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单词 produce


1. bring forward,offer to view把…带出来,提供观看。
△1H.VI.1.4.39:“With scoffs and scorns and contu-melious taunts / In open market-place produced theyme / To be a public spectacle to all.”他们以讥笑、轻蔑和侮辱性的嘲弄,把我带到广场上去做示众的对象。
△Lr. 5. 142: “Wretched though I seem,/ I can produce achampion that will prove / What is avouched there.”我虽然看起来卑贱,可我能带来一名战士证明信里所写的事实。
△Lr.5.3.232 (231):“Produce the bodies,be they a-live or dead.”把尸身抬出来,不管她们是死是活。
2. bring forward,exhibit提出,展示。
△H.VIII.2.4.65(67): “their arguments / Be now produced andheard.”让他们提出各自的理由,大家听听。
△H.VIII.3.2294 (293):“Produce the grand sum of his sins,”请把他的大量罪恶全部指出来。
3. bring forward (as witness)提出(作证)。
△Oth.1.1.146(145): “It seems not meet. nor wholesome to myplace,/ To be produced (as. if I stay,I shall)Against the Moor:”这看来不合适,对我的地位不利——假如我留在这里,就得被叫去跟那个摩尔人对质。
produce forth: bring out of hiding (for punishment).bring forward (for trial)搜寻出来(接受惩罚),提出来(审判)。
△Mac.5.7.97(5.9.34): “Producing forth thecruel ministers / Of this dead butcher and his fiend-like queen.”去搜出已死的屠夫的残酷的帮凶和他那个恶魔一般的王后。


‖produce accounts for inspection呈交账簿审查
produce a rise in prices引起价格上涨
produce clearing产品清算
produce documents出示票据
produce effect收效
produce exchange物产交易所
produce market产品市场
produce tax生产税
produce the best possible results发挥出最大的效益
produce the equalizer追平
produced quantity开采量
producing and distributing fake or shoddy goods制售假冒伪劣产品
producing department charges account生产部门费用账户
producing economy生产经济
producer n.创作者,生产者,电影制片人,演出人
producer control desk导演控制台
producer goods生产资料
producer price生产价格
producer price index生产价格指数
producers’ goods生产原料
product n.产品,产物,乘积,结果,作品
civilian industry products民用产品
inferior products劣质产品
investing in products产品投资
line of products产品系列
overstocked products积压产品
product and brand information产品信息表
product and marketing planning产品销售计划product availability产品的可获得性product by product tariff reduction逐项商品减低关税制
product category产品类别product certification产品认证
product charge生产费用
product class产品类别product control产品控制
product cost产品成本
product cost accounting产品成本会计
product cost accounting产品成本会计
product costing产品成本计算
product decisions产品决策product delivery sheet产品交库单
product design产品设计product design and development产品设计和开发
product developing产品开发
Product Development Department产品开发部
product differences产品差异
product differentiation产品差异
product dimension or attributes产品维度/属性
product diversification产品多样化
product evolution产品演变product features产品特征product for civilian use民用产品
product for society社会产品
product function积函项
product goal产品目标
product in excess supply长线产品
product in short supply短线产品
product inexcessive supply长线产品
product intent share产品倾向份额 product inventing产品发明
product launch产品发布展览会
product leadership产品领导能力
product liability产品责任
product liability insurance产品责任保险
product liability insurance产品责任保险
product life cycle (PLC)产品生命周期
product life cycle curve产品生命周期曲线
product line生产线
product line pricing adjustments产品线定价调整product locator产品定位器
product management organizational structure产品管理组织结构product manager audit产品经理审计
product mandating requirement产品授权要求
product market产品市场
product market entry control产品-市场进入控制
product marketing产品销路
product marking产品标志
product mix产品搭配,产品结构
product moment correlation积差相关
product motives生产动机
product of classes类的积
product of inferior quality劣质产品
product of labour劳动产品
product of sets集的积
product offering供应品product organizaition of sales force按产品组织销售队伍
product patent产品专利
product performance产品性能
product performance report产品性能报告
product policies产品策略product positioning产品定位product pricing产品定价
product price differentials商品差
product promotion产品推销
product quality产品质量
product related behavioral descriptors与产品相关的行为变量 product reproduction商品再生产
product scope产品范围
product seriation产品系列化
product series balance产品系列平衡
product space产品位置product specification report产品规格型号报告
product specifications产品规格
product standard产品标准
product systems产品体系
product tax产品税
product type产品类型
product usage产品用途
product use testing产品使用测试
product variety and design花色品种
products’ added value产品附加值
products’ insurance产品保险
products’ manager产品经理
products’ market产品市场
product’s market characteristics产品的市场特征
products’ portfolio产品投资products’ specifications产品说明书,产品规格
products accepting产品验收
products commercialization产品商品化
products exhibition产品展示会
products image产品形象
products information产品信息
products library产品库products of awarded medal获奖产品
products of complete set配套产品
products quality产品质量
products sale产品销售
products strategy产品战略
products tax产品税
production n. 生产,制造,制作,摄制
mass production大量生产
production agents制造代理商
production and management生产经营production and operation management生产与作业管理
production and operation生产经营
production area产地
production assets生产资产
production basis生产原则
production batch生产批次
production bonus超额生产奖
production budget生产预算
production capacity生产能力
production capital生产资本
production chain流水作业
production committee生产委员会
production cost生产成本
production cost account生产成本账户
production cost sheet生产成本表
production cost variances生产成本差异
production credit生产贷款
production domesticization国产化
production factors生产要素
production force生产力
production index生产指标
production line流水线
production loan生产贷款
production missile成品导弹
production of document 出示文件
production of material objects物质生产
production of military items军品生产
production of military supplies军需生产
production oriented organization产品导向型组织
production period生产周期
production plan生产计划
Production Plan Control (PPC)生产计划控制
production potential生产潜力
production power生产力
production practice生产实习
production procedure生产程序
production quality authentication产品质量认证
production rate生产率
production relations生产关系
production run流水线生产
production skill生产技能
production,supply and marketing of products产供销
production tax生产税
production test flight生产试飞
production test pilot工厂试飞员
production theory生产理论
war production军工生产
productive adj. 生产(性)的,多产的
productive assets经营性资产,生产性资产
productive capacity生产能力
productive capital生产资本
productive consumption生产性消费
productive credit生产信用
productive education生产教育
productive expenditure生产支出
productive forces 生产力
productive imagination创作想象
productive labour生产劳动
productive memory创作记忆
productive period服务期限
productive physical distribution of enterprise企业生产物流
productive population生产人口
productive potentiality生产潜力
productive practice生产实习,生产实践
productive school生产学校
productive specialization生产专业化
productive thinking创作思维
productivism n. 生产主义
productivity n.生产力,生产率
productivity accounting生产率会计
productivity analysis生产率分析
productivity effect生产效率
productivity gain提高生产率
productivity improvement提高生产力,提高工作效率
productivity of capital resource固定资本利用效率
productivity of the social labor社会劳动生产率
productivity science生产力科学
productivity theory of distribution生产力分配说
productivity tool效能工具
productivity trend生产力趋势
productivity wages计件工资





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