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单词 philosopher


n. natural philosopher,scientist 自然哲学家,科学家。
△Lr.3.4.158 (154):“First let me talkwith this philosopher,/ What is the cause of thun-der?”先让我跟这位科学家谈一谈,打雷的原因是什么?
philosopher’s stone: i.e. goal of alchemy which wassupposed to change base metals to gold and give youthand immortality to those who drank as an elixir 哲人之石(古代炼金术士所炼的丹药,传说可以点铁成金,饮用之可以长生不老)。
△2H.IV.3.2.357 (329): “and’t ( = it) shallgo hard but I’ll make him a philosopher’s two stonesto me.” i.e. I will assuredly make him twice theworth of the philosopher’s stone. 说什么我也要把他变得比哲人之石还要贵重两倍,供我使用。


‖design philosophy设计哲理
philosopher king哲人王
philosopher-aestheticism n. 哲学家型的美学家
philosopher-prophet n.哲人,先知
philosophers’ stone点金石
philosopher-scientist n. 哲学家型的科学家
philosophia (pl. philosophiae) n. 哲学,哲学问题
philosophia naturalis自然哲学
philosophic psychology哲学心理学
philosophic (al) adj.哲学(上)的,精通哲学的
philosophic theory 哲学理论
philosophic thinking哲学思想
philosophical analysis哲学分析
philosophical anthropology哲学人类学
philosophical anthropology of education哲学教育人类学
philosophical breakthrough哲学突破
philosophical circle哲学循环
philosophical despotism哲学的专制
philosophical discipline哲学学科
philosophical encyclopedia哲学百科全书
philosophical grammar哲学语法
philosophical ideas of nature关于自然的哲学概念
philosophical intuitionism哲学直觉主义
philosophical logic哲学的逻辑
philosophical profession哲学界
philosophical radicals哲学上的激进主义者
philosophical schools of thought哲学思想学派
philosophical system哲学体系
philosophical theorizing哲学的理论探讨
philosophical thicket哲学的难题
philosophical worry哲学上令人苦恼的难题
philosophise=philosophize v. 进行哲学探讨,哲学思索
philosophiser=philosophizer n. 哲理家
philosophism n. 哲学的思索,虚伪的哲学
philosophy n.哲学,哲理,人生观,基本原则
philosophy of action行动哲学
philosophy of anxiety焦虑哲学
philosophy of art艺术哲学
philosophy of beauty and art美学
philosophy of common sense常识哲学
philosophy of consciousness意识哲学
philosophy of consensus协商一致的指导原则
philosophy of craft技艺哲学
philosophy of culture文化哲学
philosophy of discontinuity不连续哲学
philosophy of education教育哲学
philosophy of evolutionism进化哲学
philosophy of existence存在哲学
philosophy of grammar语法原理
philosophy of history历史哲学
philosophy of human nature人性哲学
philosophy of jurisprudence法律哲学
philosophy of language语言哲学
philosophy of law法律哲学philosophy of life人生哲学
philosophy of living处世哲学
philosophy of logic逻辑哲学
philosophy of Marxism马克思主义哲学
philosophy of mathematics数学哲理
philosophy of medicine医学哲理
philosophy of mind心智哲学
philosophy of nature自然哲学
philosophy of organism有机体哲学
philosophy of praxis实践哲学
philosophy of process过程哲学
philosophy of religion宗教哲学
philosophy of science科学哲学
philosophy of science and technology科学技术哲学
philosophy of social science社会科学的哲学
philosophy of sociology社会学的哲学
philosophy of spiritual life精神生活哲学
philosophy of the enlightenment启蒙哲学
philosophy of things事实的哲学
philosophy of unconscious无意识的哲学
philosophy of value价值哲学





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