let it prythrough the portage of the head / Like the brass can-non;”让眼睛像铜炮似的从头上的炮孔(指眼窝)里向外瞪着。 3. examine进行考查。 △1H.IV. 4.3.103: “and withal to pry /Into his title,”而且还要对于他的王位权利进行考查。 pry[prai]v.探查,刺探 ◇pry for information刺探情报 |