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单词 prick


1.prickle,thorn 刺,棘。
2. piercing with a sharp instrument刺,扎。
△H.V.2.1.34 (32): “for we cannot lodge and board a dozen orfourteen gentlewomen that live honestly by the prickof their needles ( seamstresses) but it will bethought we keep a bawdy-house straight.”因为我们只要把十几个良家妇女留下来管住管吃,哪怕她们都是靠针线活规规矩矩过日子,人家也要认为我们是开窑子。
3. stinging thought,qualm,remorse刺痛的思想,疑虑,自责。
△H.VIII.2.4.168 (171):“My conscience first rceived a tenderness,/Scruple,and prick,”我的良心最初觉得有些敏感、不安和刺痛。
4. centre of the target,bull's-eye靶心。
△L.L.L.4.1.136 (132):“Let the mark have a prick in't,”靶子上要有一个心。
5. mark or point on a sundial or clock to indicate thehour (日晷或钟表上的)时针,点。
△Rom.2.4.121(112):“for the bawdy hand of the dial is now upon the prickof noon.”因为日晷上那根淫猥的长针现在正顶着正午那一点。noontide prick: mark for noon on a sundial日晷上的正午标志。
△3H.VI.1.4.33: “Now Phaethon hath tum-bled from his car And made an evening at the noon-tide prick.”现在法厄同翻了车,把中午时分变成了黄昏。


1. puncture with a pin (用针)刺。
prick down: mark or indicate by a puncture,mark onthe list. enlist. choose 用刺痕标明或指出,把…记录在花名册上,登记,选择。
△2H.IV.2.4.364 (332): “The fiendhath pricked down Bardolph irrecoverable,”魔鬼已经把巴道夫当做不可救药者登记在案。
2. make a hole,or mark,by pricking 扎一个洞,扎一个记号。
prick off: mark (one) off the list of the living,finishoff把(某人)从活人名单中勾销,把…干掉。
△1H.IV.5.1131 (130): “Yea,but how if honour prick me offwhen I come on?”不错.但是我向前冲的时候,荣誉把我一笔勾销了又该怎么办呢?
3. pin钉住.插。
△Shr.3. 2. 71 (69):“pricked in't for afeather.” 插在帽子上,代替羽饰。
4. remove with a needle(用针)挑出,剔出。
△Rom.1.4.66(68): “Not half so big as a round little worm /Pricked from the lazy finger of a maid.”(There was asaying that when maids were idle worms grew in theirfingers.) 它的大小还不及从贪懒丫头指甲缝里挑出来的小胖蛆的一半。
5. goad用刺棒驱赶,刺。
△2H.IV.3.2.188 (175):“Come,prick Bullcalf till he roar again.”来,选上(双关:刺)小牛犊,让他用吼叫来反应。
△2H.IV.3.2. 191(178):“What,dost thou roar before thou art pricked?”怎么,还没有刺你,你就吼叫了吗?
6. goad,i.e. nag,provoke,worry,vex用刺棒驱赶,(比喻)困扰,刺激,使烦恼,使焦虑。
△2H.IV.3.2.124 (111):“I was pricked well enough before,and you couldhave let me alone.”我过去已经受够骚扰了,求你放了我吧。7. spur,urge,incite鞭策,激励,刺激。
△Oth.3.3.413(412):“Pricked to't by foolish honesty and love,”由于被愚蠢的诚实和忠爱所驱使。
△Shr.3.2.75 (72): “’Tissome odd humour pricks him to this fashion;”大概是一时异想天开,促使他装扮成这般模样。
prick on: spur forward,urge on,incite,instigate鞭策,驱使,刺激,挑动。
△1H.IV.5.1.130(129):“Well,'tisno matter,honor pricks me on.”好,那没啥,荣誉鞭策我前进。
△1H.VI.3.2.77:“Vow,Burgundy,by honourof thy house,/ Pricked on by public wrongs sustainedin France,/ Either to get the town again,or die.”勃艮第,凭着你的家族荣誉发誓,法兰西所蒙受的共同耻辱也刺激着你,不夺取这座城市,就去死亡。
△Ham.1.1.83: “Theretopricked on by a most emulate pride.”为骄矜好胜所驱使。
8. attire,clothe,deck out 使穿衣,给穿衣,打扮。
△2H.IV.3.2.165(152):“but if he had been a man'stailor,he'd have pricked you.”但是如果他是个男装裁缝,他就会把你打扮起来。
9. mark down on the list,choose,pick out(在名单上)把…记下,选择,选出。
△2H.IV.3.2.123 (110): “Prickhim. ”选了他。
△2H.IV.3.2.127 (114):“You need notto have pricked me,”你不必再挑选我了。
10. ❶ choose选择。
❷ fasten with pins用别针钉住。
△2H.IV.3.2.158(145):“Prick him no more.”别再挑选他了(双关:不必再用别针把他钉住了)。


v. 刺穿 n. 刺痛
◇ kick agaist the pricks以卵击石
prick up one’s ears侧耳倾听





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