piercevt. 1. affect. touch,move deeply 影响,触动,深深感动。 △Lr.4.3.11(9):“Did your letters pierce the Queento any demonstration of grief?”你那封信可曾感动了王后,引得她有什么悲痛的表示吗? △Mer.4.1.126: “Can noprayers pierce thee?”难道什么恳求都不能打动你吗? 2. reach and relieve by a surgeon's lancet,cure(被外科医生的柳叶刀)刺及并解除(病痛),治愈 。 △Oth.1.3.218:“But words are words;I never yet did hear / That thebruised heart was pierced through the ear.”i.e. thebroken heart was cured by words. 但是空话毕竟是空话,我从来没有听说过:耳朵里听些空话就能治疗心灵的创伤。 ~vi. penetrate看穿,洞察。 △Lr.1.4.370 (345):“Howfar your eyes may pierce I cannot tell.”你的眼光能看多远,我不知道。 △H.VIII.1.1.67:“What heaven hathgiven him: let some graver eye / Pierce into that.”到底上天赐给了他什么,这件事让比我眼光更敏锐的人去探明究竟吧。 pierce[piəs]v.刺穿,刺破,穿透,洞穿,突破,深深感动 ◇pierce into突破 pierce through突破 ‖ piercing shell穿甲弹 pierce the block突破拦网 pierce the defiance penetrate the defiance突破防守 pierced decoration玲珑装饰 piercing without the ball不带球插入 piercing with the ball带球插入 Pierian spring诗泉 |