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pretendvt. 1. claim,assert要求,宣称。 △3H.VI.4.7.57:“Whyshall we fight if you pretend no title?”如果你不宣布你的名号,我们为什么还要打仗? 2. portend,presage,signify,indicate预兆,预示,表示,表明。 △1H.VI.4.1.53: “Or doth this churlishsuperscription / Pretend some alteration in goodwill?”这种无礼的称呼莫非表示他改变了心意? 3. intend,aim,mean打算,企图,意欲。 △Mac.2.4.24:“What good could they pretend?” i.e.What profitcould they intend to get from such a deed?他们这么干图的什么好处呢? 4. design,plot 计划,密谋。 △ 1H.VI.4.1.6:“And noneyour foes but such as shall pretend / Malicious prac-tices against his state.” 除了对于那些策划恶毒阴谋反对他的王权的人以外,不把任何人当做敌人。 pretend[ˈpritend]v.假装,佯称 ◇pretend to be deaf and dumb装聋作哑 pretending to be serious煞有介事地 ‖ pretense[ˈpretəns]n.主张,要求,借口,假装,托词,自称 ◇ devoid of all pretence毫不做作 false pretences欺诈 make a pretence of affection假装多情 make a pretence of假装 on the pretence of借口 pretension n. 借口,要求,主张,自负,骄傲 pretentious[ˈpretənʃəs]adj. 自负的,虚伪的,自命不凡的 |