释义 |
procurevt. 1.bring about,effect,cause 导致,招致,使遭受。 △2H.VI.2.4. 62: “All these could not procure meany scathe / So long as I am loyal,true,and crime-less.”只要我忠心耿耿、诚实、不犯罪,所有这些人都不能给我带来任何伤害。 2. bring带来。 △Rom.3.5.68 (67): “What unaccus-tomed cause procures her hither?”有什么不寻常的原因使她到这儿来? 3. contrive,bring about设法办到,导致。 △1H.VI.5.5.88: “Agree to any covenants,and procure /That La-dy Margaret do vouchsafe to come / To cross the seasto England and be crowned / King Henry’s faithfuland anointed queen.”任何条件都可以同意,只要设法使得玛格利特小姐惠允渡海前来英国并且加冕成为亨利王的忠实的、涂了圣油的王后就好。 4. get,find,obtain得到,找到,买到。 △Rom.2.2.145:“By one that I’ll procure to come to thee,”我会设法叫一个人去找你。 △1H.IV.3.3.207 (186): “I have pro-cured thee,Jack,a charge of foot.”杰克,我已经为你找到了指挥一队步兵的职务。 △ H.VIII.5.1.132 (131): “Atwhat ease / Might corrupt minds procure knaves ascorrupt / To swear against you?”心地邪恶的人要收买一些跟他们同样邪恶的坏蛋来赌咒发誓诬害你,又是多么容易呀? procure[prəˈkjuə]v.采购,获得,得到 ‖procuring breach of contract唆使违约 procurable adj. procuration n.采购,佣金,代理权by procuration代理,代表 procuration fee代理费 procuration indorsement代签 procurement n.唆使妇女卖淫罪,采购,获得,取得 government procurement政府采购 procurement authority 采购单位 procurement authorization采购授权书 procurement by local purchase采购 procurement contract采购合同 procurement cost采购成本 procurement department采购部 procurement directive采购指令 procurement district采购区 procurement division采购部 procurement item采购项目 procurement of funds固定基金筹措 procurement prices收购价格 procurement management system采购管理系统 Procurement Management System Upgrade改良采购管理系统计划 procurement scheme采购方案 procurement service采购服务 procurator n.代理人,地方财政长官 procuratorial adj. 代理人的,代诉的 procuratory n.委任 |