n. offer提议。
△。1H.VI.5.1.41:“And for(i.e. as for) the proffer of my lord your master,”至于你的主人老爷的提议。
vt. offer,propose提供,提出。
△1H.IV.1.3.251 :“Why,what a candy deal of courtesy / This faw-ning greyhound then did proffer me!”嘿,这条摇尾乞怜的猎犬当时对我说了多少甜蜜蜜的恭维话!
△1H.IV.4.3.71 :“Laid gifts before him,proffered him their oaths,”把礼物放在他的面前,向他宣誓效忠。
△1H.VI.5.1.17: “TheEarl of Armagnac,near knit to Charles,/ A man ofgreat authority in France,/ Proffers his only daughterto your Grace / In marriage,”阿曼雅克伯爵,查理太子的近亲,在法国有很大权威的人物,提出愿把他的独生女儿许配陛下为婚。
v.& n.提供,提议,贡献