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单词 proportion


1. relation. relationship 关系。
△2H.VI.1.1.233(232):“Methinks the realms of England. France. andIreland / Bear that proportion to my flesh andblood / As did the fatal brand Althaea burnt / Untothe Prince's heart of Calydon.”我看,英格兰、法兰西和爱尔兰这三块国土对于我的血肉关系就像阿尔细亚所拿的那根致命的火棍对于卡里顿国王心脏的关系一样。
2. natural order,due relation,proper duty自然常规,应有的关系,正当的本分。
△H.V.2.2.109: “But thou,’gainst all proportion,didst bring in / Wonder to waiton treason and on murder.”但是你却违反了一切常情,把惊奇拉来,做了叛逆和谋杀的陪伴。
△H.V.4.1.154 (145)“who to disobey were against all proportion of subjec-tion.”倘若不服从他就是完全违反臣民的本分。
3. corresponding relation. comparative relation相应关系,比例。
△H.VIII.5.1.129 (128): “their practices /Must bear the same proportion,”i.e. their plots mustbe correspondingly great and many. 他们的阴谋诡计也与他们的身份大小相称。
4. due proportion,proportionate adjustment适当比例,成比例的调整。
△Mac.1.4.18: “Would thou hadst lessdeserved. / That the proportion both of thanks andpayment / Might have been mine!” i.e. I wish youhad deserved less. so that I could give you thanks andpayment in proportion to your merits. 我倒愿你功劳小一点,我才好给你相称的感谢和报酬!
5. necessary number,quota;forces or supplies for war定额;(军用的)兵员或供给。
△Ham.1.2.31: “thelevies. / The lists. and full proportions”.征募壮丁,士卒入册,备足粮饷。
6. portion. amount 一份,数量。
△R.III.4.4.109:“Thou didst usurp my place,and dost thou not / U-surp the just proportion of my sorrow?”你既然夺去了我的地位,又怎能不把我的悲哀也夺去一定分量呢?
7. extent. number,size,magnitude范围,数字,数量多少,数量大小。
in the first proportion: larger in size than any of theother troops比其他任何部队的数量都大。
△1H.IV.4.4.15:“Whose power was in the first proportion,”他的军队是所有部队中数量最大的。
just proportion: exact extent or number确切的范围或数字。
△2H.IV.4.1.23: “The just proportion that wegave them out.”这正是我们估计他们的人数。
8. form,shape外形,形状。
△R.III.1.1. 18:“I,that amcurtail'd of this fair proportion ,”我,既被剥夺了这美好的外形。
9. size,figure,carriage身材,体形,举止。
△1H.VI.2.3.20:“for his grim aspect / And large proportion of hisstrong-knit limbs.”由于他那狰狞的面貌和他那手足粗壮的高大身材。
△2H.VI.1.3. 56 (53):“I thought King Henryhad resembled thee / In courage,courtship,and pro-portion.”我以为亨利王在勇气、风度和举止方面也像你一样。
10. balance,symmetry,equality 均衡,对称,平等。
△Wiv. 5. 5. 247 (222):“Where there was no propor-tion held in love.”(那里)没有双方平等相爱的关系。
11. agreement,correspondence,similarity一致,符合,相似。
△Mer.3.4.14:“a like proportion”. 一种相应的一致。
12. rhythm节奏。
△Rom.2.4.22(21):“keeps time,distance,and proportion;”恪守速度、距离和节奏。
13. due ratio;(blunder for) portion比例;(错用为)一份财产。
△Gent.2.3.3:“I have received my proportion.”我已经分得了我的 一份财产。
14. portion,part 一部分,部分。
proportion of humanity: ❶part of the whole man整个人的一部分。
❷portion of the substantial body (i.e.the forces)实体(武力)的一部分。
△1H.VI.2.3.52:“Forwhat you see is but the smallest part / And least pro-portion of humanity.”因为你所看见的只是我这个人(双关:我的军队)的很小一部分。


vt. be in proportion to,be commensuratewith与…成比例,与…相称。
△H.V.3.6.136(125):“Bidhim therefore consider of his ransom,which mustproportion the losses we have borne,”所以叫他还是考虑一下怎样准备他的赎金吧,那是必须跟我们所遭受的损失成正比例的。




n. 比例,部分,平衡,匀称,面积 v.使成比例,使均衡
◇ in proportion as按…的比例
in proportion to与…相称
out of proportion不相称
sense of proportion判断是非的能力
‖ proportion between supply and demand供求关系
proportion by inversion反比
proportion of constant to variable capital不变资本与可变资本之比
proportion of reserves to liabilities储备与债务之比
proportion of human body人体比例
proportion of mixture混合比例
proportionable adj. 成比例的,相称的
proportional adj.(成)比例的,相称的,均衡的
proportional action coefficient比例作用系数
proportional allotment按比例分配
proportional amplifier比例放大器
proportional analogy比例类推
proportional controller factor比例控制系数
proportional cover比例分保
proportional detector比例探测器
proportional error比例误差
proportional guidance比例引导
proportional limit比例极限
proportional navigation比例导航
proportional navigation course比例引导航向
proportional navigation trajector y比例导航轨迹
proportional rate of tax比例税率
proportional reasoning比例推理
proportional reduction按比例减低
proportional representation比例代表制,比例代议制
proportional representation system 比例代表制
proportional representation voting system比例代表投票制
proportional scale比例尺
proportional size of the circle成比例的图形,圆的大小比例
proportional stamp tax比例印花税
proportional stratified sampling比例分层抽样法
proportional syllogism比例的推论式
proportional system比例代表制
proportional tax比例税
proportional tax rate比例税率
proportional weight method按比例加权法
proportionality[prəˌpɔ:ʃəˈnæliti]n. 比例(性),相称
proportionality coefficient比例系数
proportionate adj. 成比例的 v. 成比例
proportionate metaphor对称隐喻
proportionate sampling比例抽样





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