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单词 prevent


1. go before. come before. anticipate比…先走,比…先来,占…之先。
△Tw.3.1.95 (83): “but we are preven-ted.”可是人家已经先来了。
△Mer.1.1.60: “I wouldhave stayed till I had made you merry,/ If worthierfriends had not-prevented me.”若不是你这些好朋友来早了一步,我倒愿意等到把你逗乐了再走。
△2H.IV.1.2.263(231):“and so both the degrees prevent my curses.”所以这两个人生阶段都够受了,不用我再诅咒了。
△1H.VI.4.1 71:“But that I am prevented,/ I should have begged Imight have been employed.”要不是陛下先说了,我也会请求陛下给我这件差事的。
2. anticipate预料。
△R.III.3.4.80 (81): “For I,toofond,might have prevented this.”因为我,实在太愚蠢了.本来早该预料到今天这样的事。
3. anticipate. be beforehand with使提前发生,先下手进行。
△R.III.3.5.53 (54): “Which now the lovinghaste of these our friends,/ Something against ourmeanings. have prevented;”不料我们的这些朋友们出于好心的急切,多多少少违背了我们的本意,竟提前动手了。
△Wiv.2.2.327 (310):“I will prevent this,”我要先下手。
4. forestall. avoid防止,避免。
△Gent.2.7.40: “Iwould prevent / The loose encounters of lasciviousmen.”我要避免遭受轻薄男子的调戏。
△Shr.5.2.49: “Shehath prevented me.”她把我避开了。
△As.4.1.62 (60):“But he comes armed in his fortune,and prevents theslander of his wife.”可是他来的时候,就以他命中注定应得的东西武装起来,防止人家说他妻子的坏话。
△Ham.2.2.311(293):“so shall my anticipation prevent your discover-y,”我先把话说出来,就免得你们再泄露。
△Ham.3.1.176(167):“which for to prevent.”为了预防这个。
△Lr.3.4.163(159): “How to prevent the fiend,and to killvermin.”如何防止恶鬼、杀死害虫。
△1H.IV.4.4.34:“Ihope no less,yet needful 'tis to fear; / And,to pre-vent the worst. Sir Michael,speed.”我也如此希望,不过担心还是必要的;为了防止最坏的事情发生,迈克尔牧师,快点吧。
△3H.VI.4.4.29: “But to prevent the tyrant’sviolence,/ For trust not him that hath once brokenfaith,/ I’ll hence forthwith unto the sanctuary,”但是,对于曾经背叛誓言的人切不可信任,为了防止这个凶神的暴行,我要马上离开这里到教堂去躲避一下。(按:tyrant一词,一般注释为usurper,似与Warwick不甚符合,故暂译为“凶神”。)
△R.III.2.2.130: “As well the fear of harm,as harm apparent,/ In my opinion,ought to be prevented.”不仅实际上的危害,而且担心中的危害,都应该加以防止。
~ vi. use preventive measures采取预防措施。


v. 防止,阻碍
◇prevent from阻止
‖ prevent an overheated economy防止经济过热
prevent drug trade禁毒
prevent false bankruptcy防止假破产
prevent foreign exchange flight制止外汇流失
prevent the drain of state-owned property防止国有资产流失
prevent the free movement of an opponent阻止对方的自由活动prevent the loss of State assets防止国有资产流失
prevent the normal progress of the game影响比赛正常进行
preventing the opposition from scoring阻止对方得分
preventing disasters and reducing damages防灾减灾
preventable adj.可阻止的,可预防的
prevention n. 防止,预防
prevention and remedy预防矫正法
prevention measure预防措施
prevention of errors预防错误
prevention of fraud防止舞弊
prevention of smuggling查禁走私
preventive adj. preventive check预防抑制,预防性检查
preventive defence预防
preventive detention防范性拘留
preventive health behaviour预防卫生行为
preventive maintenance定期检修
preventive measure预防措施
preventive medicine预防医学
preventive overhaul定期修理
preventive service缉私队
preventive therapy预防疗法
preventive war预防性战争





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