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单词 piece


1.masterpiece, 杰作,(指)人。
△Lr.4.6.138(134): “O ruined piece of nature!”啊,毁灭了的自然的杰作! (按:指疯狂后的李尔王。)
2. masterpiece of person,personage 杰出的人,人物。
△H.VIII.5.5.26 (5.4.25): “All princely graces/That mould up such a mighty piece as this is,/ Withall the virtues that attend the good,/ Shall still bedoubled on her.”铸造成这么一位伟大人杰的全部帝王圣德,连同善良人所具有的一切美德,将来在她身上还要不断与日俱增。
3. i.e. piece of cloth 一块布。
△H.VIII. 4.1.79: “Noman living / Could say,‘This is my wife’ there,all were woven / So strangely in one piece.”在那个地方,没有哪个男人能说“这是我的老婆”,因为大家都奇奇怪怪地交织在一起了,简直成了一块布。
4. weapon,firearm 武器,火器。
△2H.IV.3.2.304(281):“and 'a would manage you his piece thus,”他这样拿着他的枪。


vb. piece out:
1. eke out. add to. augment 弥补…的不足,增加,增添。
△Lr.3.6.2:“I will piece out the comfort with whataddition I can.”我再去设法添点东西,好让这里更舒服一些。
2. make up. supplement. complete,improve补足,增补,使完满,改进。
△H.VI.1.Prol.23:“Piece out our im-perfections with your thoughts;”用你们的想像来弥补我们的不足。
3. make good证实。
△Wiv.3.2.35(34): “He piecesour his wife's inclination:”他探测出了他的妻子的意向。


n.件,片段,张,作品,画,棋子,块,片 v. 接合
◇a piece of cake非常容易
by the piece一块
go to pieces跨下来
in one piece安然无恙
piece by piece一点一点地
piece together拼凑
say one’s piece直言不讳
‖ one piece上下连身的衣服
piece centralization 子力向中心集中
piece concentration on the wing侧翼子力集中
piece in a forward position前哨棋子
piece of foreign exchange外汇票据
piece of money货币(单位)/ piece of the ball球被棒击中的部位
piece rate按件计酬
piece rate wage计件工资
piece-rated worker按件计薪工人,件工
piece rates计件工资
piece wages计件工资
piece work计件工作
piece work system计件工资制
piecework wage计件工资
piece worker计件工人
set piece固定形式艺术品
show piece展览品
splice piece镶接板 tail piece补白花饰
pieces of mechanical equipment划船练习支架





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