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单词 elbow
elbow/′elbǝ ʊ, AmE ′-boʊ/ n & vt

n (1) 肘(joint or bent between the forearm and the upper arm) [C]:lean an~on the table 把胳膊肘支在桌子上; lean forward on one's~用胳膊肘支撑住身体; sit with one's~on the table 坐在桌前并把胳膊肘支在桌子上; take one's~off the desk 将胳膊肘从课桌上挪开; With~s bent he sat,chin in his hands,fixedly staring at the TV. 他坐在那里,两臂弯曲,手托着下巴,眼睛紧紧地盯着电视屏幕。

(2) (衣服的)肘部 (part of a sleeve that covers the elbow) [C]: a jacket with worn~s肘部破了的夹克衫; a coat patched at the~肘部打着补丁的外衣; I've torn the~s of my blouse. 我把罩衫的肘部撕破了。

(3) 肘状物体(anything that bends sharply or has a sharp angle in it) [C]:an~joint in the pipe 管子的弯头;

at one's elbow 近在手边,在身边:The journalist always works with a dictionary at his~. 那个记者在工作时手边总是放一本词典。Mary practiced for several years to become a champion-swimmer,and her mother was always at her~to help her. 玛丽为成为游泳冠军已经训练了好几年,她的母亲总是不离左右地帮助她。

out at (the) elbows (衣衫)褴褛的,破旧的:He always wears that old jacket although it is out at~s. 虽然那件旧外衣已经破了,但他一直穿着它。

rub elbows with 掺杂在一起,与富(名)人交往:City people and country people,old and young,rub~s at the horse show. 在马展上,城里人、乡下人、老年人、年轻人摩肩接踵,熙熙攘攘。

up to one's elbow (in) 忙于: He is up to his~in work/in making jam. 他正忙于(着)工作/做果酱。

vt 用胳膊肘推挤着前进 (force one's way through a group of people by pushing with one's elbow or elbows) [T+n+prep(into/through),T+n +adv(forward)]:~into/through the crowd 挤进/挤过人群;~one's way forward 推挤着朝前走;~sb out of the way/off the sidewalk (用胳膊肘)将某人挤出去/挤下便道; He~ed his way over to where we stood. 他推挤着来到我们站着的地方。to~right and left 左推右搡





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