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单词 phrases:


ill affected: ill-disposed. intent on evil; disaffected存心不良,成心作恶;(又解)不忠的。
△Lr.2.1.100 (98):“Nomarvel then,though he were ill affected.” i.e. It isno wonder,then,that he was intent on evil.那就难怪他存心变得那样坏。
stand affected: be disposed有意,同意。
△R.III.3.1.170: “And,as it were far off,sound thou LordHastings / How he doth stand affected to our pur-pose,”你只消从旁间接地试探一下海斯丁斯大人,看他是否同意我们的计划。
△Gent.1.3. 60:“how stand you affectedto his wish?”你对于他的愿望有什么想法呢?


black agents: agents of darkness,evil beings黑暗的力量,邪恶的东西。
△Mac.3.2.53:“night’s black agents”,i.e.evil beings that act in the night: evil spirits,rob-bers,murderers,wild beasts,etc.黑夜的邪恶势力(指恶鬼、强盗、杀人犯、野兽等)。
black and blue: soundly,thoroughly 结结实实地,彻底地。
△Tw.2. 5.12(10):“we will fool him black and blue,”我们要把他结结实实地作弄一番。Black Monday: Easter Monday. The origin of thename is thus explained in Stow’s Chronicle:“In the34th year of Edward Ⅲ(i.e.1360),the 14th of April,and the morrow after Easter-day,King Edward,withhis host,lay before the city of Paris; which day wasfull dark of mist and hail,and so bitter cold,thatmany men died on their horses’ backs with the cold.Wherefore unto this day it hath been called the BlackMonday.”黑礼拜一。指复活节的礼拜一。关于此名称的起源,斯托的《编年史》这样记载:“爱德华三世在位第三十四年(1360年)4月14日,复活节的第二天,英王爱德华率军兵临巴黎城下,其日天昏地暗,迷雾四布,又有冰雹,气候奇冷,将士冻死在马背上者不计其数。从此该日(复活节的星期一)被称为‘黑礼拜一’。”
△Mer.2.5. 24: “then it was not for nothing that mynose fell a-bleeding on Black Monday last at sixo’clock i’ th’ morning,”那就怪不得我在上一个黑礼拜一早上六点钟会流起鼻血来啦。
“Black Spirits,etc.”: A song from “The Witch” byThomas Middleton (1570-1627),beginning:“Blackspirit and white,red spirit and gray,/ Mingle,min-gle,you that mingle may!”《黑色的精灵》,莎士比亚同时代剧作家密德顿的剧本《女巫》中的一首歌。
△Mac.4.1.43 s.d.:“Music and a song ‘Black Spirits,etc.’”乐起,唱《黑色的精灵》等。


blow one’s nails: twiddle one’s thumbs; wait patient-ly抚弄自己的拇指:耐心等待,自己想法子消遣。
△Shr.1.1.107:“but we may blow our nails together,”但是我们可以勉强忍耐。
blow up: inflate使膨胀。
△1H.Ⅳ.2.4.370 (331):“Aplague of(=on)sighing and grief,it blows a man uplike a bladder.”该死的叹气忧愁,它把一个人吹得膨胀起来,变成一个大尿泡了。


blue coat: customary garb or livery of servingmen inShakespeare’s time蓝制服(仆人的服装)。
△1H.VI.1.30.s.d.: “Enter Gloucester with his Servingmen inblue coats.”葛罗斯特与其几个穿蓝制服的仆人上。
△Shr.4.1.93 (91):“their blue coats brushed,”刷干净他们的蓝色上装。
blue eye: eye with dark rings round it 眼圈发黑的眼睛。
△As.3.2.397(373): “a blue eye and sunken,which you have not:”眼圈发黑而且深陷的眼睛,你没有。


gross and scope: general scope,general drift总的范围,大致倾向。
△Ham.1.1. 68: “But in the gross andscope of mine opinion,” i.e. speaking generally,myopinion is that. 但是大致说来,我的看法是…。
gross terms: vulgar words,coarse language粗俗字眼儿,粗鲁语言。
△2H.IV.4.4.73:“So,like gross terms,”因此,就像对于粗俗字眼儿。


habit of doctors: costumes of doctors,i.e.furredblack gowns and flat caps worn by doctors of law 博士服,(指)法学博士所穿戴的黑皮袍和方帽。
△H.VIII.2.4.0.s.d.:“next them,two Scribes,in the habit of doc-tors;”随后是穿戴博士袍冠的书记官二人。
habit of encounter: mode of social intercourse,man-ner of addresses 社交风尚,谈吐方式。
△Ham.5. 2.198(190):“and out of an habit of encounter,”从社交风尚之中。
habits devil: devilish habits,evil habits,bad habits 罪恶习惯,恶习。
△Ham.3.4.161:“That monster,cus-tom,who all sense doth eat,/ Of habits devil,“i. e.That monster,custom,who destroys all perception ofevil habits. 习惯,那怪物,能吞掉我们对于恶习的一切知觉。


have judgement: be brought to the bar and sen-tenced,be punished受审判,受惩罚。
△Mac.1.7.7:“But in these cases / We still have judgement here,”但是在这些事情上我们总会受到现世的裁判。
judgement by: (blunder for) governed by the judge-ment of (错用为)听从…的判断。
△Wiv.3.1.97 (95):“I’ll be judgement by mine host of the Garter.”我可以请“吊袜带”酒店老板来说句公平话。


below the moon: sublunary. worldly. material在月下的,尘世的,物质的。
△H.VIII.3.2.134 (133): “but I amafraid / His thinkings are below the moon,notworth / His serious considering.”但是我恐怕他想的都是尘世上的俗事,并不值得他去认真考虑。
beneath the moon: in the world在尘世上。
△Lr.4.6.27 (26):“For all beneath the moon / Would I not leapupright.”就是把尘世上所有的一切都许给我,我也不愿往上跳。that time of moon: According to an old belief,themoon may produce a bad influence on people’s tem-pers. and lunatics were supposed to be at their worstat full moon. 那种(使人发疯的)满月时分。(旧时迷信,认为月光对人的脾气会产生不利影响,而在满月时则神经错乱者最为疯狂。)
△Tw.1.5.213 (200): “ ’Tis not that time ofmoon with me to make one in so skipping a dialogue.”i.e.I am not at present so under the influence of themoon. and so lunatic,etc. 此时此刻我自己并没有发疯,不想参加这种疯疯癫癫的谈话。


a piece of: something like有点像。
△Ham.1.1.19:“A piece of him.”Something like him. 有点像他。
piece of flesh: human being人。
△Ado.4.2.88(82):“as pretty a piece of flesh as any is in Messina,”在麦西那也是不比人差的 一个漂漂亮亮的人儿。
piece of work: work of art,masterpiece艺术作品,杰作。
△Ham.2.2.323 (303):“What a piece of work is aman!”人是多么了不起的一件杰作!
△Ham.3.2.51(46):“Will the King hear this piece of work?”国王愿意来听这出好戏吗?


puissant host: powerful army强大的军队。
△3H.VI.2.1.207:“The Queen is coming with a puissant host;”王后带着一支强大的军队开过来了。
puissant pike: heavy pike. long pike长矛。
△H.V.41.40:“Trail'st thou the puissant pike?” i.e.Are youan infantryman? (“To trail a pike” was the commonphrase for “to be an infantryman”.) 你是拖长矛的吗?(意即:你是步兵吗?)


pull down: ❶demolish拆毁。
△2H.VI.4.7.1:“Nowgo some and pull down the Savoy: others to the Innsof Court; down with them all!”现在去几个人把萨伏伊宫捣毁;其他人去法学院;把它们全拆掉!
△2H.VI.1.1.260 (259): “Whose bookish rulehath pulled fair England down.”他那书生气十足的统治使得美好的英格兰蒙受了耻辱。
pull in: rein in,check,restrain勒紧缰绳,控制,抑制。
△ Mac.5.5.42 (41): “I pull in resolution,andbegin /To doubt the equivocation of the fiend / Thatlies like truth.”我不再放纵我的决心,开始怀疑魔鬼所说的像是真理的模棱两可的活了。
pull off: take off脱掉,拿去。
△Mac.5.3.54:“Pull ’toff,I say.”(Speaking to Seyton) Take off some partof his armour. 喂,把它脱下来。


run against: go against 违背。
△Mac.4.2.13:“As lit-tle is the wisdom,where the flight / So runs againstall reason.”也没有一点明智,因为他这样逃跑违背了一切情理。run a-tilt at: make a lance charge at,joust with 向…挺矛冲刺,与…用长矛骑马比武。
△1H.VI.3.2.50:“Whatwill you do. good greybeard? Break a lance / And runa-tilt at Death within a chair?” (within: sitting in)你要干什么,老头儿? 要坐在轿子里跟死神挺枪比武吗?
run before: take precedence of居于…的领先地位,先行于…
△H.V.1.2.302: “For we have no thought in usbut France. / Save those to God,that run before ourbusiness.”因为现在我想的只有法兰西,除了还想到上帝,那是在做什么事情之前首先要想的。
run in: incur,arouse招致,引起。
is run in: has incurred,has aroused 招致了,引起了。
△H.VIII.1.2.109: “I am sorry that the Duke ofBuckingham / Is run in your displeasure.”我很难过,白金汉公爵惹你生了气。
run over: ❶ overflow漫出。
△H.VIII.1.1.144:“Thefire that mounts the liquor till't run o'er”. 大火把水煮得沸腾以致漫出来。
❷think over,review 仔细考虑,复查。
△H.VIII.3.2.138 (137): “You are full of heavenlystuff,and bear the inventory / Of your best graces inyour mind; the which / You were now running o'er.”你浑身上下都充满了神圣的品质,你心里还装着你的许许多多高尚美德的清单;对这些东西你刚才一定还在查点吧。
run through: go through; narrate仔细检查;叙述。
△Oth.1.3.132: “I ran it through,even from myboyish days / To the very moment that he bade metell it;”我就原原本本从我的童年时代一直讲到他要我讲的那时为止。


and though: even if即使。
△2H.IV. 4. 2. 44: “Andthough we here fall down,”即使我们在这里失败了。
though that: although虽然,尽管。
△Tw. 1. 2. 46 (48):“And though that nature with a beauteous wall / Dothoft close in pollution,” i. e. although nature often sur-rounds foulness with a beautiful enclosure,i. e. whatis beautiful outside is not beautiful inside. 虽然大自然常常用 层美丽的围墙来包藏污秽的东西。
△Lr. 4. 6. 220(214): “Though that the Queen on special cause ishere,/ Her army is moved on. ” (Cordelia is lookingfor her father,and has left the advancing French ar-my. )虽然王后为了特别的原因还留在这里,她的军队已经开出去了。


throw out one’s eyes for: look eagerly for热切地企盼。
△Oth. 2. 1. 38:“As to throw out our eyes for brave Othello,”放眼企盼英勇的奥瑟罗。
throw up: raise抬起。
△3H. VI. 2. 5. 84:“Ah. boy. ifany life be left in thee,/ Throw up thine eye!”啊,孩子,要是你还活着,抬起你的眼睛吧!
throwing about of brains: controversy 论战。
△ Ham.2. 2. 383 (358):“O. there has been much throwing a-bout of brains.”啊,在这场交锋里,许多人都投入了大量心血。





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