释义 |
Pomfret:Pontefract Castle,Yorkshire,England,where Richard II was murdered in 1400. 旁弗雷特城堡,在英格兰的约克郡,英王理查二世在此被杀。 △2H.IV.1.1204:“And doth enlarge his rising with the blood / Offair King Richard,scraped from Pomfret stones;”i.e.enhance the merit of his insurrection by makingRichard out to be a martyr,whose blood is treated as a holy relic. 从旁弗雷特城堡的石壁上刮下一些清白的理查王的血,用来增强他起义的宗旨。 △2H.VI.2.2.24:“Seizedon the realm,deposed the rightful king,/ sent hispoor queen to France,from whence she came,/Andhim to Pomfret where,as all you know,/ HarmlessRichard(i.e. Richard II) was murdered traitorously.”强夺了国家权力,废黜了合法国王,把他可怜的王后送回她的故乡法国,把国王送到旁弗雷特,然后,如你们都知道的,无罪的理查就在那里被杀害了。 △R.III.2.4.42: “Lord Rivers andLord Grey are sent to Pomfret,/ And with them SirThomas Vaughan. prisoners.”利佛斯大人和葛雷大人都被押送到旁弗雷特去了,还有托马斯·沃恩爵士也和他们一齐下狱。 |