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单词 play


n.,give and take. hand-to-hand struggle比赛,互斗,交手。
△H.V.4.8.115(109):“even play of battle.”i.e.equal hand-to-hand struggle. 平等的交手。 make one's play: win one's game at cards赢牌。
△H.VIII.1.4.46:“Yes,if I make my play.”(with animplication of love-making.) 是的,只要我(在玩牌或调情中)能耍赢的话。
2. love play,game of love爱情游戏。
△H.VIII.1.3.44:“beaten / A long time out of play,”在情场中早就败下阵来。


vt. play for,contend in a game for wager拿…打赌,以…赌输赢,押上(赌注)。
△H.V.4.Cho.18:“Theconfident and over-lusty French / Do the low-ratedEnglish play at dice;”信心十足而兴高采烈的法国人在掷骰子,拿被低估的英国人打赌。
△Tw.2.5.210 (190):“Shall Iplay my freedom at tray-trip,and become thy bondslave?”我要不要掷一回骰子赌我的自由,然后做你的奴隶?
~ vi.
1.make a wager打赌。
△Mer.3.2.214 (213):“We'llplay with them the first boy for a thousand ducats.”我们要跟他打赌一千块钱,看谁先生出一个男孩。
△Oth.4.3.86 (84): “and as many to the vantage aswould store the world they played for.”此外还有更多,足够塞满她们用冒险(双关:私通)换来的世界。
play false: ❶ act not honestly行为不正。
△Mer.1.2.47 (44):“played false with a smith.”跟一个铁匠私通。
❷ act treacherously做事奸诈。
△2H.VI.3.1.184: “Be-shrew the winners,for they played me false!”诅咒那些得胜者,因为他们对我使用了奸计!
play for: contend as in a game for (像在比赛中那样)为…而竞争。
△H.V.3.6.121(112):“for when lenity andcruelty play for a kingdom.”因为当宽厚和残暴在为一个王国而竞争的时候。
play off: toss off(a bumper),drink up (liquor),fin-ish把(满杯酒)一饮而尽,喝干(酒),干。
△1H.IV.2.4.17(16): “and when you breathe in your watering,theycry‘hem! ’and bid you play it off.”当你喝酒当中停下来喘口气,他们就会喊一声“嗨!”叫你干杯。
play the man: act the part of a warrior,show manlycourage像勇士那样行动,表现出男子汉的勇气。
△1H.VI.1.6.15: “All France will be replete with mirth andjoy. / When they shall hear how we have played themen.”当大家听说我们怎样英勇作战时,全法兰西都会充满了高兴和欢乐。
play the woman with one's eyes: i.e. weep用眼睛扮演妇女的角色,(指)流泪。
△Mac.4.3.229 (230): “O. Icould play the woman with mine eyes. / And braggartwith my tongue!”啊,我能用我的眼睛扮演妇女的角色,也能用舌头说出豪言壮语!


n. 比赛,运动,游戏剧本,表演 v.比赛开始,进行比赛,弹奏,演奏,试奏,扮演,播放,放音
◇come into play开始使用
fair play公平竞争
give (allow) full play to使充分发挥
play a part in参与
play along with参加
play at sight一看见乐谱就奏得出
play at sth.敷衍了事
play at胡闹
play away在外地比赛
play back放音
play by ear凭听觉记忆演奏
play even打成平局
play first fiddle担任首席小提琴手
play for the gallery作迎合观众趣味的表演
play in奏乐迎接
play music奏
play off使…相斗
play on继续演奏,利用
play second fiddle担任第 二小提琴手
play the ape模仿
play the drum打鼓
play the electronic piano弹电子琴
play the fool扮丑角
play the part of扮演
play the role of担任…角色
play the shot击球
play third fiddle跑龙套,扮演无足轻重的角色
play to the gallery作迎合观众趣味的表演
play up开始奏乐,夸大重要性,渲染
play with玩
play your shot at the weaker找较弱的对手
‖accompaniment play伴奏播放
assist play辅助演奏
auto play自动演奏
one-act play独幕剧,独幕话剧,独景戏
play & memory printer演奏记忆打印器
play a blinder(比赛中)表现得特别精彩
play a lone hand表演不精彩
play a match比赛
play a musical instrument演奏
play a round赛一次
play according to plan按计划走棋
play against the wind顶风踢
play an exemplary role以身作则
play assist辅助演奏
play at one goal半场比赛
play back把球打回给对方
playback loudspeaker播音室扬声器
play ball开始比赛
play book剧本,脚本
play boy花花公子
play by instinct凭本能打
play by thought比赛中动脑
play centre游戏中心
play chess下棋
play cricket打板球
play day比赛日
play deep后退防守,守场员移后防守
play doctor修改剧本其使适于上演的人
play down a severe slope击中斜坡球
play ducks and drakes玩打水漂游戏
play equal attention to并重
play fairly公平地比赛,光明正大地比赛
play false弄虚作假
play favoritism and practise fraud徇私舞弊
play field球场
play football踢足球
play for an opening促使对方出漏洞的打法
play for side line边线打法
play forward向后(前)打球
play foul比赛中犯规
play from slope斜面击球 play games敷衍塞责
play ground体育场,运动场
play group游戏团体
play groups幼儿游戏组
play hall比赛厅
play house剧场
play in bunt安打触击球,轻击安打
play in the center争夺中心
play in the finals参加决赛
play into each other’s hands钩心斗角
play into the net打落网
play key播放键
play leader游戏指导员
play mate伙伴
play music奏乐
play of colours幻色
play of power权力游戏
play off a draw (match)加赛以决胜负
play off the ball无球活动
play over one’s head得到预料不到的好成绩
play pattern进攻配合,进攻方式,进攻阵式
play period游戏期
play phase比赛片断
play rough比赛时做粗野动作
play safe打保险球
play school游戏学校
play shallow近迫防守
play short shot into the wind风中击短球play short近迫防守,游击手
play someone’s eyes观察某人的视线而行动
play stage游戏阶段
play tall打球时抬高重心
play-the-ball rule比赛再开始的规则
play the game遵守比赛规则
play the like差一击时击球play the market操纵市场
play the odd击数相同后击球play theory游戏理论,游戏说
play therapy游戏治疗
play thing玩物
play time课间休息时间
play tricks耍花招
play up severe slope击中斜坡球
play way游戏方式
play with the wind顺风踢
play writing剧本创作
played out使筋疲力尽
playing a half volley击反弹球
playing area比赛场地,比赛区
playing captain比赛队长,场上队长
playing cards纸牌,玩扑克
playing condition竞技状态
playing contingent一个队中的运动员
playing course球场
playing court界内场地,球场
playing field室外比赛场地,运动场
playing floor比赛球场
playing for medals锦标主义
playing hooky逃学
playing manager队员兼管理员
playing member参加比赛的队员
playing on the swing荡秋千
playing order比赛顺序
playing out of thick rough把球击出场上的障碍区
playing pool球场
playing position站位
playing rules比赛规则
playing space比赛场地面积
playing surface台面
playing time实际比赛时间
playing uniform比赛服装
playable adj.可演奏的
playact v.表演,装扮
playactor n.演员
playback n.录音重放,播放
playbill n.戏单,节目单
playbill[ˈpleibil]n. 节目单,海报
playbook n. 剧本,剧本集
playboy n.playdom n.戏剧界
playboy n. 寻欢作乐的女子,花花公子
Playboy(美国) 《花花公子》 (月刊)/playboy philosophy 花花公子哲 学
play-by-play adj.(尤指对体育比赛)详细报道的 n. 比赛详情
playclub n. 击球杆
play-club 1号铁头球棒
playdate[ˈpleideit]n. 影片等的上映期
playday n. 非正式比赛
playdom n.戏剧界
playdown n. (平局后的)加时决赛
playmaker n.(篮球、曲棍球等)场上组织进攻的队员
player n.选手,球员,演奏者
player foul队员技术犯规
player in possession获得球的队员
player in the box投手
player in uniform场上队员
player movement队员的场上移动,跑动
player off the ball丢球队员
player without the ball无球队员
player’s line跑垒员限制线
players in uniform上场队员
players’bench 替补员席,运动员席
playgoer n. 爱看戏的人
playhouse n.剧场
playlet[ˈpleilit]n. 短剧,小戏
playmate n.伙伴
play-off n.最后决赛,加赛
polyphonic n. 复 音 键 盘
playsuit n.运动装
playwrite v.把…写成剧本
playwriter n.剧作家
playwriting n.剧本创作,编写剧本





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