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单词 possess


1. take possession of,occupy,take up entirely 占有,占据,完全占住。
△Com.2.2.181 (177):“’If aught possessthee from me,“i. e. if anythin g hold a part in youwhich separates you from me. 如果什么东西占据着你的身心,使你与我分离。
△H.VIII.4.2.93:“I am most joyful,madam,such good dreams / Possess your fancy.”我太高兴了,夫人,竟能有这样的好梦充填了你的想像。
△R.III.4.1.93: “Go thou to sanctuary,and good thoughts pos-sess thee!”你到圣堂去,愿圣念占领你的心!
2. put …in possession (of),inform 使占有,通知。
△Mac.4.3.201: “Let not your ears despise mytongue for ever,/ Which shall possess them with theheaviest sound / That ever yet they heard.”让你的耳朵不要从此永远憎恶我的舌头,它将要使你的耳朵听到它们从未听到过的最惨痛的声音。
3. inform,make … acquainted,let know,instruct 通知,使…闻知,让…知道,指示。
△Ado.3.3.159 (150):“possessed by my master Don John.”听了我的主人堂·约翰的密报。
△Ado.5.1.294 (281):“Possess the peoplein Messina here / How innocent she died,”通告麦西那这里所有的人:她是死得清白的。
△Tw.2.3.151 (138):“Possess us,possess us,tell us something of him.”告诉我们,告诉我们,告诉我们 一些关于他的事情。
△ Mer.4.1.35:“I have possessed your Grace of what I purpose,”我的意见已经向殿下禀告过了。
4. imbue,convince,influence,communicate to 灌输,说服,影响,向…传播。
△H.VIII.2.1.156: “Either theCardinal,/ Or some about him near,have out ofmalice / To the good Queen possessed him (i.e.theKing) with a scruple / That will undo her.”红衣主教,或者国王身边别的亲信人物,出于对善良王后的恶意,拿一种疑惑影响他,这将要害了王后。
△ Ado.3.3.164 (156):“partlyby his oaths,which first possessed them.”一部分由于他的赌咒,使得他们信服了。
5. inspire,cause to show 唤起,使露出。
△H.V.4.1.116(110):“yet in reason,no man should possess him withany appearance of fear,lest he,by showing it,shoulddishearten his army.”然而,公平地说,谁也不该使他露出恐惧的样子,怕的是他一流露出来,军心就要动摇。
6. cause …to be possessed,fill,pervade,overpower使受控制,使充满,使渗透,压倒。
△Wiv.1.3.108 (101):“Iwill possess him with yellows,”我要叫他醋劲大发。
△1H.IV.2.2.116 (105): “The thieves are all scat-tered,and possessed with fear/ So strongly that theydare not meet each other;”这群盗贼都逃散了,他们吓得魂飞魄散,彼此不敢照面。
△H.V.4.1.309 (289):“O God ofbattles,steel my soldiers’ hearts,/ Possess them notwith fear!”啊,战神哪,使得我的士兵们像钢铁一样坚强起来吧,千万不要让他们心里充满恐惧!
7. (used of evil spirits) occupy or control the body ormind of (man) (魔鬼)附着(人体),控制(人心)。
△Tw.3.4.97 (85):“and Legion himself possessed him,”全体魔鬼都附在他的身上。
△Lr.4.1.62 (61):“Flibbertigibbet,of mopping and mowing,who since possesses cham-ber-maids and waiting-women.”扮鬼脸、做怪相的鬼弗力勃铁捷贝特,他后来常常附在丫环和使女们身上。


v. 占有,占领,拥有,控制
◇ be possessed鬼迷心窍,一心想干…/ be possessed of拥有
‖ possession[pəˈzeʃən]n.所有(权),占领,占有,属地
◇ come into possession of sth.占有某物
in possession of占有
take possession of占有
possession of puck控制球权
right of possession占有权
possessiveness n. 自制力
possessory adj.所有的,所有者的
possessory lien占有留置权
possessory right所有权possessory title占有性所有权





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