单词 | effect |
释义 | effect/ ɪ′fekt/ n;vt [-ed,-ed / ɪd/] n (1) 结果(something brought about by a cause; result or outcome) [C,U,] [N(on)]: cause and~因果; feel the~of sth 感受到某事的后果; The two methods are the same in~. 这两种方法的效果是一样的。The~of the gale was to overturn several boats. 这场大风的结果是掀翻了几条船。〖同〗result,consequence,outcome;〖反〗 cause; (2) 效果(力),影响,作用(power or capacity to bring about desired result; influence) [C,U]:have an immediate/the opposite/the same~upon (on) sb/sth 对某人/某事有直接的/相反的/同样的影响; have little/much/no~s upon (on) sb/sth 对某人/某物有很小的影响/很大的影响/没有影响; recover/suffer from the~s of illness 从疾病中恢复过来/受疾病的影响; the~(s) of advertising on sales/of heat on metal 广告对销售/热对金属的影响; The decorations made quite an~. 装修的效果非常好。Does it have any~(on him)? 这事(对他)有什么影响吗? Morphine produces the~of sleep. 吗啡能产生催眠的效果。I'm eager to try its~. 我很想试试它的效果。〖同〗 influence,force,power; (3) (艺术)效果,印象(impression given or produced by artistic technique) [C,U]:create/give the~of sunlight 制造出/产生阳光的效果; Many special~s are used to make movies. 利用许多特技效果制作影片。His entry onto the stage had a great~on the audience. 他的登台亮相给观众留下了极佳的印象。Sunshine coming through the leaves makes/produces a lovely~. 阳光穿过树叶制造出/产生一种美妙的效果。 (4) (个人)财物(产); 动产 (personal property,possession; goods) [pl]:personal/household~s 私人/家庭财产; no~s无存款; Before moving,the family sold as many of their~s as possible. 那一家人在搬家之前尽可能多地卖掉他们的财产。〖同〗possessions,property,goods; be in effect 有(生)效:The rule/cease-fire/new law is in~. 这项规则/停火/新法律现已生效。 bring/carry/put into effect 使生效;实施(行):bring/put a rule/a scheme/a system into~使一项规则/计划/制度生效; carry one's theories/one's threat into~将某人的理论/威胁付诸实施; Are you convinced that his proposals can be put into~? 你认为他的建议能付诸实施吗? come/go into effect (开始)生效:The law/new regulation came (went) into~yesterday. 这项法律/新制度昨天开始生效。 for effect 装门面;作样子: The archaic style of writing may sometimes be justifiable,if it is used for~. 如果只是作作样子,那么这种陈旧的写作风格还是情有可原的。The policeman made that speech/the woman cried just for~. 那个警察发表讲话/女人哭泣只是作作样子而已。 give effect to 实(施)行:give~to one's threat/one's promise/one's suggestion/one's proposal 实(施)行某人的威胁/诺言/建议/提议; in effect 实际上; 几乎:A sentence of ten years' imprisonment on a person of eighty is in~a life sentence. 判处一个80岁的人10年徒刑实际上等于是终身监禁。What is he in~saying? 他到底在说些什么? By constantly looking up at the clock he is saying,in~,that he wants us to leave. 他不停地看表,等于是让我们走。 of/to no effect 没有(不起)作用:All my efforts/warnings/pleas were of no~. 我所有的努力/警告/恳求都没有作用。We tried again and again,but to no~. 我们一次又一次地努力,但是都没有用。 take effect 生(见)效;开始发生作用:The tranquilizer/medicine takes~quickly. 这种镇静剂/药见效很快。The new law/system of taxation will take~next week. 这项新法律/纳税制度下周开始生效。The teachers' words were taking~. 老师的话已开始发生作用。 to this/that/the same/the following effect (是)这个/那个/同样/以下的意思:He said he was dissatisfied with our work,or words to that~.他说了他对我们的工作不满意,或类似这个意思的话。The letter is to the following~. 这封信的意思是这样的。He sent me a telegram and wrote a letter to the same~. 他给我发了一封电报并写了一封意思相同的信。 to the effect that 大意是:A rumor was spread around to the~that the firm was in financial difficulties. 那家公司存在财政困难的传闻到处流传。The mayor's speech was to the~that the city would try to protect wildlife. 市长讲话的大意是那个城市将努力保护野生动物。He left a message to the~that he was resigning. 他留下一个口信,大意是说他准备辞职。 with effect from 从……开始生效:The secretary tendered his resignation,with~from the thirtieth of June. 秘书呈交了一份辞职书,说从6月30日辞去职务。 with/without effect 有效/无效(地):I spoke to him without any~; he went on just the same. 我对他说的话毫无用处,他依然我行我素。 vt 招(导)致,产生,实现,达到(make happen; bring about) [T+n] (fml):~a change/a compromise/an escape/a plan/a purpose/a recovery/a rescue/a revolution/a solution 产生变化/达成妥协/得以逃脱/实现计划/达到目的/得以康复/获救/引起革命/得到解决; The change was~ed peacefully. 这项变革平静地实现了。〖同〗 achieve,accomplish,cause,create,perform,produce,realize; 【注意】of no effect 一般只作表语,而to no effect则只用作状语。 【辨异】1) effect与consequence和result的区别见CONSEQUENCE。2)effect与affect和influence的区别见AFFECT。 |
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