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单词 pride


1. self-esteem. conceit 自负,骄傲自大。
△H.VIII.2.2.82(81):“Thispriest (i.e.Wolsey) has no pridein him?”难道这个教士一点也不骄傲吗?
2. honour. glory 荣誉,光荣。
△L.L.L.2.1.36:“All pride iswilling pride.”荣誉都是自愿的。(又译:引以为荣,自然乐干从事。)
△1H.VI.4.6.56: “If thou wiltfight,fight by thy father's side;/And commendable proved,let's Pride die in pride.”既然你要作战.就跟你父亲并肩战斗吧;在战斗中证明我们值得赞颂之后,就在光荣中死去。
△1H.VI.4.7.15:“and there died / My Icarus,my blossom,in hispride.”我的伊卡洛斯,我那初开的鲜花,就在那里光荣战死了。3. proud display辉煌表现。
△Oth.3.3.355 (354):“Pride,pomp,and circumstance of glorious war!” 光荣战争中的辉煌,庄严和庆典!


4. proud power,full power 骄横的武力,全部兵力。
△1H.VI.4.6.14: “Beat down Alencon. Orleans. Burgundy,/ And from the pride of Gallia rescuedthee.”打倒了阿朗松、奥尔良、勃艮第,从法国的万马军中救出了你。
5. choice forces,pick精锐兵力,精华。
△H.V.1.2.111:“O noble English,that could entertain / With halftheir forces the full pride of France,”啊,高贵的英国人,你们只用自己的一半兵力就能对付法国的全部精锐部队。
△ 1H.VI.3.2.40:“That hardly we escaped the prideof France.”我们好不容易才摆脱了法军的主力。
6. prime,highest glory全盛时期,最高的荣耀。
△2H.VI.2.3.46: “Thus Eleanor's pride dies in her youngestdays.”艾琳娜正在青春年少、风光十足,也这样完了。
7. height,highest pitch,intensity顶点,最高点,剧烈。
△1H.IV.1.1.59: “For he that brought them (i.e.the news). in the very heat / And pride of their contention did take horse,”因为报消息的人是在他们鏖战正紧的时刻上马飞奔而来的。
8. extravagance,wantonness; ostentation,pomp奢侈,放纵;虚饰,浮华。
△As.2.7.70:“cries out on pride”,斥责人间的奢侈。
△ Oth. 2.3.99 (95): “’Tis pride thatpulls the country down,”奢侈虚荣亡了国。
9. finery,magnificent adornment,splendid dress andornaments华丽衣服,富丽装饰,豪华服饰。
△ H.VIII.1.1.23: “the madams too,/ Not used to toil,did almostsweat to bear / The pride upon them,”那些贵妇人,平日不惯于劳动,盛装华服穿在身上,压得她们几乎冒汗。
10. spirit精神。
pride and mettle: spirit and vigour 精神和体力。
△1H.IV. 4.3.22:“And now their pride and mettle is asleep,”现在他们的精神和体力还很困乏。
11.sexual heat,sexual desire,lust性冲动,性欲,淫欲。
△Oth. 3. 3. 405 (404):“As salt as wolves in pride,”像发情中的狼一样好淫。


◇in prick of grease正适宜狩猎
Prides goes before a fall.骄兵必败。/Pride hurts modesty benefits.满招损,谦受益。/pride of place处于高位
take price in以…自豪,对…感到满意
with pride自豪地,骄傲地,得意地
‖ honest pride 自尊心
proper pride 自尊心prideful adj. 自傲的,高傲的





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