释义 |
pionern. 1. pioneer.i.e. soldier who preceded the main armyto clear the way with spade or pickaxe: militarytrench-digger,digger of the mines 开路的工兵,挖战壕的工兵,坑道工兵。 △Ham.1.5.162:“Well said,old mole,canst work i' th'(i.e.in the) earth so fast? / A worthy pioner!”说得好,老田鼠! 你钻地能这么快呀?真是一个好工兵! (又译:好一个开路先锋!) △H.V.3.2.95(86):“How now. Captain Macmorris,have quit(i.e.left)the mines? Have the pioners given o’er?” i.e.Havethe diggers of the mines stopped working?怎么,麦克摩里斯上尉,你离开地道了? 工兵们不干了吗? 2. military trench-digger(then considered the lowestrank of soldier. primarily used for manual labour. notfighting)工兵(当时被认为最下等的士兵,主要用于体力劳动,而不作战)。 △Oth. 3. 3. 346 (345):“I had been happy,ifthe general camp,/ Pioners and all,had tasted hersweet body. / So I had nothing known.”哪怕全营的兵士,包括工兵什么的,都品尝过她的玉体,只要我一点也不知道,我还是照样快乐。 |