presumevt. 1.suppose. imagine猜想,想像。 △2H.IV.5.5.61(56):“Presume not that I am the thing I was,”不要认为我还是从前的那个人。 2. venture beyond licence擅敢。 △3H.VI.3.3.178:“Dare he presume to scorn us in this manner?”他竟然胆敢这样子嘲弄我吗? 3. venture to say敢说。 △H.VIII.3.2.184 (183):“Ipresume. / That as my hand has opened to you. / Myheart dropped love,my power rained honour,moreOn you than any;”我敢说我对你一向出手大方,心怀眷顾,优礼有加,超过对于任何他人。 ~vi. 1. suppose. imagine猜想,想像。 △1H.VI.5.5.22:“And otherwise will Henry ne'er presume ”除此之外亨利也绝不去想。 2. act too forwardly,venture beyond licence放肆,越轨冒险。 △Shr.3.1.45(44):“presume not.”不要放肆。3. be insolent无礼。 △3H.VI.5.6.35: “Hadst thoubeen killed when first thou didst presume. / Thouhadst not (i.e. would not have) lived to kill a son ofmine.”假如你一开始傲慢无礼时就被杀死,你也就不会活下来杀我这个儿子了。 presume[preˈzju:m]v.假定,推测 ◇presume on (upon)指望 ‖ presumably adv.也许,大概 presumed total loss推定全损 presumption n. 假定 presumption of death推定死亡 presumption of fact事实推测 presumption of good faith善意推定 presumption of innocence无罪推定 presumption of law法律推定 presumption of legality推定合法 presumption of legitimacy推定婚生 presumption of negligence推定过失 presumption of sanity神智健全推定 presumption of survivorship生存推定 presumption paper假定同意文件 presumptive adj.假定的 presumptive error假定误差 presumptive evidence推定证据 presumptive income推定收入 presumptive will假定的意志 |