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单词 either
either/′aɪ ð ǝ(r), AmE ′i:ð ǝ(r)/ det,pron,adv & conj

det (1) (两者之中)任一的 (the one or the other of two things or people): write with~hand 用任何一只手写字; use/borrow~hoe/book 使用两把锄头中的任何一把/借两本书中的一本; E~book would be interesting to read. 这两本书中的任何一本读起来都很有趣。in~case/event (两种事情中)不论发生哪种情况; of~sex 两性中任何一方的;~way 反正都; E~one will suit me. 这两个中的任何一个对我都很合适。Take~half; they are exactly the same. 这两半你拿哪一半都行, 它们完全一样。

(2) (两者之中)每一方的 (the one and the other;both): on~side of the street 在大街的两边;on~bank of the river 在河两岸; at~end of the corridor 在楼道的两端; have a tool in~hand 两只手各拿一件工具;

pron (两者中的)任何一个 (one or the other of the two) [接sing 动词]:E~of them is capable of doing this. 他们两个人都能做到这一点。E~of the plans is equally dangerous.这两个计划中的任何一个都很危险。You can borrow~of the books. 这两本书你借哪本都行。Do you like~of these? No,I don't like~. 你喜欢这两本书中的哪一本? 不,我哪本都不喜欢。E~will do/will be satisfactory. 这两个哪个都行/哪个都令人满意。

adv (用于否定词组或否定句后面加强语气)也,而且(also; too; as well):I haven't read this book and he hasn't~. 我没读过这本书,他也没读过。I don't want this one,and I don't want that one~. 这个我不想要,那个我也不想要。If you don't go,I won't~. 如果你不走,我也不走。I'm not fond of this film and he isn't~. 我不喜欢这部电影,他也不喜欢。

conj 或者(是)…… 或者(是),不论…… 还是,既(不)…… 又(不) (与or 连用,表示两者选其一): E~your father or your mother, or both parents may come with you. 你父亲或是你母亲,或者他们二人可以和你一起来。You must~go to see him or send an apology. 要么你必须去看望他,要么给他写信致歉。E~stay here or go home. 要么留下,要么回家。You can play~tennis or golf. 你既可以打网球, 也可以打高尔夫球。These books were~romance or detective stories. 这些书不是爱情小说,就是侦探故事。Put your book~on the desk or in your bag. 你要么把书放在桌子上,要么放到书包里。For my part,I have not the slightest doubt as to~his courage,honesty,or his presence of the mind. 至于我,我对他的勇气、诚实以及沉着都毫不怀疑。E~you come to work on time or I shall dismiss you. 要么你准时来上班,要么我解雇你。

【说明】either 一般指两个中的一个,如:Either one will do. (这两个哪一个都行。) 但有时也可指三个或三个以上中的一个,如: either corner of the triangle (三角形中的任何一个角); 但两个以上最好用any或any one。

【注意】当either ... or 连接的主语都为单数时,其谓语动词也用单数,如:Either Mary's father or Tom's mother is coming. (不是玛丽的父亲就是汤姆的母亲要来。) 当连接的主语一个为单数而另一个为复数时,其谓语动词一般与最近的主语一致,如:Either the shirts or the sweater is a good buy. (无论是那些衬衣还是这件毛衣都很合算。)

【用法】在either ... or 结构中,两个连词所连接的成分应是平行的,下面的句子是错误的:You may either wear the red tie or the blue one. 正确的用法应为: You may wear either the red tie or the blue one. (你即可以戴那条红色的领带,也可以带那条蓝色的。)

【辨异】eitheralsoas welltoo 的区别见ALSO。





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