释义 |
proudlyad. 1. haughtily,arrogantly目中无人地,傲慢地。 △ R.III. 4.3.42:“And by that knot looks proudly on the crown,”并且凭着这一婚姻纽带妄图夺取王冠。 2. in a showy manner,in a lofty and haughty manner以一种炫耀的态度,以一种高傲的态度。 △1H.VI.1.2.61:“Reignier,stand thou as dauphin in my place; / Ques-tion her proudly; let thy looks be stern;”瑞尼埃,你且代替我做太子;以一种高傲的态度向她问话;你的脸色要严厉一些。 3. overbearingly,with unrestrained vigour盛气凌人地,以不受约束的气势。 △2H.IV.5.2.129:“The tide ofblood in me / Hath proudly flowed in vanity tillnow;”我的热情的浪潮在此以前曾经无拘无束地在轻浮行为之中奔流。 |