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单词 pick


1. cull,select 采集,挑选。
△Oth.4.3.108 (105):“Notto pick fr om bad,but by bad mend.”i. e. Not to learnbad ways from bad examples but to improve myselffrom them. 不要跟着坏事学坏,而要引它们为戒。
2. gather,select carefully,find out 搜集,细选,找出。
△H.V.2.4.85:“’Tis no sinister nor no awkward claim,/ Picked from the worm-holes of long-vanisheddays,”这并不是从古老岁月留下的虫蛀文件里所搜寻的什么不合法的或者强词夺理的要求。
3. seek 寻找。
△1H.IV.3.3.75 (66):“you owe memoney,Sir John,and now you pick a quarrel to be-guile me of it.”你欠我钱,约翰爵士,现在你来找茬儿吵架,想把我的钱赖掉。
4. steal from,steal 从…偷盗,偷盗。
△1H.IV.3.3.111(97): “The other night I fell asleep here behind thearras and had my pocket picked.”前天晚上我在帐幔后面睡着了,口袋让人给掏了。


v.精选,挑选,拣,采,绘画修改,(用笔尖) 挑 (颜料) n.精华
◇pick a hole in挑毛病
pick a pocket扒窃
pick off牵制,断球
pick on挑选
pick one’s pockets扒窃
pick out挑选,选择
pick out sb.’s dossier投档 pick out sb.’s documents投档
pick to pieces把…撕成碎片
pick up 拾起,地面装载,截获,接收,收听,归置
pick up a pass接传球
pick up a rebound接反弹球
pick up speed加快速度
pick up the dribble停止运球
‖ pick and roll掩护转身切入
pick and shovel掘击
pick out and buy选购
pick the leg off the block使腿抬离起跑器
pick-up by arm and leg hold握臂抱腿提
pickup game选拔赛
pick-up point开始盯人的地方
pick up team选拔队,优秀运动员队
with pick屈体
picked men精兵
picked troops精锐部队
pickoff n. 以牵制球使出局,传感器
pickproof adj.防撬窃的
picky adj.吹毛求疵的,好挑剔的
picking n.配货
picking list配货单





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