释义 |
prankn. malicious deed,licentious or mischievoustrick恶意行为,放肆的或恶作剧的把戏。 △1H.VI.3.1.14;“No,prelate,such is thy audacious wickedness,/ Thylewd,pestiferous,and dissentious pranks,/ As veryinfants prattle of thy pride.”不,教士,你的大胆的罪行,你那些卑劣、恶毒、制造纠纷的把戏太过分了,以至于就连小孩子都在不断说起你的骄横。 △ Oth.3.3.202: “In Venice they(i.e. Women in Venice) do let God see the pranksThey dare not show their husbands;” 在威尼斯女人们不敢让丈夫知道的勾当,她们敢当着上天的面去干。
prankvt. deck,adorn,dress up,beautify装饰,修饰,打扮,美化。 △Tw.2.4.87 (85):“But ’tis that miracle andqueen of gems / That nature pranks her in attracts mysoul.” i.e.But what attracts my soul is the beautywhich nature adorns her with. 打动我的灵魂的乃是大自然给她装扮的那副美貌。 prank[prænk]n.开玩笑,胡闹 v.打扮,装饰 ‖ prankish adj.爱开玩笑的 |